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# use PDL::PP qw/PDL::Experiment PDL::Experiment Experiment/;
# when using not in this package.

pp_add_exported('',"rpnm wpnm");

=head1 NAME

PDL::IO::Pnm -- pnm format I/O for PDL


  use PDL::IO::Pnm;
  $im = wpnm $pdl, $file, $format[, $raw];
  rpnm $stack->slice(':,:,:,(0)'),"PDL.ppm";


pnm I/O for PDL.


use PDL::Core qw/howbig convert/;
use PDL::Types;
use PDL::Basic;  # for max/min
use PDL::IO::Misc;
use Carp;
use File::Temp qw( tempfile );

# return the upper limit of data values an integer PDL data type
# can hold
sub dmax {
    my $type = shift;
    my $sz = 8*howbig($type);
    $sz-- if ($type == $PDL_S || $type == $PDL_L);  # signed types
    return ((1 << $sz)-1);

# output any errors that have accumulated
sub show_err {
  my ($file,$showflag) = @_;
  my $err;
  $showflag = 1 unless defined $showflag;
  if (-s "$file") {
    open(INPUT,$file) or barf "Can't open error file";
    if ($showerr) {
      while (<INPUT>) {
       print STDERR "converter: $_";
      }} else {
       $err = join('',<INPUT>);
  close INPUT;
  unlink $file;
  return $err unless $showflag;

# barf after showing any accumulated errors
sub rbarf {
  my $err = show_err(shift, 0);
  $err = '' unless defined $err;
  barf @_,"converter error: $err";

# carp after showing any accumulated errors
sub rcarp {
  carp @_;

# public interface


=head2 rpnm

=for ref

Read a pnm (portable bitmap/pixmap, pbm/ppm) file into a piddle.

=for usage

  Usage:  $im = rpnm $file;

Reads a file in pnm format (ascii or raw) into a pdl (magic numbers P1-P6).
Based on the input format it returns pdls with arrays of size (width,height)
if binary or grey value data (pbm and pgm) or (3,width,height) if rgb
data (ppm). This also means for a palette image that the distinction between
an image and its lookup table is lost which can be a problem in cases (but can
hardly be avoided when using netpbm/pbmplus).  Datatype is dependent
on the maximum grey/color-component value (for raw and binary formats
always PDL_B). rpnm tries to read chopped files by zero padding the
missing data (well it currently doesn't, it barfs; I'll probably fix it
when it becomes a problem for me ;). You can also read directly into an
existing pdl that has to have the right size(!). This can come in handy
when you want to read a sequence of images into a datacube.

For details about the formats see appropriate manpages that come with the
netpbm/pbmplus packages.

=for example

  $stack = zeroes(byte,3,500,300,4);
  rpnm $stack->slice(':,:,:,(0)'),"PDL.ppm";

reads an rgb image (that had better be of size (500,300)) into the
first plane of a 3D RGB datacube (=4D pdl datacube). You can also do
inplace transpose/inversion that way.


sub rpnm {PDL->rpnm(@_)}
sub PDL::rpnm {
    barf 'Usage: $im = rpnm($file) or $im = $pdl->rpnm($file)'
       if $#_<0 || $#_>2;
    my ($pdl,$file,$maybe) = @_;

    if (ref($file)) { # $file is really a pdl in this case
	$pdl = $file;
	$file = $maybe;
    } else {
        $pdl = $pdl->initialize;

    my ($errfh, $efile) = tempfile();
    # catch STDERR
    open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR");
    open(STDERR, ">$efile") || barf "Can't redirect stderr";
    my $succeed = open(PNM, $file);
    # redirection now in effect for child
    # close(STDERR);
    open(STDERR, ">&PDL::IO::Pnm::SAVEERR");
    rbarf $efile,"Can't open pnm file '$file'" unless $succeed;
    binmode PNM;

    read(PNM,(my $magic),2);
    rbarf $efile, "Oops, this is not a PNM file" unless $magic =~ /P[1-6]/;
    print "reading pnm file with magic $magic\n" if $PDL::debug>1;

    my ($isrgb,$israw,$params) = (0,0,3);
    $israw = 1 if $magic =~ /P[4-6]/;
    $isrgb = 1 if $magic =~ /P[3,6]/;
    if ($magic =~ /P[1,4]/) {  # PBM data
	$params = 2;
	$dims[2] = 1; }

    # get the header information
    my ($line, $pgot, @dims) = ("",0,0,0,0);
    while (($pgot<$params) && ($line=<PNM>)) {
       $line =~ s/#.*$//;
	next if $line =~ /^\s*$/;    # just white space
	while ($line !~ /^\s*$/ && $pgot < $params) {
	    if ($line =~ /\s*(\S+)(.*)$/) {
		$dims[$pgot++] = $1; $line = $2; }
	    else {
		rbarf $efile, "no valid header info in pnm";}

    my $type = $PDL_B;
    do {
TYPES:	{  my $pdlt;
	   foreach $pdlt ($PDL_B,$PDL_US,$PDL_L){
	     if ($dims[2] <= dmax($pdlt))
	       { $type = $pdlt;
	         last TYPES;
	   rbarf $efile, "rraw: data from ascii pnm file out of range";

    # the file ended prematurely
    rbarf $efile, "no valid header info in pnm" if $pgot < $params;
    rbarf $efile,
        "Dimensions must be > 0" if ($dims[0] <= 0) || ($dims[1] <= 0);

    my @Dims = @dims[0,1];
    $Dims[0] *= 3 if $isrgb;
    if ($pdl->getndims==1 && $pdl->getdim(0)==0 && $isrgb) { #input pdl is null
	local $PDL::debug = 0; # shut up
	$pdl = $pdl->zeroes(PDL::Type->new($type),3,@dims[0,1]);
    my $npdl = $isrgb ? $pdl->clump(2) : $pdl;
    if ($israw) {
       pnminraw (convert(pdl(0),$type), $npdl, $Dims[0], $Dims[1],
	 $magic eq "P4", 'PDL::IO::Pnm::PNM');
    } else {
       my $form = $1 if $magic =~ /P([1-3])/;
       pnminascii (convert(pdl(0),$type), $npdl, $Dims[0], $Dims[1],
	$form, 'PDL::IO::Pnm::PNM');
    print("loaded pnm file, $dims[0]x$dims[1], gmax: $dims[2]",
	   $isrgb ? ", RGB data":"", $israw ? ", raw" : " ASCII"," data\n")
	if $PDL::debug;

    # need to byte swap for little endian platforms
    unless ( isbigendian() ) {
       if ($israw ) {
          $pdl->bswap2 if $type==$PDL_US or $pdl->type == ushort;
          $pdl->bswap4 if $type==$PDL_L;  # not likely, but supported anyway
    return $pdl;

=head2 wpnm

=for ref

Write a pnm (portable bitmap/pixmap, pbm/ppm) file into a file.

=for usage

  Usage:  $im = wpnm $pdl, $file, $format[, $raw];

Writes data in a pdl into pnm format (ascii or raw) (magic numbers P1-P6).
The $format is required (normally produced by B<wpic>) and routine just
checks if data is compatible with that format. All conversions should
already have been done. If possible, usage of B<wpic> is preferred. Currently
RAW format is chosen if compliant with range of input data. Explicit control
of ASCII/RAW is possible through the optional $raw argument. If RAW is
set to zero it will enforce ASCII mode. Enforcing RAW is
somewhat meaningless as the routine will always try to write RAW
format if the data range allows (but maybe it should reduce to a RAW
supported type when RAW == 'RAW'?). For details about the formats
consult appropriate manpages that come with the netpbm/pbmplus


*wpnm = \&PDL::wpnm;
sub PDL::wpnm {
    barf ('Usage: wpnm($pdl,$filename,$format[,$raw]) ' .
	   'or $pdl->wpnm($filename,$format[,$raw])') if $#_ < 2;
    my ($pdl,$file,$type,$raw) = @_;
    my ($israw,$max,$isrgb,$magic) = (0,255,0,"");

    # need to copy input arg since bswap[24] work inplace
    # might be better if the bswap calls detected if run in
    # void context
    my $swap_inplace = $pdl->is_inplace;

    barf "wpnm: unknown format '$type'" if $type !~ /P[P,G,B]M/;

    # check the data
    my @Dims = $pdl->dims;
    barf "wpnm: exspecting 3D (3,w,h) input"
	if ($type =~ /PPM/) && (($#Dims != 2) || ($Dims[0] != 3));
    barf "wpnm: exspecting 2D (w,h) input"
	if ($type =~ /P[G,B]M/) && ($#Dims != 1);
    barf "wpnm: user should convert float and double data to appropriate type"
	if ($pdl->get_datatype == $PDL_F) || ($pdl->get_datatype == $PDL_D);
    barf "wpnm: exspecting prescaled data"
	if (($pdl->get_datatype != $PDL_B) || ($pdl->get_datatype != $PDL_US)) &&
	    ($pdl->min < 0);

    # check for raw format
    $israw = 1 if (($pdl->get_datatype == $PDL_B) || ($pdl->get_datatype == $PDL_US) || ($type =~ /PBM/));
    $israw = 0 if (defined($raw) && !$raw);

    $magic = $israw ? "P4" : "P1" if $type =~ /PBM/;
    $magic = $israw ? "P5" : "P2" if $type =~ /PGM/;
    $magic = $israw ? "P6" : "P3" if $type =~ /PPM/;
    $isrgb = 1 if $magic =~ /P[3,6]/;

    # catch STDERR and sigpipe
    my ($errfh, $efile) = tempfile();
    local $SIG{"PIPE"} = sub { show_err($efile);
			       die "Bad write to pipe $? $!"; };

    my $pref = ($file !~ /^\s*[|>]/) ? ">" : "";  # test for plain file name
    open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR");
    open(STDERR, ">$efile") || barf "Can't redirect stderr";
    my $succeed = open(PNM, $pref . $file);
    # close(STDERR);
    open(STDERR, ">&PDL::IO::Pnm::SAVEERR");
    rbarf $efile, "Can't open pnm file" unless $succeed;
    binmode PNM;

    $max =$pdl->max;
    print "writing ". ($israw ? "raw" : "ascii") .
      "format with magic $magic\n" if $PDL::debug;
    # write header
    print PNM "$magic\n";
    print PNM "$Dims[-2] $Dims[-1]\n";
    if ($type !~ /PBM/) {	# fix maxval for raw output formats
       my $outmax = 0;

       if ($max < 256) {
          $outmax =   "255";
       } elsif ($max < 65536) {
          $outmax = "65535";
       } else {
          $outmax = $max;

       print PNM "$outmax\n" unless $type =~ /PBM/;

    # if rgb clump first two dims together
    my $out = ($isrgb ? $pdl->slice(':,:,-1:0')->clump(2)
		 : $pdl->slice(':,-1:0'));

    # handle byte swap issues for little endian platforms
    unless ( isbigendian() ) {
       if ($israw ) {
          # make copy if needed
          $out = $out->copy unless $swap_inplace;
          if ( (255 < $max) and ($max < 65536)) {
          } elsif ($max >= 65536) {
    pnmout($out,$israw,$type eq "PBM",'PDL::IO::Pnm::PNM');

    # check if our child returned an error (in case of a pipe)
    if (!(close PNM)) {
      my $err = show_err($efile,0);
      barf "wpnm: pbmconverter error: $err";

;# Exit with OK status


=head1 BUGS

The stderr of the converters is redirected to a file. The filename is
currently generated in a probably non-portable way. A method that avoids
a file (and is portable) would be prefered.

C<rpnm> currently relies on the fact that the header is separated
from the image data by a newline. This is not required by the p[bgp]m
formats (in fact any whitespace is allowed) but most of the pnm
writers seem to comply with that. Truncated files are currently
treated ungracefully (C<rpnm> just barfs).

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (C) 1996,1997 Christian Soeller <>
All rights reserved. There is no warranty. You are allowed
to redistribute this software / documentation under certain
conditions. For details, see the file COPYING in the PDL
distribution. If this file is separated from the PDL distribution,
the copyright notice should be included in the file.


############################## END PM CODE ################################

	Pars => 'type(); byte+ [o] im(m,n)',
	OtherPars => 'int ms => m; int ns => n;
			int isbin; char* fd',
	GenericTypes => [B,U,L],
	Code => 'int ms, ns, i,j,k,bit,llen;
		 PerlIO *fp;
		 IO *io;
		 PDL_Byte *buf, *bp;
		 $GENERIC() *gbp;

		 io = GvIO(gv_fetchpv($COMP(fd),FALSE,SVt_PVIO));
		 if (!io || !(fp = IoIFP(io)))
			barf("Can\'t figure out FP");
		 ms = $SIZE(m); ns = $SIZE(n);
		 llen = ($COMP(isbin) ? ((ms+7) / 8) : (ms * sizeof($GENERIC())));
		 /* allocate a buffer of length llen */
		 if ((buf = (PDL_Byte*) malloc(llen*sizeof(PDL_Byte)))
		      == NULL)
			barf("Error getting mem for line buffer");
		 threadloop %{  /* with top to bottom inversion */
			for (i=ns-1; i>= 0; i--) {
			   if (PerlIO_read(fp,buf,llen) != llen)
				barf("Error reading pnm file");
			   if ($COMP(isbin))  /* unpack buffer */
				for (j=0,bp=buf,bit=0; j<ms; j++, bit++) {
					bit &= 7;
					if (!bit) k= *bp++;
					/* here we do the inversion */
					$im(n=>i,m=>j) = (k&0x80) ? 0 : 1;
					k = k << 1;
			   else {
				gbp = ($GENERIC()*)buf;
				loop(m) %{
					$im(n=>i,m=>m) = *(gbp++);
		 %}', Doc => '

=for ref

Read in a raw pnm file.

read a raw pnm file. The C<type> argument is only there to
determine the type of the operation when creating C<im> or trigger
the appropriate type conversion (maybe we want a byte+ here so that
C<im> follows I<strictly> the type of C<type>).




#define SWALLOWLINE(fp) while ((s = PerlIO_getc(fp)) != '\n' && s != EOF)
#define PBM 1
#define PGM 2
#define PPM 3

int getint(PerlIO *fp, PDL_Long *ip);

/* process one input line from an ascii pnm file
 * and store data into a pdl data component
 * returns number of elements read
 * returns -1 if garbage was encountered

/* get the next number from the input string
 * return values:  len : number of characters read
 *                 0 : end of string or skip rest of string because comment
 *                -1 : found garbage
   if (s!=' ' && s!='\t' && s!='\r' && s!='\n' && s!=',')  return -1
int getint(PerlIO *fp, PDL_Long *ip)
  PDL_Long i = 0;
  int nread = 0;
  int s = PerlIO_getc(fp);

  if (s == EOF) return 0;
  while (1) {
    if (s == EOF)
      return 0;   /* signal end of line */
    if (s == '#')
    if (s >='0' && s <='9') break;
    if (s!=' ' && s!='\t' && s!='\r' && s!='\n' && s!=',')
      return -1;  /* garbage */
    s = PerlIO_getc(fp); /* else skip whitespace */
  /* parse number */
  while (1) {
    i = (i*10) + (s - '0');
    if ((s = PerlIO_getc(fp)) == EOF) break; /* we could loose that */
    if (s<'0' || s>'9') break;
  *ip = i;
  return nread;


pp_def( 'pnminascii',
	Pars => 'type(); byte+ [o] im(m,n)',
	OtherPars => 'int ms => m; int ns => n;
			int format; char* fd',
	GenericTypes => [B,U,S,L],
	Code => q?
		 int ms, ns, s, i;
		 PerlIO *fp;
		 IO *io;

		 io = GvIO(gv_fetchpv($COMP(fd),FALSE,SVt_PVIO));
		 if (!io || !(fp = IoIFP(io)))
			barf("Can\'t figure out FP");
		 ms = $SIZE(m); ns = $SIZE(n);

		 switch ($COMP(format)) {
		 case PBM:
		   threadloop %{  /* with top to bottom inversion */
			for (i=ns-1; i>= 0; i--) {
			loop(m) %{
			    while ((s = PerlIO_getc(fp)) != EOF) {
			      switch (s) {
			       case '#': /* comment, skip rest of line */
			       case '0':
			       case '1':
				/* invert on the fly */
				$im(n=>i,m=>m) = 1 - (s - '0');
				goto $TBUSL(B,U,S,L)next;
			       case ' ':
			       case '\t':
			       case '\r':
			       case '\n':
			       case ',':
				/* skip whitespace */
			       default:	/* garbage */
				barf("found garbage, aborting"); /* for now */
			  $TBUSL(B,U,S,L)next: ;
		case PGM:
		case PPM:
		   threadloop %{  /* with top to bottom inversion */
			PDL_Long j;
			for (i=ns-1; i>= 0; i--) {
			  loop(m) %{
			    if (getint(fp,&j) <= 0)
		  		barf("found garbage, aborting"); /* for now */
			    $im(n=>i,m=>m) = j;
		   barf("unknown PNM format");
		} /* end switch */
		?, Doc => '
=for ref

Read in an ascii pnm file.



# write a line of data supporting threading !
pp_def(	'pnmout',
	Pars => 'a(m);',
	'NoPthread' => 1, # Pthreading doesn't make sense for an IO function
	OtherPars => "int israw; int isbin; char *fd",
	GenericTypes => [B,U,S,L],
	Code => 'PerlIO *fp;
		 IO *io;

		 io = GvIO(gv_fetchpv($COMP(fd),FALSE,SVt_PVIO));
		 if (!io || !(fp = IoIFP(io)))
			barf("Can\'t figure out FP");

		 if ($COMP(israw)) {
		    if ($COMP(isbin)) {
		    	threadloop %{
			  int k=0, bit=0;
			  loop(m) %{
			    k = (k << 1) | ($a() < 1);
	  			if (bit==8) {
				  bit = k = 0;
			  if (bit) {
			    k = k << (8-bit);
		    } else {
		      int len = $SIZE(m) * sizeof($GENERIC());
		      threadloop %{
		 	if (PerlIO_write(fp,$P(a),len) != len)
				barf("Error writing pnm file");
		 } else {
		    int len=0;
		    threadloop %{
			loop(m) %{
				PerlIO_printf(fp,"%3d ",$COMP(isbin) ?
					($a() < 1) :$a());
				len +=4;
				if (len>58) { PerlIO_printf(fp,"\n"); len=0; }
                 	if (len<=58)
', Doc => '
=for ref

Write a line of pnm data.

This function is implemented this way so that threading works


