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Vcf - from VCFTools


version 1.123050


From the command line: perl -MVcf -e validate example.vcf perl -I/path/to/the/module/ -MVcf -e validate_v32 example.vcf

From a script: use Vcf;

    my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>'example.vcf.gz',region=>'1:1000-2000');

    # Do some simple parsing. Most thorough but slowest way how to get the data.
    while (my $x=$vcf->next_data_hash()) 
        for my $gt (keys %{$$x{gtypes}})
            my ($al1,$sep,$al2) = $vcf->parse_alleles($x,$gt);
            print "\t$gt: $al1$sep$al2\n";
        print "\n";

    # This will split the fields and print a list of CHR:POS
    while (my $x=$vcf->next_data_array()) 
        print "$$x[0]:$$x[1]\n";

    # This will return the lines as they were read, including the newline at the end
    while (my $x=$vcf->next_line()) 
        print $x;

    # Only the columns NA00001, NA00002 and NA00003 will be printed.
    my @columns = qw(NA00001 NA00002 NA00003);
    print $vcf->format_header(\@columns);
    while (my $x=$vcf->next_data_array())
        # this will recalculate AC and AN counts, unless $vcf->recalc_ac_an was set to 0
        print $vcf->format_line($x,\@columns); 



    About   : Validates the VCF file.
    Usage   : perl -MVcf -e validate example.vcf.gz     # (from the command line)
              validate('example.vcf.gz');               # (from a script)
    Args    : File name or file handle. When no argument given, the first command line
              argument is interpreted as the file name.


    About   : Same as validate, but assumes v3.2 VCF version.
    Usage   : perl -MVcf -e validate_v32 example.vcf.gz     # (from the command line)
    Args    : File name or file handle. When no argument given, the first command line
              argument is interpreted as the file name.


    About   : Creates new VCF reader/writer. 
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>'my.vcf', version=>'3.2');
    Args    : 
                fh      .. Open file handle. If neither file nor fh is given, open in write mode.
                file    .. The file name. If neither file nor fh is given, open in write mode.
                region  .. Optional region to parse (requires tabix indexed VCF file)
                silent  .. Unless set to 0, warning messages may be printed.
                strict  .. Unless set to 0, the reader will die when the file violates the specification.
                version .. If not given, '4.0' is assumed. The header information overrides this setting.


    About   : (Re)Open file. No need to call this explicitly unless reading from a different 
              region is requested.
    Usage   : $vcf->open(); # Read from the start
    Args    : region       .. Supported only for tabix indexed files


    About   : Close the filehandle
    Usage   : $vcf->close();
    Args    : none
        Returns : close exit status


    About   : Reads next VCF line.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); 
              my $x   = $vcf->next_line();
    Args    : none


    About   : Reads next VCF line and splits it into an array. The last element is chomped.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); 
              my $x = $vcf->next_data_array();
    Args    : Optional line to parse


    About   : Parsing big VCF files with many sample columns is slow, not parsing unwanted samples may speed things a bit.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); 
              $vcf->set_samples(include=>['NA0001']);   # Exclude all but this sample. When the array is empty, all samples will be excluded.
              $vcf->set_samples(exclude=>['NA0003']);   # Include only this sample. When the array is empty, all samples will be included.
              my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash();
    Args    : Optional line to parse


    About   : Reads next VCF line and splits it into a hash. This is the slowest way to obtain the data.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); 
              my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash();

              # Or having a VCF data line $line
              my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash($line);

    Args    : Optional line to parse.


    About   : Reads (and stores) the VCF header.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header();
    Args    : silent .. do not warn about duplicate header lines


    About   : Stores the header lines and meta information, such as fields types, etc.
    Args    : silent .. do not warn about duplicate column names


    Usage   : $vcf->get_header_line(key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC')
              $vcf->get_header_line(key=>'FILTER', ID=>'q10')
    Args    : Header line filter as in the example above
    Returns : List ref of header line hashes matching the filter


    Usage   : $vcf->add_header_line({key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC',Number=>-1,Type=>'Integer',Description=>'Allele count in genotypes'})
    Args    : Header line hash as in the example above
              Hash with additional parameters [optional]
                silent .. do not warn about existing header keys
                append .. append timestamp to the name of the new one
    Returns : 


    Usage   : $vcf->remove_header_line(key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC')
    Args    :
    Returns : 


    Usage   : $vcf->parse_header_line(q[##reference=1000GenomesPilot-NCBI36])
              $vcf->parse_header_line(q[##INFO=NS,1,Integer,"Number of Samples With Data"])
    Args    : 
    Returns : 


    About   : Stores the column names as array $$self{columns} and hash $$self{has_column}{COL_NAME}=index.
              The indexes go from 1.
    Usage   : $vcf->_read_column_names();
    Args    : none


    About   : When no header is present, fake column names as the default mandatory ones + numbers
    Args    : The number of genotype columns; 0 if no genotypes but FORMAT present; <0 if FORMAT and genotypes not present


    About   : Returns the header.
    Usage   : print $vcf->format_header();
    Args    : The columns to include on output [optional]


    About   : Returns the header.
    Usage   : $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); print $vcf->format_line($x);
              $x = $vcf->next_data_array(); print $vcf->format_line($x);
    Args 1  : The columns or hash in the format returned by next_data_hash or next_data_array.
         2  : The columns to include [optional]


    About   : Control if the AC and AN values should be updated.
    Usage   : $vcf->recalc_ac_an(1); $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); print $vcf->format_line($x);
    Args 1  : 0 .. never recalculate
              1 .. recalculate if present
              2 .. recalculate if present and add if missing


    Usage   : my $idx = $vcf->get_tag_index('GT:PL:DP:SP:GQ','PL',':');
    Arg 1   : Field
        2   : The tag to find
        3   : Tag separator
    Returns : Index of the tag or -1 when not found


    Usage   : my $field = $vcf->remove_field('GT:PL:DP:SP:GQ',1,':');    # returns 'GT:DP:SP:GQ'
    Arg 1   : Field
        2   : The index of the field to remove
        3   : Field separator
    Returns : Modified string


    Usage   : my $col = $vcf->replace_field('GT:PL:DP:SP:GQ','XX',1,':');    # returns 'GT:XX:DP:SP:GQ'
    Arg 1   : Field
        2   : The index of the field to replace
        3   : Replacement
        4   : Field separator
    Returns : Modified string


    Usage   : my $line  = $vcf->next_line;
              my @items = split(/\t/,$line); 
              $af = $vcf->get_info_field('DP=14;AF=0.5;DB','AF');    # returns 0.5
              $af = $vcf->get_info_field('DP=14;AF=0.5;DB','DB');    # returns 1
              $af = $vcf->get_info_field('DP=14;AF=0.5;DB','XY');    # returns undef
    Arg 1   : The VCF line broken into an array
        2   : The tag to retrieve
    Returns : undef when tag is not present, the tag value if present, or 1 if flag is present


    Usage   : my $line  = $vcf->next_line;
              my @items = split(/\t/,$line); 
              my $idx = $vcf->get_tag_index($$line[8],'PL',':'); 
              my $pl  = $vcf->get_field($$line[9],$idx) unless $idx==-1;
    Arg 1   : The VCF line broken into an array
        2   : The index of the field to retrieve
        3   : The delimiter [Default is ':']
    Returns : The tag value


    Usage   : my $line  = $vcf->next_line;
              my @items = split(/\t/,$line); 
              my $idx = $vcf->get_tag_index($$line[8],'PL',':'); 
              my $pls = $vcf->get_sample_field(\@items,$idx) unless $idx==-1;
    Arg 1   : The VCF line broken into an array
        2   : The index of the field to retrieve
    Returns : Array of values


    About   : Faster alternative to regexs, extract the mandatory columns
    Usage   : my $line=$vcf->next_line; my @cols = $vcf->split_mandatory($line);
    Arg     : 
    Returns : Pointer to the array of values


    About   : Faster alternative to regexs
    Usage   : my ($a1,$a2,$a3) = $vcf->split_gt('0/0/1'); # returns (0,0,1)
    Arg     : Diploid genotype to split into alleles
    Returns : Array of values


    About   : Generalization of split_gt
    Usage   : my ($a1,$a2,$a3) = $vcf->split_gt('0/0|1',qw(| /)); # returns (0,0,1)
    Arg     : Diploid genotype to split into alleles
    Returns : Array of values


    About   : Faster alternative to regexs
    Usage   : my $gt = $vcf->decode_genotype('G',['A','C'],'0/0'); # returns 'G/G'
    Arg   1 : Ref allele
          2 : Alt alleles
          3 : The genotype to decode
    Returns : Decoded GT string


    Usage   : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_alt_field($$x{ALT});
    Args    : The ALT arrayref
    Returns : Error message in case of an error.


    Usage   :   my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); 
                my ($alleles,$seps,$is_phased,$is_empty) = $vcf->parse_haplotype($x,'NA00001');
                for my $allele (@$alleles)
                    my ($type,$len,$ht) = $vcf->event_type($x,$allele);
                my ($type,$len,$ht) = $vcf->event_type($ref,$al);
    Args    : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash or the reference allele
            : Allele
    Returns :   's' for SNP and number of SNPs in the record
                'i' for indel and a positive (resp. negative) number for the length of insertion (resp. deletion)
                'r' identical to the reference, length 0
                'o' for other (complex events) and the number of affected bases
                'b' breakend
                'u' unknown


    About   : Checks the header for the presence of tags with variable number of fields (Number=A or Number=G, such as GL)
    Usage   : $vcf->parse_header(); my $agtags = $vcf->has_AGtags();
    Args    : None
    Returns : Hash {fmtA=>[tags],fmtG=>[tags],infoA=>[tags],infoG=>[tags]} or undef if none is present


    About   : Breaks tags with variable number of fields (that is where Number is set to 'A' or 'G', such as GL) into hashes
    Usage   : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); my $values = $vcf->parse_AGtags($x);
    Args    : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash
            : Mapping between ALT representations based on different REFs [optional]
            : New REF [optional]
    Returns : Hash {Allele=>Value}


    About   : Format tag with variable number of fields (that is where Number is set to 'A' or 'G', such as GL)
    Usage   : 
    Args    : 
    Returns : 


    About   : Deprecated, use parse_haplotype instead.
    Usage   : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); my ($al1,$sep,$al2) = $vcf->parse_alleles($x,'NA00001');
    Args    : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash
            : The genotype column name
    Returns : Alleles and the separator. If only one allele is present, $sep and $al2 will be an empty string.


    About   : Similar to parse_alleles, supports also multiploid VCFs. 
    Usage   : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); my ($alleles,$seps,$is_phased,$is_empty) = $vcf->parse_haplotype($x,'NA00001');
    Args    : VCF data line parsed by next_data_hash
            : The genotype column name
    Returns : Two array refs and two boolean flags: List of alleles, list of separators, and is_phased/empty flags. The values
                can be cashed and must be therefore considered read only!


    Usage   : my ($alleles,$seps,$is_phased,$is_empty) = $vcf->parse_haplotype($x,'NA00001'); print $vcf->format_haplotype($alleles,$seps);


    Usage   : my $x = { REF=>'A', gtypes=>{'NA00001'=>{'GT'=>'A/C'}}, FORMAT=>['GT'], CHROM=>1, POS=>1, FILTER=>['.'], QUAL=>-1 };
              print $vcf->format_line($x);
    Args 1  : VCF data line in the format as if parsed by next_data_hash with alleles written as letters.
         2  : Optionally, a subset of columns can be supplied. See also format_line.
    Returns : Modifies the ALT array and the genotypes so that ref alleles become 0 and non-ref alleles 
                numbers starting from 1. If the key $$vcf{trim_redundant_ALTs} is set, ALT alleles not appearing
                in any of the sample column will be removed.


    Usage   : $vcf->format_header_line({key=>'INFO', ID=>'AC',Number=>-1,Type=>'Integer',Description=>'Allele count in genotypes'})
    Args    : 
    Returns : 


    Usage   : my $rec=$vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->remove_columns($rec,remove=>['NA001','NA0002']);
    Args    : VCF hash pointer
            : list of columns to remove or a lookup hash with column names to keep (remove=>[] or keep=>{})
    Returns : 


    Usage   : $vcf->add_columns('NA001','NA0002');
    Args    : 
    Returns : 


    Usage   : $x=$vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->add_format_field($x,'FOO'); $$x{gtypes}{NA0001}{FOO}='Bar'; print $vcf->format_line($x);
    Args    : The record obtained by next_data_hash
            : The field name
    Returns : 


    Usage   : $x=$vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->remove_format_field($x,'FOO'); print $vcf->format_line($x);
    Args    : The record obtained by next_data_hash
            : The field name
    Returns : 


    Usage   : $x=$vcf->next_data_array(); $$x[7]=$vcf->add_info_field($$x[7],'FOO'=>'value','BAR'=>undef,'BAZ'=>''); print join("\t",@$x)."\n";
    Args    : The record obtained by next_data_array
            : The INFO field name and value pairs. If value is undef and the key is present in $$x[7],
                it will be removed. To add fields without a value, use empty string ''.
    Returns : The formatted INFO.


    Usage   : $x=$vcf->next_data_array(); $$x[6]=$vcf->add_filter($$x[6],'SnpCluster'=>1,'q10'=>0); print join("\t",@$x)."\n";
    Args    : The record obtained by next_data_array or next_data_hash
            : The key-value pairs for filter to be added. If value is 1, the filter will be added. If 0, the filter will be removed.
    Returns : The formatted filter field.


    Usage   : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_filter_field($$x{FILTER});
    Args    : The FILTER arrayref
    Returns : Error message in case of an error.


    About   : Version specific header validation code.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); $vcf->validate_header();
    Args    :


    About   : Version specific line validation code.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); $x = $vcf->next_data_hash; $vcf->validate_line($x);
    Args    :


    Usage   : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_info_field($$x{INFO},$$x{ALT});
    Args    : The INFO hashref
    Returns : Error message in case of an error.


    Usage   : my $x = $vcf->next_data_hash(); $vcf->validate_gtype_field($$x{gtypes}{NA00001},$$x{ALT},$$x{FORMAT});
    Args    : The genotype data hashref
              The ALT arrayref
    Returns : Error message in case of an error.


    About   : Validates the VCF file.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(file=>'file.vcf'); $vcf->run_validation('example.vcf.gz');
    Args    : File name or file handle.


    About   : Get list of chromosomes from the VCF file. Must be bgzipped and tabix indexed.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->get_chromosomes();
    Args    : none


    About   : Get list of samples.
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my (@samples) = $vcf->get_samples();
    Args    : none


    About   : Convenient way to get data for a sample
    Usage   : my $rec = $vcf->next_data_array(); my $sample_col = $vcf->get_column($rec, 'NA0001');
    Args 1  : Array pointer returned by next_data_array
         2  : Column/Sample name


    About   : Mapping between zero-based VCF column and its name
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my $name = $vcf->get_column_name(1); # returns POS
    Args    : Index of the column (0-based)


    About   : Mapping between VCF column name and its zero-based index
    Usage   : my $vcf = Vcf->new(); $vcf->parse_header(); my $name = $vcf->get_column_index('POS'); # returns 1
    Args    : Name of the column

NAME Module for validation, parsing and creating VCF files. Supported versions: 3.2, 3.3, 4.0, 4.1


VCFv4.0 specific functions


    Usage   : $vcf->parse_header_line(q[##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype">])
    Args    : 
    Returns : 


    About   : A tool for merging VCFv4.0 records. The subroutine unifies the REFs and creates a mapping
                from the original haplotypes to the haplotypes based on the new REF. Consider the following
                    REF ALT
                    G    GA
                    GT   G
                    GT   GA
                    GT   GAA
                    GTC  G
                    G    <DEL>
                my $map={G=>{GA=>1},GT=>{G=>1,GA=>1,GAA=>1},GTC=>{G=>1},G=>{'<DEL>'=>1}};
                my $new_ref=$vcf->fill_ref_alt_mapping($map);
              The call returns GTC and $map is now
                    G    GA     ->      GTC  GATC
                    GT   G      ->      GTC  GC
                    GT   GA     ->      GTC  GAC
                    GT   GAA    ->      GTC  GAAC
                    GTC  G      ->      GTC  G
                    G    <DEL>  ->      GTC  <DEL>
    Args    : 
    Returns : New REF string and fills the hash with appropriate ALT.


VCFv4.1 specific functions


Andrew J. Page <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007