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# ABSTRACT: Scrappy Scraper Data Extrator
# Dist::Zilla: +PodWeaver

package Scrappy::Scraper::Parser;
  $Scrappy::Scraper::Parser::VERSION = '0.94112090';

# load OO System
use Moose;

# load other libraries
use Carp;
use Web::Scraper;

# web-scraper object
has 'worker' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Web::Scraper',
    default => sub {
        scraper(sub { });

# html attribute
has html => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Any');

# data attribute
has data => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] });

# html-tags attribute
has 'html_tags' => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'HashRef',
    default => sub {
        return {
            'abbr'           => '@abbr',
            'accept-charset' => '@accept',
            'accept'         => '@accept',
            'accesskey'      => '@accesskey',
            'action'         => '@action',
            'align'          => '@align',
            'alink'          => '@alink',
            'alt'            => '@alt',
            'archive'        => '@archive',
            'axis'           => '@axis',
            'background'     => '@background',
            'bgcolor'        => '@bgcolor',
            'border'         => '@border',
            'cellpadding'    => '@cellpadding',
            'cellspacing'    => '@cellspacing',
            'char'           => '@char',
            'charoff'        => '@charoff',
            'charset'        => '@charset',
            'checked'        => '@checked',
            'cite'           => '@cite',
            'class'          => '@class',
            'classid'        => '@classid',
            'clear'          => '@clear',
            'code'           => '@code',
            'codebase'       => '@codebase',
            'codetype'       => '@codetype',
            'color'          => '@color',
            'cols'           => '@cols',
            'colspan'        => '@colspan',
            'compact'        => '@compact',
            'content'        => '@content',
            'coords'         => '@coords',
            'data'           => '@data',
            'datetime'       => '@datetime',
            'declare'        => '@declare',
            'defer'          => '@defer',
            'dir'            => '@dir',
            'disabled'       => '@disabled',
            'enctype'        => '@enctype',
            'face'           => '@face',
            'for'            => '@for',
            'frame'          => '@frame',
            'frameborder'    => '@frameborder',
            'headers'        => '@headers',
            'height'         => '@height',
            'href'           => '@href',
            'hreflang'       => '@hreflang',
            'hspace'         => '@hspace',
            'http'           => '@http-equiv',
            'id'             => '@id',
            'ismap'          => '@ismap',
            'label'          => '@label',
            'lang'           => '@lang',
            'language'       => '@language',
            'link'           => '@link',
            'longdesc'       => '@longdesc',
            'marginheight'   => '@marginheight',
            'marginwidth'    => '@marginwidth',
            'maxlength'      => '@maxlength',
            'media'          => '@media',
            'method'         => '@method',
            'multiple'       => '@multiple',
            'name'           => '@name',
            'nohref'         => '@nohref',
            'noresize'       => '@noresize',
            'noshade'        => '@noshade',
            'nowrap'         => '@nowrap',
            'object'         => '@object',
            'onblur'         => '@onblur',
            'onchange'       => '@onchange',
            'onclick'        => '@onclick',
            'ondblclick'     => '@ondblclick',
            'onfocus'        => '@onfocus',
            'onkeydown'      => '@onkeydown',
            'onkeypress'     => '@onkeypress',
            'onkeyup'        => '@onkeyup',
            'onload'         => '@onload',
            'onmousedown'    => '@onmousedown',
            'onmousemove'    => '@onmousemove',
            'onmouseout'     => '@onmouseout',
            'onmouseover'    => '@onmouseover',
            'onmouseup'      => '@onmouseup',
            'onreset'        => '@onreset',
            'onselect'       => '@onselect',
            'onsubmit'       => '@onsubmit',
            'onunload'       => '@onunload',
            'profile'        => '@profile',
            'prompt'         => '@prompt',
            'readonly'       => '@readonly',
            'rel'            => '@rel',
            'rev'            => '@rev',
            'rows'           => '@rows',
            'rowspan'        => '@rowspan',
            'rules'          => '@rules',
            'scheme'         => '@scheme',
            'scope'          => '@scope',
            'scrolling'      => '@scrolling',
            'selected'       => '@selected',
            'shape'          => '@shape',
            'size'           => '@size',
            'span'           => '@span',
            'src'            => '@src',
            'standby'        => '@standby',
            'start'          => '@start',
            'style'          => '@style',
            'summary'        => '@summary',
            'tabindex'       => '@tabindex',
            'target'         => '@target',
            'text'           => '@text',
            'title'          => '@title',
            'type'           => '@type',
            'usemap'         => '@usemap',
            'valign'         => '@valign',
            'value'          => '@value',
            'valuetype'      => '@valuetype',
            'version'        => '@version',
            'vlink'          => '@vlink',
            'vspace'         => '@vspace',
            'width'          => '@width',
            'text'           => 'TEXT',
            'html'           => 'HTML',

sub filter {
    my ($self, @filters) = @_;
    # remove filter list
    if (@filters) {
        # remove all except for specified attributes
            map {
                my $record = $_;
                my $changes = {};
                foreach my $filter (@filters) {
                    #if ('HASH' eq ref $filter) {
                    #    my ($tag, $value) = each(%{$filter});
                    #    $changes->{$filter} = $record->{$filter}
                    #        if $record->{$filter}
                    #        && $record->{$filter} eq $value
                    #        && $filter eq $tag;
                    #else {
                        $changes->{$filter} = $record->{$filter}
                            if $record->{$filter};
            }   @{$self->data}
    # remove all empty attributes
        map {
            my $record = $_;
            foreach my $tag (keys %{$record}) {
                delete $record->{$tag} if !$record->{$tag}
                    && $tag ne 'html'
                    && $tag ne 'text';
        }   @{$self->data}
    return $self;

sub focus {
    my $self = shift;
    my $index = shift || 0;

    return $self unless $self->has_html;
    return $self;

sub scrape {
    my ($self, $selector, $html) = @_;

    $self->html($html) if $html;
    return [] unless $self->has_html;

    return $self->data;

sub select {
    my ($self, $selector, $html) = @_;

    $self->html($html) if $html;
    return $self unless $self->has_html;

    $self->worker->{code} = scraper {
        process($selector, "data[]", $self->html_tags);

    my $scraper = $self->worker->{code};

    $self->data($scraper->scrape($self->html)->{data} || []);
    return $self;

sub first {
    return shift->data->[0];

sub last {
    my  $self = shift;
    my  $index = @{$self->data} - 1;
    return $self->data->[$index];

sub select_first {
    my  ($self, $selector, $attribute) = @_;
    return $self->data->[0] ?
        $self->data->[0]->{$attribute || 'text'} : '';

sub select_last {
    my  ($self, $selector, $attribute) = @_;
    my  $index = @{$self->data} - 1;
    return $self->data->[$index] ?
        $self->data->[$index]->{$attribute || 'text'} : '';

sub each {
    my ($self, $code) = @_;
    foreach my $item (@{$self->data}) {
    return $self;

sub has_html {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->html ? 1 : 0;



=head1 NAME

Scrappy::Scraper::Parser - Scrappy Scraper Data Extrator

=head1 VERSION

version 0.94112090


    use Scrappy::Scraper::Parser;

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        # get all links in all table rows with CSS selector
        my  $links = $parser->scrape('table tr a');
        # select all links in the 2nd table row of all tables with XPATH selector
        my  $links = $parser->scrape('//table/tr[2]/a');
        # percision scraping !
        # select all links in the 2nd table row ONLY with CSS selectors and focus()
        my  $links = 
            $parser->select('table tr')


Scrappy::Scraper::Parser provides various tools for scraping/extracting information
from web pages using the L<Scrappy> framework.


The following is a list of object attributes available with every Scrappy::Scraper::Parser

=head3 data

The data attribute gets/sets the extracted data which is returned from the scrape

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        $parser->select('table tr');

=head3 html

The html attribute gets/sets the HTML content to be parsed and extracted from.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;

=head3 html_tags

The html_tags attribute gets a hashref of all known HTML tags and attributes to
be used with L<Web::Scraper>.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;

=head3 worker

The worker attribute holds the L<Web::Scraper> object which is used to parse HTML
and extract data.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 filter

The filter method allows you to filter the tags returned within the results by
supplying the filter method with a list of tag attributes that you specifically
want to return, forsaking all others, including the special text and html

    # filter results and only return meta tags with a content attribute
    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        print $parser->data;
            name => '...',
            text => '...',
            html => '...',
            content => '....',
            http => '...',
        print $parser->filter('name', 'content')->data;
            name => '...',
            content => '....',

=head2 focus

The focus method is used zero-in on specific blocks of HTML so the selectors only
extract data from within the highlighted block. The focus method is meant to be
used after the select method extracts rows of data, the focus method is passed an
array index which zeros-in on that row of data.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
    # percision scraping !
    # select all links in the 2nd table row ONLY
    my  $links = 
        $parser->select('table tr')

=head2 scrape

The scrape method is used to extract data from the specified HTML and return the
extracted data. This method is dentical to the select method with the exception of
what is returned.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
    my  $links = $parser->scrape('a', $from_html); #get all links

=head2 select

The select method is used to extract data from the specified HTML and return the
parser object. The data method can be used to access the extracted information.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        $parser->select('a', $from_html); #get all links
    my  $links = $parser->data;

=head2 first

The first method is used to return the first element from the extracted dataset.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        $parser->select('a', $from_html); #get all links
    my  $first_link = $parser->first;
    # equivalent to ...
    my  $first_link = $parser->data->[0];

=head2 last

The last method is used to return the last element from the extracted dataset.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        $parser->select('a', $from_html); #get all links
    my  $last_link = $parser->last;
    # equivalent to ...
    my  $last_link = $parser->data->[(@{$parser->data}-1)];

=head2 select_first

The select_first method is a convenience feature combining the select() and first()
methods to return the first element from the extracted data.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        $parser->select_first('a'); #get link text
        $parser->select_first('a', 'href'); #get link URL

=head2 select_last

The select_last method is a convenience feature combining the select() and last()
methods to return the last element from the extracted data.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        $parser->select_last('a'); #get link text
        $parser->select_last('a', 'href'); #get link URL

=head2 each

The each method is used loop through the extracted dataset. The each method
takes one argument, a code reference, and is passed the each extracted item.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        $parser->select('a', $from_html); #get all links
            print shift->{href} . "\n"

=head2 has_html

The has_html method return a boolean which determine whether HTML content has
been set.

    my  $parser = Scrappy::Scraper::Parser->new;
        print 'oh no' unless $parser->has_html;

=head1 AUTHOR

Al Newkirk <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by awncorp.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
