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# Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context
# the calling context for a call managed by the endpoint

use strict;
use warnings;

package Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context;

use fields (

    # ===== can be set with new()
    'method',  # initiated by which method
    'from',    # from where
    'to',      # to where
    'auth',    # [ user,pass ] or { realm1 => [ user1,pass1 ], realm2 => [ user2,pass2 ],... }
	       # or callback(realm,user)->pass
	       # if given, handle_response might automatically try to authorize requests
    'contact', # optional local contact
    'remote_contact', # remote contact from response
    'callid',  # call-id value
    'cseq',    # number in cseq header
    'route',   # for 'route' header, comes usually from 'record-route' info in response
    'via',     # for 'via' header in created responses, comes from incoming request
    'incoming', # flag if call is incoming, e.g. 'to' is myself
    'local_tag', # local tag which gets assigned to either from or to depending on incoming

    # ===== Internals
    # \@array of hashrefs for infos about pending transactions
    # arrayref specifying a user defined callback for request success or failure
    # cseq counter for incoming requests
    # last request in current incoming transaction


use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Net::SIP::Request;
use Net::SIP::Response;
use Net::SIP::Debug;
use Errno qw( EINVAL EPERM EFAULT );
use Hash::Util 'lock_keys';
use List::Util 'first';
use Net::SIP::Util ':all';

# Creates new context
# Args: ($class,@args)
#   @args: either single \%args (hash-ref) or %args (hash) with at least
#     values for from and to
#     callid,cseq will be generated if not given
#     routes will default to undef and usually set from record-route header
#     in response packets
# Returns: $self
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{ shift(@_) } : @_;
    my $self = fields::new( $class );
    %$self = %args;
    $self->{callid} ||= md5_hex( time(), rand(2**32) );
    $self->{cseq} ||= 0;
    $self->{_transactions} = [];
    $self->{_cseq_incoming} = undef;

    # create tag on my side (to|from)
    my $side = $self->{incoming} ? 'to':'from';
    my ($data,$param) = sip_hdrval2parts( $side => $self->{$side} );
    if ( my $tag = $param->{tag} ) {
	# FIXME: what to do if local_tag was already set to different value?
	$self->{local_tag} = $tag;
    } else {
	    $self->{local_tag} = md5_hex( time(), rand(2**32), $self->{$side} )

    DEBUG( 100,"CREATE context $self callid=$self->{callid}" );
    return $self

# destroying of fields in perl5.8 cleanup can cause strange errors, where
# it complains, that it cannot coerce array into hash. So use this function
# on your own risks and rename it to DETSTROY if you want to have debugging
# info
sub _DESTROY {
    DEBUG( 100,"DESTROY context $_[0] callid=$_[0]->{callid}" );

# returns callid for context
# Args: $self
# Returns: $id
sub callid {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    return $self->{callid};

# get peer
# Args: $self
# Returns: $peer
#  $peer: for incoming calls this is 'from', for outgoing 'to'
sub peer {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    my $peer = $self->{incoming} ? $self->{from} : $self->{to};
    my ($data) = sip_hdrval2parts( from => $peer ); # strip parameters like tag etc
    return $data;

# return list of outstanding requests matching filter, if no filter is given
# returns all requests
# Args: ($self,%filter)
#  %filter
#     method => name: filter for requests with given method
#     request => packet: filter for packet, e.g. finds if packet is outstanding
# Returns: @requests
#   returns all matching requests (Net::SIP::Request objects), newest
#   requests first
sub find_outstanding_requests {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    my %filter = @_;
    my @trans = @{$self->{_transactions}} or return;
    if ( my $pkt = $filter{request} ) {
	@trans = grep { $pkt == $_->{request} } @trans or return;
    if ( my $method = $filter{method} ) {
	@trans = grep { $method eq $_->{request}->method } @trans or return;
    return map { $_->{request} } @trans;

# creates a new SIP request packet within this context
# Args: ($self,$method;$body,%args)
#   $method: method for request, eg 'INVITE','BYE'...
#      or already a Net::SIP::Request object
#   $body: (optional) body for SIP packet
#   %args: (optional) additional args given to Net::SIP::Request->new
# Returns: $request
#   $request: Net::SIP::Request object
sub new_request {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    my ($method,$body,%args) = @_;

    my $rsp40x = delete $args{resp40x};

    my $request;
    if ( ref($method)) {
	# already a request object
	$request = $method;
	$method = $request->method;

    } else {

	# increase cseq unless its explicitly specified
	# the latter case is useful for ACK and CANCEL
	# which need the same sequence number as the INVITE
	# they belong to
	my $cseq = delete $args{cseq} || ++$self->{cseq};

	$method = uc($method);
	my $uri = delete $args{uri};
	my ($to,$from) = $self->{incoming} ? ($self->{from},$self->{to})
	    : ($self->{to},$self->{from});
	if ( !$uri ) {
	    ($uri) = sip_hdrval2parts( to => $self->{remote_contact}||$to);
	    # XXX handle quotes right, e.g "<bla>" <>
	    $uri = $1 if $uri =~m{<(\S+)>$};

	# contact is mandatory for INVITE
	# will be added within Leg

	$request = Net::SIP::Request->new(
	    $method,     # Method
	    $uri,        # URI
		from => $from,
		to => $to,
		$self->{contact} ? ( contact => $self->{contact} ):(),
		cseq => "$cseq $method",
		'call-id' => $self->{callid},
		'max-forwards' => 70,

    # overwrite any route header in request if we already learned a route
    $request->set_header( route => $self->{route} ) if $self->{route};

    if ( $rsp40x and $self->{auth} and $request->authorize( $rsp40x, $self->{auth} )) {
	# update local cseq
	($self->{cseq}) = $request->cseq =~m{(\d+)};

    # create new transaction
    my %trans = (
	tid      => $request->tid,
	request  => $request,
	callback => $self->{_callback},
    unshift @{ $self->{_transactions} }, \%trans; # put as first

    return $request;

# set callback for context
# Args: ($self,$cb)
#  $cb: [ \&sub,@arg ]
# Returns: NONE
sub set_callback {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    $self->{_callback} = shift;

# notify context that current delivery is permanently done (e.g successful
# or failed). On failure call current callback to notify upper layer about
# permanent failure of request
# This is used for errors from the transport layer, errors from the SIP
# layer (e.g response with 400 Bad request) are handled by handle_response()
# Args: ($self,$tid;$error)
#  $tid: Transaction ID
#  $error: errno if error occured
# Returns: NONE
sub request_delivery_done {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    my ($endpoint,$tid,$error) = @_;
    return if ! $error; # notify of success once I get response

    my $trans = $self->{_transactions};
    my @ntrans;
    foreach my $tr (@$trans) {
	if ( $tr->{tid} eq $tid ) {
	    $self->{_transactions} = \@ntrans;
	    if ( my $cb = $tr->{callback} ) {
		# permanently failed
		invoke_callback( $cb,$endpoint,$self,$error );
	} else {
	    push @ntrans,$tr

# handle response packet for this context
# cseq of response must match the cseq of the current delivery!
# if there is no current delivery or the cseq does not match the response
# gets dropped
# Args: ($self,$response,$leg,$from,$endpoint)
#    $response: incoming Net::SIP::Response packet
#    $leg: Net::SIP::Leg through which the response came in
#    $from: ip:port where response came in
#    $endpoint: endpoint responsable for this context, used for redeliveries...
# Returns: NONE
sub handle_response {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    my ($response,$leg,$from,$endpoint) = @_;

    # find and remove transaction because I got response for it
    # if response does not terminates transaction one need to add
    # it again
    my $tid = $response->tid;
    my $method = $response->method;
    my $trans = $self->{_transactions};
    my (@ntrans,$tr);
    foreach my $t (@$trans) {
	if ( !$tr and $t->{tid} eq $tid and $method eq $t->{request}->method) {
	    $tr = $t;
	} else {
	    push @ntrans,$t
    $tr || do {
	# no delivery pending
	DEBUG( 10,"got response for unkown transaction. DROP" );
    $self->{_transactions} = \@ntrans;

    DEBUG( 10,"got response for transaction ".$tr->{request}->dump );

    # match response to client transaction, RFC3261 17.1.3
    # check if the response came in through the same leg, where the
    # request was send, e.g that the branch tag is the same
    $leg->check_via( $response ) || do {
	DEBUG( 10,"response came in through the wrong leg" );

    my $cb = $tr->{callback};
    my @arg = ($endpoint,$self);
    my $code = $response->code;

    # for 300-699 an ACK must be created (RFC3261,
    # notification of upper layer will be done down in the method
    # XXXXXXXXXXXXXX do we need to wait that the ACK was accepted
    # XXXXXXXXXXXXXX before sending new request??
    # XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (e.g for 401,407,302..)
    if ( $method eq 'INVITE' && $code>=300 ) {
	# must create ACK
	DEBUG( 50,"code=$code, must generate ACK" );
	my $ack = $tr->{request}->create_ack( $response );
	$endpoint->new_request( $ack,$self,undef,undef,leg => $leg, dst_addr => $from );

    # transaction is not done
    if ( $code =~m{^1\d\d} ) {
	push @ntrans,$tr;

	# forward preliminary responses to INVITE to app
	# ignore all other preliminary responses
	if ( $method eq 'INVITE' ) {

    # Authorization required
    if ( $code == 401 || $code == 407 ) {
	my $r = $tr->{request};
	my $auth = $self->{auth};
	if ( $auth && $r->authorize( $response, $auth )) {
	    DEBUG(10,"retrying with authorization");
	    # found something to authorize
	    # redo request
	    # update local cseq from cseq in request
	    ($self->{cseq}) = $r->cseq =~m{(\d+)};
	    $endpoint->new_request( $r,$self );
	} else {
	    # need user feedback
	    DEBUG(10,"no (usable) authorization data available");

    # Don't care about the response for a CANCEL  or a BYE
    # because this connection close is issued by this side
    # and no matter what the peer wants the call be will closed
    # But invoke callback to notify upper layer
    if ( $method eq 'CANCEL' or $method eq 'BYE' ) {
	# close context only for BYE,
	# for CANCEL we will close the context on receiving the
	# response and sending the ACK
	$endpoint->close_context( $self ) if $method eq 'BYE';

    # final response in non-dialog (only INVITE can create dialog)
    if ( $self->{method} ne 'INVITE' and
	($code>=200 and $code<300 or $code>=400)) {

    if ( $code =~m{^2\d\d} ) {
	# 2xx OK

	if ( $method eq 'INVITE' ) {
	    # is response to INVITE, create ACK
	    # and propagate to upper layer
	    my $req = $tr->{request};

	    # extract route information on INVIE, but not on re-INVITE
	    # we assume, that it is a re-INVITE, if we have a remote_contact
	    # already
	    if ( ! $self->{remote_contact}
		and my @route = $response->get_header( 'record-route' )) {
		$self->{route} = [ reverse @route ];

	    # 12.1.2 - set URI for dialog to contact given in response which
	    # establishes the dialog
	    if ( my $contact = $response->get_header( 'contact' )) {
		$contact = $1 if $contact =~m{<(\w+:[^>\s]+)>};
		$self->{remote_contact} = $contact;
		$req->set_uri( $contact );


	    # use to-tag from this request to update 'to'
	    # FIXME: this should probably be better done by the upper layer
	    # which decides, which call to accept (in case of call-forking with
	    # multiple 2xx responses)
	    $self->{to} = $response->get_header( 'to' ) if ! $self->{incoming};

	    # create ACK
	    # if 2xx response changed contact use it as the new URI
	    my $ack = $req->create_ack( $response );
	    $endpoint->new_request( $ack,$self,undef,undef,leg => $leg, dst_addr => $from );

	} else {
	    # response to ACK, REGISTER...
	    # simply propagate to upper layer, only INVITE needs
	    # special handling

    } elsif ( $code == 300 || $code == 301 ) {
	# need user feedback in these cases
	# 21.3.1 300 multiple choices
	# 21.3.2 301 moved permanently

    } elsif ( $code == 302 ) {
	# 21.3.3 302 moved temporarily
	# redo request and insert request again
	my $contact = $self->{to} = $response->get_header( 'contact' );
	$contact = $1 if $contact =~m{<(\w+:[^>\s]+)>};
	$self->{remote_contact} = $contact;
	( my $r = $tr->{request} )->set_uri( $contact );
	$r->set_cseq( ++$self->{cseq} );
	$endpoint->new_request( $r,$self );

    } elsif ( $code == 305 ) {
	# 21.3.4 305 use proxy
	# set proxy as the first route and insert request again
	my $route = $self->{route} ||= [];
	unshift @$route,$response->get_header( 'contact' );
	( my $r = $tr->{request} )->set_header( route => $route );
	$r->set_cseq( ++$self->{cseq} );
	$endpoint->new_request( $r,$self );

    } else {
	# some kind of unrecoverable error

# handle incoming request
# Args: ($self,$request,$leg,$endpoint)
#   $request: incoming Net::SIP::Request packet
#   $leg: Net::SIP::Leg through which the request came in
#   $from: ip:port where request came in
#   $endpoint: endpoint responsable for this context, used for responses...
# Returns: NONE
# Comment: only new requests will be delivered to this method, because the dispatcher
#   cares about retransmits, eg requests for which I issued already a response
#   within the last 64*T1
sub handle_request {
    my Net::SIP::Endpoint::Context $self = shift;
    my ($request,$leg,$from,$endpoint) = @_;

    my $cseq = $request->cseq;
    my ($cseq_num) = $cseq=~m{^(\d+)};

    DEBUG( 100,"method=%s cseq=%s/%s inc=%s", $request->method, $cseq_num,$cseq,
	defined($self->{_cseq_incoming}) ? $self->{_cseq_incoming} : '<undef>' );
    if ( defined $self->{_cseq_incoming}
	and $cseq_num < $self->{_cseq_incoming} ) {
	# must be an retransmit of an really old request, drop
	DEBUG( 10,"retransmit of really old request? Dropping" );

    # check with last request in transaction
    my $ctx_is_new;
    if ( my $trans = $self->{_last_transreq} ) {
	my $last_cseq = $trans->cseq;
	if ( $last_cseq eq $cseq ) {
	    DEBUG( 10,"retransmit of last request. DROP" );
    } else {
	$ctx_is_new = 1;
    $self->{_last_transreq} = $request;

    my $method = $request->method;

    if ( $method eq 'ACK' || $method eq 'CANCEL' ) {
	# must be have same cseq_num as last request, otherwise drop
	if ( defined $self->{_cseq_incoming}
	    and $cseq_num != $self->{_cseq_incoming} ) {
	    DEBUG( 10,"received $method for unreceived INVITE: $cseq_num|$self->{_cseq_incoming}" );
    } else {
	# cannot have the same cseq_num as last request
	if ( defined $self->{_cseq_incoming}
	    and $cseq_num == $self->{_cseq_incoming} ) {
	    DEBUG( 10,"reused cseq for $method. DROP" );
    $self->{_cseq_incoming} = $cseq_num;

    my $cb = $self->{_callback} || do {
	DEBUG( 50,"no callback at context!" );
    my @arg = ($endpoint,$self);

    # extract route information for future requests to the UAC (re-invites)
    # only for INVITE (rfc3261,12.1.1)
    if ( $ctx_is_new and $method eq 'INVITE' and
	my @route = $request->get_header( 'record-route' )) {
	$self->{route} = \@route;

	# check if to has already a (my) tag, if not add it to request,
	# so that it gets added to responses
	my $to = $request->get_header( 'to' );
	my ($data,$param) = sip_hdrval2parts( to => $to );
	if ( ! $param->{tag} ) {
	    DEBUG( 50,"added my tag to to header in request" );
	    $param->{tag} = $self->{local_tag};
	    $to = sip_parts2hdrval( 'to',$data,$param );
	    $request->set_header( to => $to );

    if ( $method eq 'BYE' || $method eq 'CANCEL' ) {
	# if the peer wants to hangup we must confirm
	my $response = $request->create_response( '200','Closing' );
	$endpoint->new_response( $self,$response,$leg,$from );

	# invoke callback before closing context, so that we have more
	# information about the current call

	if ( $method eq 'CANCEL' ) {
	    # must create 487 Request canceled
	    my $response = $request->create_response( '487','Request canceled' );
		cseq => $response->cseq =~m{(\d+)} && "$1 INVITE" );
	    DEBUG(10,"send response: ".$response->dump(1));


    # If new INVITE, send 100 Trying
    if ( $method eq 'INVITE' ) {
	my $response = $request->create_response( '100','Trying' );
	$endpoint->new_response( $self,$response,$leg,$from );

    # propagate to upper layer, which needs
    # - for INVITE send 180 Ringing periodically and after some time a final response
    # - for ACK to establish the call
    # - BYE|CANCEL is already handled above
    # - for everything else to handle the Option fully, eg issue final response..

