PerlReq::Utils - auxiliary routines for B::PerlReq, perl.req and perl.prov


This module provides the following convenience functions:


Convert file path to module name, e.g. File/ -> File::Find.


Convert module name to file path, e.g. File::Find -> File/


Convert file path to conventional dependency name, e.g. File/ -> perl(File/ Note that this differs from RedHat conventional form perl(File::Find).


Convert module name to conventional dependency name, e.g. File::Find -> perl(File/ Note that this differs from RedHat conventional form perl(File::Find).


Format module version number, e.g. 2.12 -> 2.120. Currently truncated to 3 digits after decimal point, except for all zeroes, e.g. 2.000 -> 2.0.


Format Perl version number, e.g. 5.005_03 -> 1:5.5.30.


Extract version number from B::SV object. v-strings converted to floats according to Perl rules, e.g. 1.2.3 -> 1.002003.


Obtain a list of files passed on the command line. When command line is empty, obtain a list of files from standard input, one file per line. Die when file list is empty. Check that each file exists, or die otherwise. Canonicalize each filename with File::Spec::rel2abs() function (which makes no checks against the filesystem).


Obtain a list of Perl library paths from @INC variable, except for current directory. The RPM_PERL_LIB_PATH environment variable, if set, is treated as a list of paths, seprarated by colons; put these paths in front of the list. Canonicalize each path in the list.

Finally, the RPM_BUILD_ROOT environment variable, if set, is treated as installation root directory; each element of the list is then prefixed with canonicalized RPM_BUILD_ROOT path and new values are put in front of the list.

After all, only existent directories are returned.


Split given filename into its prefix (which is a valid Perl library path, according to the inc() function above) and basename. Return empty list if filename does not match any prefix.


Written by Alexey Tourbin <>.


Copyright (c) 2004 Alexey Tourbin, ALT Linux Team.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


B::PerlReq, perl.req, perl.prov