#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim: ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 sr sta
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump qw( pp );

use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Rsync;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file);
use File::stat;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Path::Class qw(dir);
use Pod::Usage;
use Readonly;
use Template;
use YAML;

# FTP modules
use Net::FTP;
use File::Find;

Readonly my $CONFIG_FILE => $ENV{HOME} . q{/.ttsite};

# function prototypes
sub main();
sub process_config();
sub get_config($$);
sub file_checksum($);
sub file_modified($$);
sub same_file($$);
sub ignore_file($$$);
sub template_file($$);
sub process_site($$);
sub process_directory($$$);
sub process_file($$$$);
sub remote_sync($$$);
sub read_line(;$);
sub directory_contents($);
sub relative_path_from_full($$);

my($site_config, %cli_option, $template);

# me likey worky

sub main() {
    my ($global,$cliopt) = process_config();
    my $siteconf = get_config($global,$cliopt);

    # only process files if we're NOT --rsync-only or --fsync-only
    if (not ($cliopt->{'rsync-only'} or $cliopt->{'fsync-only'})) {
        process_site( $siteconf, $cliopt );
    else {
        if ($cliopt->{verbose}) {
            warn "Skipping template processing phase\n";

    # if any of the rsync options are set, do a remote-sync
    if (grep { /^rsync/ } keys(%{$cliopt})) {
        print "Starting Remote Sync\n";
        remote_sync( $cliopt, $siteconf->{output_dir}, $siteconf->{rsync} );

    # if any of the ftp options are set, do an ftp-sync
    if (grep { /^fsync/ } keys(%{$cliopt})) {
        print "Starting fsync:\n";
        do_ftpsync( $siteconf, $cliopt );

sub process_config() {
        my $global;
        my $cliopt;        # load config from $CONFIG_FILE
        eval {
            $global = YAML::LoadFile($CONFIG_FILE);

        if ($@) {

        $cliopt = {
            site    => $global->{default_site} || 'default',
            verbose => 0,

        # get over-riding options from cli
        GetOptions (

        if ($cliopt->{help}) {

        return ( $global, $cliopt );

sub create_config {
    my ($input);

    $input = read_line(
        qq{$CONFIG_FILE doesn't exist. Would you like it to be created now? [Y/n] }

    # only create the config file if the respose was Y, y or <nothing>
    if ($input =~ m{\A([Yy]|\z)}) {
        # don't overwrite an existing file
        if (-e $CONFIG_FILE) {
            warn qq{$CONFIG_FILE already exists\n};

        # open a file for writing
        open (CONFFILE, ">$CONFIG_FILE")
            or die $!;

        # write out a sample config file
        while (my $line = <DATA>) {
            print CONFFILE <DATA>;
        close CONFFILE;

        # double-check to make sure the file exists
        if (not -e "$CONFIG_FILE") {
            warn qq{failed to create $CONFIG_FILE\n};

        warn qq{$CONFIG_FILE created\n};
    # for some reason they didn't want to create the config file
    else {
        warn qq{$CONFIG_FILE was NOT created\n};


sub get_config($$) {
    my ($global, $cliopt) = @_;

    if ($cliopt->{sites}) {
        my @site_list = keys %{ $global->{site} };
        if (not @site_list) {
            print "No sites defined\n";
        } else {
                'Defined site labels: '
                . join(q{, }, sort @site_list)
                . "\n"

    # make sure site is valid
    if (not exists $global->{site}{ $cliopt->{site} }) {
        die "'$cliopt->{site}' is not a valid site label\n"
            . "    sites: " .  join(',', keys %{$global->{site}}) . "\n";

    if (not sane_site_config($global->{site}{ $cliopt->{site} })) {
        warn qq{configuration problems for site section: $cliopt->{site}\n};

    my $siteconf = $global->{site}{ $cliopt->{site} };
    print Dumper($global)   if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 3);
    print Dumper($cliopt)   if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 3);
    print Dumper($siteconf) if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 3);

    # set site config
    return $siteconf;

# a quick check to raise any obvious errors with a given site-config
sub sane_site_config {
    my $site_config = shift;
    my $errors = 0;

    # these entries should all exist (as top-level keys) in the site-config
    foreach my $required_key (qw[
    ]) {
        if (not exists $site_config->{$required_key}) {
            warn qq{** configuration option missing: $required_key\n};

    # these directories should exist
    foreach my $required_dir (qw[source_dir includes_dir output_dir]) {
        # dir should exist
        if (not -d $site_config->{$required_dir}) {
            warn qq{** directory missing: $site_config->{$required_dir}\n};

    return (not $errors);

sub file_checksum($) {
    my $file = shift;
    my ($md5);

    # try to open the file
    open(FILE,$file) or do {
        warn "Can't open $file: $!";
        return undef;

    $md5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;

    return $md5;

sub file_modified($$) {
    my ($template_file, $templated_file) = @_;
    my ($template_stat, $templated_stat);

    # if the destination file doesn't exist, it's "modified"
    if (not -e $templated_file) {
        return 1;

    # get stat info for each file
    $template_stat  = stat( $template_file)   or die "no file: $!\n";
    $templated_stat = stat($templated_file)   or die "no file: $!\n";

    # return true if the templated file is OLDER than the template itself
    # i.e. the source has been altered since we last generated the final result
    return ($templated_stat->mtime < $template_stat->mtime);

sub same_file($$) {
    my ($file1, $file2) = @_;

    if (! -f $file2 or ! -f $file2) {
        return 0;

    if (file_checksum($file1) eq file_checksum($file2)) {
        return 1;

    return 0;

sub ignore_file($$$) {
    my ($cliopt,$config,$filename) = @_;

    foreach my $ignore_me (@{ $config->{ignore_files} }) {
        my $regex = qr/ $ignore_me /x;

        if ($filename =~ $regex) {
            warn "Ignoring '$filename'. Match on '$regex'. Ignoring.\n"
                if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 1);
            return 1;


sub template_file($$) {
    my ($config,$filename) = @_;

    foreach my $ignore_me (@{ $config->{template_files} }) {
        my $regex = qr/ $ignore_me /x;

        if ($filename =~ $regex) {
            return 1;


sub relative_path_from_full($$) {
    my ($config, $directory) = @_;
    my ($relpath);

    # get the relative path from the full srcdir path
    $relpath = $directory;
    # remove source_dir from directory path
    $relpath =~ s:^$config->{source_dir}::;
    # remove leading / (if any)
    $relpath =~ s:^/::;

    return $relpath;

sub directory_contents($) {
    my $directory = shift;
    my (@list);

    # get a list of everything (except . and ..) in $directory
    opendir(DIR, $directory)
        or die("can't open '$directory': $!\n");

    @list = grep { $_ !~ /^\.\.?$/ } readdir(DIR);

    return @list;

sub item_name($$$$) {
    my ($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item) = @_;
    my ($filename);

    # default case - just the item name
    $filename = $item;

    # if we want to see the relative path
    if ($cliopt->{showpath}) {
        # get the full path to the file
        $filename = "$directory/$item";
        # remove path to sourcedir
        $filename =~ s{\A$config->{source_dir}/}{}xms;

    return $filename;

sub show_destination($$$$) {
    my ($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item) = @_;
    my ($relpath);

    # get the relative path for the directory
    $relpath = relative_path_from_full($config, $directory);

    if ($cliopt->{showdestination}) {
        if ($relpath) {
            warn(qq{  --> $config->{output_dir}/$relpath/$item\n});
        # top-level files don't have a relpath and we'd prefer not to have '//' in the path
        else {
            warn(qq{  --> $config->{output_dir}/$item\n});


sub process_file($$$$) {
    my ($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item) = @_;
    my ($relpath);

    # get the relative path
    $relpath = relative_path_from_full($config, $directory);

    # set $section and $specific_section used later in the H::T filter
    my $specific_section = $relpath || 'root';
    $specific_section =~ s:/:_:;
    my ($section) = ($relpath =~ /^([^\/]+)/);
    $section = (defined $section) ? $section : 'root';

    # push the section name into the vars to replace
    my $site_vars = {
        section     => $section,
        source_dir  => $config->{source_dir},
        %{ $config->{tags} }

    # some files should be run through TT
    if (template_file($config,$item)) {

        # only create the template object once - it's stupid to create
        # a new one for each file we template
        if (not defined $template) {
            my $tt_config = {
                ABSOLUTE        => 1,
                EVAL_PERL       => 0,
                INCLUDE_PATH    => "$config->{source_dir}:$config->{includes_dir}",
            if (defined $config->{plugin_base}) {
                $tt_config->{PLUGIN_BASE} = $config->{plugin_base};

            $template = Template->new( $tt_config );

        # if the template and the destination have the same timestamp, nothing's changed
        # HOWEVER, we only care if we're not forcing the template-output to be regenerated
        if (not $cliopt->{force}) {
            if (not file_modified("$directory/$item", "$config->{output_dir}/$relpath/$item")) {
                warn "unchanged: $item\n" if ($cliopt->{verbose});

        warn (q{Templating: } . item_name($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item) . qq{\n});
        show_destination($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item);

        $template->process("$directory/$item", $site_vars, "$config->{output_dir}/$relpath/$item")
            or Carp::croak ("\n" . $template->error());
    # others should be copied (if they've changed
    else {
        # only copy files if the MD5 hasn't changed
        if (not same_file("$directory/$item", "$config->{output_dir}/$relpath/$item")) {
            warn (q{Copying: } . item_name($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item) . qq{\n});
            copy("$directory/$item", "$config->{output_dir}/$relpath/$item");
            show_destination($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item);

sub process_directory($$$) {
    my ($config, $cliopt, $directory) = @_;
    my (@list, $relpath);

    @list = directory_contents($directory);
    $relpath = relative_path_from_full($config, $directory);

    # loop through the list and act 'accordingly'
    foreach my $item (@list) {
        # process files
        if ( -f "$directory/$item") {
            # skip ignored files
            if (ignore_file($cliopt,$config,$item)) {

            process_file($config, $cliopt, $directory, $item);

        # process directories
        elsif ( -d "$directory/$item") {
            # skip ignored dirs
            if ( grep { /\A$item\z/ } @{ $config->{ignore_dirs} } ) {
                warn "Ignoring '$directory/$item'\n" if ($cliopt->{verbose});

            my $outdir = "$config->{output_dir}/$relpath/$item";
            # make sure the directory exists in the output tree
            if (! -d $outdir) {
                warn "'$outdir' does not exist\n";
                if (not mkdir($outdir)) {
                    carp "couldn't create output directory: $!";

            # process the subdirectory
            process_directory($config, $cliopt, "$directory/$item");

        # not a file ... not a directory?
        else {
            warn "????: $directory/$item\n";


sub process_site($$) {
    my ($config, $cliopt) = @_;
    my $directory = $config->{source_dir};

    process_directory($config, $cliopt, $directory);

sub remote_sync($$$) {
    my ($cliopt,$local_dir, $rsync_data) = @_;

    # we need a remote host and a path
    foreach my $required (qw[ hostname path ]) {
        if (not exists $rsync_data->{$required}) {
            warn "missing rsync option '$required'. rsync aborted\n";

    my $syncer = File::Rsync->new(
            verbose         => 1,
            recursive       => 1,
            compress        => 1,
            'dry-run'       => 0,

    if (not defined $syncer) {
        die "can't create syncer";

            src     => "$local_dir/",
            dest    => "$rsync_data->{hostname}:$rsync_data->{path}/",

    if ($cliopt->{verbose}) {
        print $syncer->out();

    if ($syncer->err()) {
        print $syncer->err();


sub read_line(;$) {
    my($message) = @_;
    my ($term, $stdout, $input);

    # try to use Term::ReadLine for input
    eval {require Term::ReadLine};

    # if we have errors, fallback to simpler input method
    if ($@) {
        print $message if (defined $message);

        my $input = (<STDIN>); chomp $input;
        $input =~ s/^\s+//; $input =~ s/\s+$//;

    # otherwise, use Term::ReadLine for input
    else {
        $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Foo');
        $stdout = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
        $input = $term->readline($message);

    return $input;

#sub file_type {
#    my ($path) = @_;
#    if (not -e $path) { return;     }
#    if (-f $path) {     return 'f'; };
#    if (-d $path) {     return 'd'; };
#    if (-l $path) {     return 'l'; };
#    return '?';

sub ftp_client {
    my ($config, $cliopt, $ftp) = @_;

    $config->{ftp}{hostname}    ||= 'localhost';
    $config->{ftp}{passive}     ||= 0;
    $config->{ftp}{username}    ||= 'anonymous';
    $config->{ftp}{password}    ||= 'coward';

    # if we have an existing FTP object - use it
    if (defined $ftp and ref($ftp) eq 'Net::FTP') {
        warn qq{using existing FTP object} if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 3);
    else {
        if (not chdir($config->{output_dir})) {
            die qq{could not chdir to: $config->{output_dir}\n};

        warn qq{creating new FTP object} if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 1);
        $ftp = Net::FTP->new(
            Debug   => ($cliopt->{'ftp-debug'} || 0),
            Passive => $config->{ftp}{passive},
        # make sure we've got a usable FTP object
        if (not defined $ftp) {
            warn(qq{Failed to connect to server [$config->{ftp}{hostname}]: $!\n});
        # try to login
        if (not $ftp->login(
        ) {
            warn(qq{Failed to login as $config->{ftp}{username}\n});
        # try to cwd, if required
        if (defined $config->{ftp}{working_dir}) {
            if (not $ftp->cwd( $config->{ftp}{working_dir} ) ) {
                warn(qq{Cannot change directory to $config->{ftp}{working_dir}\n});
        # use binary transfer mode
        if (not $ftp->binary()) {
            warn(qq{Failed to set binary mode\n});

    return $ftp;

#sub ftp_remote_files {
#    my ($config, $cliopt, $ftp, $path, $rrem) = @_;
#    my $rdir = length($path) ? $ftp->dir($path) : $ftp->dir();
#    unless ($rdir and @$rdir) {
#        warn qq{just returning ...\n};
#        return;
#    }
#    foreach my $f (@$rdir) {
#        if ($f =~ m{^d.+\s\.\.?$/}) {
#            warn(qq{Skipping remote path: $f\n});
#            next;
#        }
#        my $n = (split(m{\s+}, $f, 9))[8];
#        if (not defined $n) {
#            warn(qq{Skipping remote path (split failed on): $f\n});
#            next;
#        }
#        my $name;
#        if ($path) {
#            $name = $path .q{/};
#        }
#        $name .= $n;
#        if (exists $rrem->{$name}) {
#            next;
#        }
#        # no point fetching size and mtime for dirs
#        my ($type, $mdtm, $size) = (undef, 0, 0);
#        $type = substr($f, 0, 1);
#        $type =~ s{-}{f};
#        if ($type ne 'd') {
#            $mdtm = ($ftp->mdtm($name) || 0);
#            $size = ($ftp->size($name) || 0);
#        }
#        if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 1) {
#            warn (
#                  qq{ftp: adding }
#                . $name
#                . q{ (}
#                . $mdtm
#                . q{, }
#                . $size
#                . q{, }
#                . $type
#                . qq{)\n}
#            );
#        }
#        # store the details of the remote file
#        $rrem->{$name} = {
#            mdtm    => $mdtm,
#            size    => $size,
#            type    => $type,
#        };
#        if ($type eq 'd') {
#            # skip ignored dirs
#            if ( grep { /\A$n\z/ } @{ $config->{ftp_ignore_dirs} } ) {
#                warn "ftp: ignoring '$name'\n" if ($cliopt->{verbose});
#                next;
#            }
#            if ($cliopt->{verbose}) {
#                warn qq{ftp: descending into: $name\n};
#            }
#            ftp_remote_files($config, $cliopt, $ftp, $name, $rrem);
#        }
#    }
#    return;

#sub ftp_local_files {
#    my ($config, $cliopt) = @_;
#    my %loc = ();
#    # we chdir() so paths are relative locally - so we can compare with remote
#    if (not chdir($config->{output_dir})) {
#        die qq{could not chdir to: $config->{output_dir}\n};
#    }
#    # scan local path to see what we have
#    find(
#        {
#            no_chdir    => 1,
#            follow      => 0,   # no symlinks, please
#            wanted => sub {
#                if ($File::Find::name eq q{.}) {
#                    return;
#                }
#                my $item_name = basename($File::Find::dir);
#                if ( grep { /\A${item_name}\z/ } @{ $config->{ftp_ignore_dirs} } ) {
#                    warn "local: ignoring '$File::Find::name'\n" if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 1);
#                    $File::Find::prune = 1;
#                    return;
#                }
#                # remove leading "./" from path/filename
#                $File::Find::name =~ s{\A\./}{};
#                my $stat = stat( $File::Find::name );
#                my $r = $loc{$File::Find::name} = {
#                    mdtm    => $stat->mtime,
#                    size    => $stat->size,
#                    type    => file_type($File::Find::name),
#                };
#                if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 2) {
#                    print q{local: adding }
#                        . $File::Find::name
#                        . q{ (}
#                        . $r->{mdtm}
#                        . q{, }
#                        . $r->{size}
#                        . q{, }
#                        . $r->{type}
#                        . qq{)\n}
#                    ;
#                }
#            }
#        },
#        #$config->{output_dir}
#        q{.}
#    );
#    return \%loc;

#sub upload_missing_files {
#    my ($config, $cliopt, $ftp, $local, $remote) = @_;
#    my @files = sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %{$local};
#    foreach my $l (@files) {
#        #warn qq{checking for upload: $l};
#        # warn about softlinks
#        if ($local->{$l}{type} eq 'l') {
#            warn(qq{symbolic link not supported: $l\n});
#            next;
#        }
#        # deal with directories
#        if ($local->{$l}{type} eq 'd') {
#            if (exists $remote->{$l}) {
#                # directory already exists remotely
#                next;
#            }
#            die qq{$l dir missing in the FTP repository\n}
#                if ($cliopt->{verbose});
#            if ($cliopt->{dryrun}) {
#                print "MKDIR $l\n";
#            }
#            else {
#                $ftp->mkdir($l)
#                    or die "failed to MKDIR $l\n";
#            }
#        }
#        # deal with everything else (files)
#        else {
#            if (
#                # file exists on server
#                exists $remote->{$l}
#                    and
#                # remote file was modified after local file - no need to update
#                ($remote->{$l}{mdtm} >= $local->{$l}{mdtm})
#            ) {
#                warn qq{$l: remote and ($remote->{$l}{mdtm} < $local->{$l}{mdtm})\n}
#                    if ($cliopt->{verbose} > 1);
#                next;
#            }
#            else {
#                # put, or dry-run the file
#                if ($cliopt->{dryrun}) {
#                    print "PUT $l $l\n";
#                }
#                else {
#                    $ftp->put($l, $l)
#                        or die "Failed to PUT $l\n";
#                }
#            }
#        }
#    }

#sub delete_missing_files {
#    my ($config, $cliopt, $ftp, $local, $remote) = @_;
#    my @files = sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %{$local};
#    foreach my $r (@files) {
#        # warn about softlinks
#        if ($local->{$r}{type} eq 'l') {
#            warn(qq{symbolic link not supported: $r\n});
#            next;
#        }
#        # don't DELETE remote item if exists locally
#        if (exists $local->{$r}) {
#            next;
#        }
#        # put, or dry-run the file
#        if ($cliopt->{dryrun}) {
#            print "DELETE $r\n";
#        }
#        else {
#            $ftp->delete($r)
#                or die "Failed to DELETE $r\n";
#        }
#    }

#sub do_ftp {
#    my ($config, $cliopt, $ftp) = @_;
#    my ($local_files, $remote_files);
#    # get a new ftp client object
#    $ftp = ftp_client($config, $cliopt, $ftp);
#    if (not defined $ftp) {
#        warn(qq{Failed to connect to remote FTP server. Aborting upload.\n});
#        return;
#    }
#    # get a list of local files
#    warn qq{fetching list of local files...\n} if $cliopt->{verbose};
#    $local_files = ftp_local_files($config, $cliopt);
##die pp($local_files);
#    # get a list of remote files
#    $remote_files = {}; # pre-init variable to an empty hash
#    warn qq{fetching list of remote files...\n} if $cliopt->{verbose};
#    ftp_remote_files($config, $cliopt, $ftp, '', $remote_files);
##warn pp($remote_files);
#    upload_missing_files($config, $cliopt, $ftp, $local_files, $remote_files);
#    #delete_missing_files($config, $cliopt, $ftp, $local_files, $remote_files);

# new remote-ftp-sync code
sub do_ftpsync {
    my ($config, $cliopt, $ftp) = @_;
    my (@md5strings, $transfer_actions);

    # get a new ftp client object
    $ftp = ftp_client($config, $cliopt, $ftp);
    if (not defined $ftp) {
        warn(qq{Failed to connect to remote FTP server. Aborting upload.\n});

    # regenerate (local) md5s
    find( sub{wanted($config,\@md5strings);}, $config->{output_dir} );
    write_file(qq{$config->{output_dir}/digest.md5}, @md5strings);

    # get the remote digest

    # work out what needs to happen
    $transfer_actions = build_transfer_actions(

    # do the remote update
    my $ftp_root = $config->{'ftp'}{'path'} || '/';
    do_remote_update($transfer_actions, $ftp, $ftp_root);

    # remove the temp file
    unlink( $config->{tmp_remote_digest} );

sub wanted {
    my ($config, $md5string_list) = @_;

    if (
        -f $_
        $_ ne q{digest.md5}
        $_ !~ m{\.sw?}
    ) {
        push @{$md5string_list}, md5file($File::Find::name, $config->{output_dir}) . qq{\n};

sub md5file {
    my ($file, $dir_prefix) = @_;
    my ($filedata, $md5sum, $rel_filename, $md5data);

    # slurp the file
    $filedata = read_file($file)
        or die "$file: $!";
    # get the md5sum of the file
    $md5sum = md5_hex($filedata);
    # trim off any leading directories - making filename relative)
    if (defined $dir_prefix) {
        $rel_filename = $file;
        $rel_filename =~ s{\A${dir_prefix}/}{};

    # return an md5 string
    return "$md5sum    $rel_filename";

sub parse_md5file {
    my ($file) = @_;
    my (%md5_of, @lines);

    # read in the file
    @lines = read_file($file)
        or die "$file: $!";

    # parse/split each line
    foreach my $line (@lines) {
        if ($line =~ m{\A([a-z0-9]{32})\s+(.+)\z}xms) {
            $md5_of{$2} = $1;

    return \%md5_of;

sub build_transfer_actions {
    my ($local_digest_file, $remote_digest_file) = @_;
    my ($local_md5_of, $remote_md5_of, %transfer_action_of);

    $local_md5_of   = parse_md5file($local_digest_file);
    $remote_md5_of  = parse_md5file($remote_digest_file);

    # run through the list of files we have locally
    foreach my $relpath (sort keys %{$local_md5_of}) {
        my $dirname = dirname($relpath);

        # does the file live in the server?
        if (exists $remote_md5_of->{$relpath}) {
            # if the MD5s match - nothing to do
            if ($local_md5_of->{$relpath} eq $remote_md5_of->{$relpath}) {
                delete $local_md5_of->{$relpath};
                delete $remote_md5_of->{$relpath};

            push @{$transfer_action_of{$dirname}},
                action  => 'update',
                relname => $relpath,
            delete $local_md5_of->{$relpath};
            delete $remote_md5_of->{$relpath};
        # ... it's a new file to put on the server
        else {
            push @{$transfer_action_of{$dirname}},
                action  => 'new',
                relname => $relpath,
            delete $local_md5_of->{$relpath};

    # anything left in remote is a file we don't have locally
    # we'll store actions (remove) for these, but won't act on the
    # action until specifically asked
    foreach my $relpath (sort keys %{$remote_md5_of}) {
        my $dirname = dirname($relpath);
        push @{$transfer_action_of{$dirname}},
            action  => 'remove',
            relname => $relpath,
        delete $remote_md5_of->{$relpath};

    # make sure we didn't miss anything
    if (keys %{$local_md5_of}) {
        warn qq{Some local files were not processed};
        warn qq{Local:   } . pp($local_md5_of);
    if (keys %{$remote_md5_of}) {
        warn qq{Some remote files were not processed};
        warn qq{Remote:   } . pp($remote_md5_of);

    return \%transfer_action_of;

sub do_remote_update {
    my $transfer_actions = shift;
    my $ftp              = shift;
    my $ftp_root         = shift;
    my $errors           = 0;

    if (not defined $ftp) {
        warn(qq{No FTP server defined. Aborting upload.\n});

    # do transfer actions shortest dirname first
    my @remote_dirs = sort {
        length($a) <=> length($b)
    } keys %{$transfer_actions};

    my $ftp_root_status = $ftp->cwd($ftp_root);
    if (not $ftp_root_status) {
        die "$ftp_root: couldn't CWD to remote directory\n";
    my $default_dir = $ftp->pwd();
    if ($default_dir !~ m{/\z}xms) {
        $default_dir .= q{/};

    # make missing (remote) directories
    warn "checking remote directories...\n";
    foreach my $dir (@remote_dirs) {
        my $status = $ftp->cwd($default_dir . $dir);
        if (not $status) {
            $ftp->mkdir($default_dir . $dir)
                or warn qq{failed to create $dir};
    # return to the default location

    # now run through everything and take the appropriate action for files
    warn "transferring files...\n";
    foreach my $dir (@remote_dirs) {
        # run through the actions for the directory
        foreach my $action ( @{$transfer_actions->{$dir}} ) {
            #warn pp($action);
            if ($action->{action} =~ m{\A(?:new|update)\z}) {
                if (not $ftp->put( $action->{relname}, $action->{relname} )) {
                    warn "failed to upload $action->{relname}\n";

    # if we didn't have any errors, upload the digest
    if (not $errors) {

sub fetch_remote_digest {
    my ($config) = @_;

    # fetch the remote digest (if it exists)
    # open it, return path to it
    my ($fh, $filename, $ua, $response);

    # if website isn't defined in the config - barf
    if (not defined $config->{website}) {
        die qq{'website' is not defined in .ttsite; can't fetch remote digest.md5\n};

    # a temporary file to use
    ($fh, $filename) = tempfile();
    $config->{tmp_remote_digest} = $filename;

    # get the remote file
    $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $response = $ua->get($config->{website} . q{digest.md5});

    # if we couldn't get it - write an empty one
    if (not $response->is_success) {
        warn "No remote digest";
        print $fh "\n";
        close $fh;

    # write the remote file for local use (in the temp file)
    print $fh $response->content;
    close $fh;

    return $filename;




=head1 NAME

ttsite - Chisel's site templater


ttsite [options]

    --site=X        process site labelled X

    --rsync         after templating, perform an rsync to the remote server
    --rsync-only    rsync existing site to the remote server

    --fsync         after templating, perform an ftp-sync to the remote server
    --fsync-only    ftp-sync existing site to the remote server

    --ftp           after templating, use ftp to sync files on the
                    remote server [DEPRECATED, use --fsync]
    --ftp-only      skip templating, use ftp to sync files on the
                    remote server [DEPRECATED, use --fsync-only]
    --dryrun        show FTP commands but don't perform action

    --force         force templates to be regenerated regardless of
                    modification times
    --showpath      when templating files, show relative path
                    from <source_dir>
    --showdest      when templating or copying files, show where
                    the file was written to

    --help          show brief help message
    --verbose       increase the verbosity of the script

=head1 AUTHOR

Chisel Wright C<< <chisel@herlpacker.co.uk> >>
Jason Tang C<< <jason@dragor.net> >> Modification/Refactoring



# which site configuration to use if none are specified on the command line
default_site:   'default'

# site configurations
    # default site configuration - simply an example of the format
        source_dir:     '/path/to/tt_templates'
        includes_dir:   '/path/to/tt_includes'
        output_dir:     '/var/www/default_site/html'

            -   '\.html\z'

            -   'CVS'
            -   '.svn'
            -   'stats'
            -   'tmp'

            -   '\.swp\z'

            -   '.svn'
            -   'tmp'

            author:     'Joe Bloggs'
            email:      'joe@localhost'
            copyright:  '&copy; 2000-2006 Joe Bloggs. All rights reserved.'

            hostname:   'remote.site'
            path:       '/home/joe.bloggs'

            hostname:   'remote.ftp.site'
            username:   'joe.bloggs'
            password:   'sekrit'
            path:       '/htdocs/'

    # a second site definition - to demonstrate how to define multiple sites
        source_dir:     '/path/to/tt_templates'
        includes_dir:   '/path/to/tt_includes'
        output_dir:     '/var/www/default_site/html'
        website:        'http://my.site.com/'

            -   '\.html\z'

            -   'CVS'
            -   '.svn'
            -   'stats'
            -   'tmp'

            -   '\.swp\z'

            -   '.svn'
            -   'tmp'

            author:     'Joe Bloggs'
            email:      'joe@localhost'
            copyright:  '&copy; 2000-2006 Joe Bloggs. All rights reserved.'

            hostname:   remote.ftp.site
            path:       /home/joe.bloggs