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# package Net::SIP::Leg
# a leg is a special kind of socket, which can send and receive SIP packets
# and manipulate transport relevant SIP header (Via,Record-Route)

use strict;
use warnings;

package Net::SIP::Leg;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Socket;
use Net::SIP::Debug;
use Net::SIP::Util qw( sip_hdrval2parts invoke_callback sip_uri_eq );
use Net::SIP::Packet;
use Net::SIP::Request;
use Net::SIP::Response;

use fields qw( sock addr port proto contact branch via );

# sock: the socket for the leg
# addr,port: addr,port where it listens
# proto: udp|tcp
# contact: to identify myself (default from addr:port)
# branch: base for branch-tag for via header
# via: precomputed part of via value

# create a new leg
# Args: ($class,%args)
#   %args: hash, the following keys will be used and deleted from hash
#      sock: socket, the addr,port and proto will be determined from this
#      addr,port,proto: if sock is not given they will be used to
#        create a socket. port defaults to 5060 and proto to udp
#        if port is defined and 0 a port will be assigned from the system
#      proto: defaults to udp
#      contact: default based on addr and port
#      branch: if not given will be created
# Returns: $self
sub new {
    my ($class,%args) = @_;
    my $self = fields::new($class);

    if ( my $addr = delete $args{addr} ) {
	my $port = delete $args{port};
	# port = 0 -> get port from system
	if ( ! defined $port ) {
	    $port = $1 if $addr =~s{:(\d+)$}{};
	    $port ||= 5060;
	my $proto = $self->{proto} = delete $args{proto} || 'udp';
	if ( ! ( $self->{sock} = delete $args{sock} ) ) {
	    $self->{sock} = IO::Socket::INET->new(
		Proto => $proto,
		LocalPort => $port,
		LocalAddr => $addr,
	    ) || die "failed $proto $addr:$port $!";
	if ( ! $port ) {
	    # get the assigned port
	    ($port) = unpack_sockaddr_in( getsockname( $self->{sock} ));

	$self->{port} = $port;
	$self->{addr} = $addr;

    } elsif ( my $sock = $self->{sock} = delete $args{sock} ) {
	# get data from socket
	($self->{port}, my $addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $sock->sockname );
	$self->{addr}  = inet_ntoa( $addr );
	$self->{proto} = ( $sock->socktype == SOCK_STREAM ) ? 'tcp':'udp'

    my ($port,$sip_proto) =
	$self->{port} == 5060 ? ( '','sip' ) :
	( $self->{port} == 5061 and $self->{proto} eq 'tcp' ) ? ( '','sips' ) :
	( ":$self->{port}",'sip' )
    my $leg_addr = $self->{addr}.$port;
    $self->{contact}  = delete $args{contact} || "$sip_proto:$leg_addr";

    $self->{branch} = 'z9hG4bK'.
	( delete $args{branch} || md5_hex( @{$self}{qw( addr port proto )} ));

    $self->{contact} =~m{^\w+:(.*)};
    $self->{via} =  sprintf( "SIP/2.0/%s %s;branch=",
	uc($self->{proto}),$leg_addr );

    return $self;

# prepare incoming packet for forwarding
# Args: ($self,$packet)
#   $packet: incoming Net::SIP::Packet, gets modified in-place
# Returns: undef | [code,text]
#   code: error code (can be empty if just drop packet on error)
#   text: error description (e.g max-forwards reached..)
sub forward_incoming {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    my ($packet) = @_;

    if ( $packet->is_response ) {
	# remove top via
	my $via;
	$packet->scan_header( via => [ sub {
	    my ($vref,$hdr) = @_;
	    if ( !$$vref ) {
		$$vref = $hdr->{value};
	}, \$via ]);

    } else {
	# Request

	# Max-Fowards
	my $maxf = $packet->get_header( 'max-forwards' );
	# we don't want to put somebody Max-Forwards: 7363535353 into the header
	# and then crafting a loop, so limit it to the default value
	$maxf = 70 if !$maxf || $maxf>70;
	if ( $maxf <= 0 ) {
	    # just drop
	    DEBUG( 10,'reached max-forwards. DROP' );
	    return [ undef,'max-forwards reached 0, dropping' ];
	$packet->set_header( 'max-forwards',$maxf );

	# check if last hop was strict router
	# remove myself from route
	my $uri = $packet->uri;
	$uri = $1 if $uri =~m{^<(.*)>};
	($uri) = sip_hdrval2parts( route => $uri );
	my $remove_route;
	if ( $uri eq $self->{contact} ) {
	    # last router placed myself into URI -> strict router
	    # get original URI back from last Route-header
	    my @route = $packet->get_header( 'route' );
	    if ( !@route ) {
		# ooops, no route headers? -> DROP
		return [ '','request from strict router contained no route headers' ];
	    $remove_route = $#route;
	    $uri = $route[-1];
	    $uri = $1 if $uri =~m{^<(.*)>};

	} else {
	    # last router was loose,remove top route if it is myself
	    my @route = $packet->get_header( 'route' );
	    if ( @route ) {
		my $route = $route[0];
		$route = $1 if $route =~m{^<(.*)>};
		($route) = sip_hdrval2parts( route => $route );
		if ( sip_uri_eq( $route,$self->{contact}) ) {
		    # top route was me
		    $remove_route = 0;
	if ( defined $remove_route ) {
	    $packet->scan_header( route => [ sub {
		my ($rr,$hdr) = @_;
		$hdr->remove if $$rr-- == 0;
	    }, \$remove_route]);

	# Add Record-Route to request, except
	# to REGISTER (RFC3261, 10.2)
	$packet->insert_header( 'record-route', '<'.$self->{contact}.';lr>' )
	    if $packet->method ne 'REGISTER';


# prepare packet which gets forwarded through this leg
# packet was processed before by forward_incoming on (usually) another
# leg on the same dispatcher.
# Args: ($self,$packet,$incoming_leg)
#   $packet: outgoing Net::SIP::Packet, gets modified in-place
#   $incoming_leg: leg where packet came in
# Returns: undef | [code,text]
#   code: error code (can be empty if just drop packet on error)
#   text: error description (e.g max-forwards reached..)
sub forward_outgoing {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    my ($packet,$incoming_leg) = @_;

    if ( $packet->is_request ) {
	# check if myself is already in Via-path
	# in this case drop the packet, because a loop is detected
	if ( my @via = $packet->get_header( 'via' )) {
	    my $branch = $self->via_branch($packet,3);
	    foreach my $via ( @via ) {
		my (undef,$param) = sip_hdrval2parts( via => $via );
		if ( substr( $param->{branch},0,length($branch) ) eq $branch ) {
		    DEBUG( 10,'loop detected because outgoing leg is in Via. DROP' );
		    return [ undef,'loop detected on outgoing leg, dropping' ];

	# Add Record-Route to request, except
	# to REGISTER (RFC3261, 10.2)
	# This is necessary, because these information are used in in new requests
	# from UAC to UAS, but also from UAS to UAC and UAS should talk to this leg
	# and not to the leg, where the request came in.
	# don't add if the upper record-route is already me, this is the case
	# when incoming and outgoing leg are the same
	if ( $packet->method ne 'REGISTER' ) {
	    my $rr;
	    unless ( (($rr) = $packet->get_header( 'record-route' ))
		and sip_uri_eq( $rr,$self->{contact} )) {
		$packet->insert_header( 'record-route', '<'.$self->{contact}.';lr>' )

	# strip myself from route header, because I'm done
	if ( my @route = $packet->get_header( 'route' ) ) {
	    my $route = $route[0];
	    $route = $1 if $route =~m{^<(.*)>};
	    ($route) = sip_hdrval2parts( route => $route );
	    if ( sip_uri_eq( $route,$self->{contact} )) {
		# top route was me, remove it
		my $remove_route = 0;
		$packet->scan_header( route => [ sub {
		    my ($rr,$hdr) = @_;
		    $hdr->remove if $$rr-- == 0;
		}, \$remove_route]);

# deliver packet through this leg to specified addr
# add local Via header to requests
# Args: ($self,$packet,$addr;$callback)
#   $packet: Net::SIP::Packet
#   $addr:   ip:port where to deliver
#   $callback: optional callback, if an error occured the callback will
#      be called with $! as argument. If no error occured and the
#      proto is tcp the callback will be called with error=0 to show
#      that the packet was definitly delivered (and need not retried)
sub deliver {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    my ($packet,$addr,$callback) = @_;

    my $isrq = $packet->is_request;
    if ( $isrq ) {
	# add via,
	# clone packet, because I don't want to change the original
	# one because it might be retried later
	# (could skip this for tcp?)
	$packet = $packet->clone;

    # 2xx responses to INVITE requests and the request itself must have a
    # Contact, Allow and Supported header, 2xx Responses to OPTIONS need
    # Allow and Supported, 405 Responses should have Allow and Supported

    my ($need_contact,$need_allow,$need_supported);
    my $method = $packet->method;
    my $code = ! $isrq && $packet->code;
    if ( $method eq 'INVITE' and ( $isrq or $code =~m{^2} )) {
	$need_contact = $need_allow = $need_supported =1;
    } elsif ( !$isrq and (
	$code == 405 or
	( $method eq 'OPTIONS'  and $code =~m{^2} ))) {
	$need_allow = $need_supported =1;
    if ( $need_contact && ! ( my @a = $packet->get_header( 'contact' ))) {
	# needs contact header, create from this leg and user part of from/to
	my ($user) = sip_hdrval2parts( $isrq
	    ? ( from => scalar($packet->get_header('from')) )
	    : ( to   => scalar($packet->get_header('to')) )
	my ($proto,$addr) = $self->{contact} =~m{^(\w+):(?:.*\@)?(.*)$};
	my $contact = ( $user =~m{([^<>\@\s]+)\@} ? $1 : $user ).
	$contact = $proto.':'.$contact if $contact !~m{^\w+:};
	$packet->insert_header( contact => $contact );
    if ( $need_allow && ! ( my @a = $packet->get_header( 'allow' ))) {
	# insert default methods
	$packet->insert_header( allow => 'INVITE, ACK, OPTIONS, CANCEL, BYE' );
    if ( $need_supported && ! ( my @a = $packet->get_header( 'supported' ))) {
	# set as empty
	$packet->insert_header( supported => '' );

    my ($proto,$host,$port) =
	$addr =~m{^(?:(\w+):)?([\w\-\.]+)(?::(\d+))?$};
    #DEBUG( "%s -> %s %s %s",$addr,$proto||'',$host, $port||'' );
    $port ||= $proto eq 'sips' ? 5061: 5060;

    $self->sendto( $packet->as_string, $host,$port,$callback )
	|| return;
    DEBUG( 2, "delivery from $self->{addr}:$self->{port} to $addr OK:\n%s",
	$packet->dump( Net::SIP::Debug->level -2 ) );

# send data to peer
# Args: ($self,$data,$host,$port,$callback)
#   $data: string representation of SIP packet
#   $host: target ip
#   $port: target port
#   $callback: callback for error|success, see method deliver
# Returns: $success
#   $success: true if no problems occured while sending (this does not
#     mean that the packet was delivered reliable!)
sub sendto {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    my ($data,$host,$port,$callback) = @_;

    # XXXXX for now udp only
    # for tcp the delivery might be done over multiple callbacks
    # (eg whenever I can write on the socket)
    # for tcp I need to handle the case where I got a request on
    # the leg, then the leg got closed and the I've need to deliver
    # the response over a new leg, created based on the master leg
    # eg I still need to know which outgoing master leg I have,
    # even if my real outgoing leg is closed (responsed might be
    # delivered over the same tcp connection, but no need to do so)

    if ( $self->{proto} ne 'udp' ) {
	use Errno 'EINVAL';
	DEBUG( 1,"can only proto udp for now, but not $self->{proto}" );
	invoke_callback( $callback, EINVAL );

    my $host4 = inet_aton( $host ) or do {
	# this should not happen because host should better be IP
	DEBUG( 1, "lookup problems of $host?" );
	invoke_callback( $callback, EINVAL );

    my $target = sockaddr_in( $port,$host4 );
    unless ( $self->{sock}->send( $data,0,$target )) {
	DEBUG( 1,"send failed: callback=$callback error=$!" );
	invoke_callback( $callback, $! );

    # XXXX dont forget to call callback back with error=0 if
    # delivery by tcp successful
    return 1;

# receive packet
# for udp socket it just makes a recv on the socket and returns the packet
# for tcp master sockets it makes accept and creates a new leg based on
#   the masters leg.
# Args: ($self)
# Returns: ($packet,$from) || ()
#   $packet: Net::SIP::Packet
#   $from:   ip:port where it got packet from
sub receive {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;

    if ( $self->{proto} ne 'udp' ) {
	DEBUG( 1,"only udp is supported at the moment" );

    my $from = recv( $self->{sock}, my $buf, 2**16, 0 ) or do {
	DEBUG( 1,"recv failed: $!" );

    # packet must be at least 13 bytes big (first line incl version
    # + final crlf crlf). Ignore anything smaller, probably keep-alives
    if ( length($buf)<13 ) {
	DEBUG(11,"ignored packet with len ".length($buf)." because to small (keep-alive?)");

    my $packet = eval { Net::SIP::Packet->new( $buf ) } or do {
	DEBUG( 3,"cannot parse buf as SIP: $@\n$buf" );

    my ($port,$host) = unpack_sockaddr_in( $from );
    $host = inet_ntoa($host);
    DEBUG( 2,"received on $self->{addr}:$self->{port} from $host:$port packet\n%s",
	$packet->dump( Net::SIP::Debug->level -2 ));

    return ($packet,"$host:$port");

# check if the top via header matches the transport of this call through
# this leg. Used to strip Via header in response.
# Args: ($self,$packet)
#  $packet: Net::SIP::Packet (usually Net::SIP::Response)
# Returns: $bool
#  $bool: true if the packets via matches this leg, else false
sub check_via {
    my ($self,$packet) = @_;
    my ($via) = $packet->get_header( 'via' );
    my ($data,$param) = sip_hdrval2parts( via => $via );
    my $cmp_branch = $self->via_branch($packet,2);
    return substr( $param->{branch},0,length($cmp_branch)) eq $cmp_branch;

# add myself as Via header to packet
# Args: ($self,$packet)
#  $packet: Net::SIP::Packet (usually Net::SIP::Request)
# Returns: NONE
# modifies packet in-place
sub add_via {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    my $packet = shift;
    $packet->insert_header( via => $self->{via}.$self->via_branch($packet,3));

# computes branch tag for via header
# Args: ($self,$packet,$level)
#  $packet: Net::SIP::Packet (usually Net::SIP::Request)
#  $level: level of detail: 1:leg, 2:call, 3:path
# Returns: $value
sub via_branch {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    my ($packet,$level) = @_;
    my $val = $self->{branch};
    $val .= substr( md5_hex( $packet->tid ),0,15 ) if $level>1;
    $val .= substr( md5_hex( 
	( sort $packet->get_header( 'proxy-authorization' )),
	( sort $packet->get_header( 'proxy-require' )),
	$packet->get_header( 'route' ),
	$packet->get_header( 'to' ),
	$packet->get_header( 'from' ),
	($packet->get_header( 'via' ))[0] || '',
    ),0,15 ) if $level>2;
    return $val;

# check if the leg could deliver to the specified addr
# Args: ($self,($addr|%spec))
#  $addr: addr|proto:addr|addr:port|proto:addr:port
#  %spec: hash with keys addr,proto,port
# Returns: $bool
#  $bool: true if we can deliver to $ip with $proto
sub can_deliver_to {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    my %spec;
    if (@_>1) {
	%spec = @_
    } else {
	my $spec = shift;
	my ($proto,$addr) = $spec =~m{^(?:(udp|tcp):)?([^:]+)}
	    or return; # wrong spec?
	$spec{proto} = $proto if $proto;
	$spec{addr}  = $addr;
	# ignore port

    # check against proto of leg
    return if ( $spec{proto} && $spec{proto} ne $self->{proto} );

    # XXXXX dont know how to find out if I can deliver to this addr from this
    # leg without lookup up route
    # therefore just return true and if you have more than one leg you have
    # to figure out yourself where to send it
    return 1

# returns FD on Leg
# Args: $self
# Returns: socket of leg
sub fd {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    return $self->{sock};

# some info about the Leg for debugging
# Args: $self
# Returns: string
sub dump {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    return ref($self)." $self->{proto}:$self->{addr}:$self->{port}";

# returns key for leg
# Args: $self
# Returns: key (string)
sub key {
    my Net::SIP::Leg $self = shift;
    return "$self->{proto}:$self->{addr}:$self->{port}";
