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=head1 NAME

PDL::Ops - Fundamental mathematical operators


This module provides the functions used by PDL to
overload the basic mathematical operators (C<+ - / *>
etc.) and functions (C<sin sqrt> etc.)

It also includes the function C<log10>, which should
be a perl function so that we can overload it!






=head1 AUTHOR

Tuomas J. Lukka (,
Karl Glazebrook (, 
Doug Hunt (, 
Christian Soeller (,
Doug Burke (,
and Craig DeForest (



#include <math.h>

/* MOD requires hackage to map properly into the positive-definite numbers. */
/* Note that this code causes some warning messages in the compile, because */
/* the unsigned data types always fail the ((foo)<0) tests.  I believe that */
/* gcc optimizes those tests away for those data types.  --CED 7-Aug-2002   */

#define MOD(X,N) (  ((N) == 0)   ?    0   :   (   (X) - (ABS(N))  *  ((int)((X)/(ABS(N))) + (   ( ((N) * ((int)((X)/(N)))) != (X) )   ?   ( ( ((N)<0) ? 1 : 0 )  +  ( (((X)<0) ? -1 : 0)))  :  0 ))))

#define SPACE(A,B)   ( ((A)<(B)) ? -1 : ((A)!=(B)) )
#define ABS(A)       ( (A)>=0 ? (A) : -(A) )
#define NOTHING

sub protect_chars {
  my ($txt) = @_;
  $txt =~ s/>/E;gt#/g;
  $txt =~ s/</E;lt#/g;
  $txt =~ s/;/</g;
  $txt =~ s/#/>/g;
  return $txt;

# simple binary operators

sub biop {
    my ($name,$op,$swap,$doc,%extra) = @_;
    my $optxt = protect_chars ref $op eq 'ARRAY' ? $op->[1] : $op;
    $op = $op->[0] if ref $op eq 'ARRAY';

    if ($swap) {
	$extra{HdrCode} = << 'EOH';
  pdl *tmp;
  if (swap) {
    tmp = a;
    a = b;
    b = tmp;

    # handle exceptions
    my $badcode = '$ISBAD(a()) || $ISBAD(b())';
    if ( exists $extra{Exception} ) {
#	$badcode .= " || $extra{Exception}";
#	print "Warning: ignored exception for $name\n";
	delete $exists{Exception};

	   Pars => 'a(); b(); [o]c();',
	   OtherPars => 'int swap',
	   HandleBad => 1,
	   NoBadifNaN => 1,
	   Inplace => [ 'a' ], # quick and dirty solution to get ->inplace do its job
	   Code => 
	   "\$c() = \$a() $op \$b();",
	   BadCode =>
	   'if ( ' . $badcode . ' )
	    else' . "\n  \$c() = \$a() $op \$b();\n",
	   CopyBadStatusCode =>
	   'if ( $PRIV(bvalflag) ) {
               if ( a == c && $ISPDLSTATEGOOD(a) ) {
                  PDL->propogate_badflag( c, 1 ); /* have inplace op AND badflag has changed */
	   Doc => << "EOD");
=for ref


=for example

   \$c = $name \$a, \$b, 0;     # explicit call with trailing 0
   \$c = \$a $op \$b;           # overloaded call
   \$a->inplace->$name(\$b,0);  # modify \$a inplace

It can be made to work inplace with the C<\$a-E<gt>inplace> syntax.
This function is used to overload the binary C<$optxt> operator.
Note that when calling this function explicitly you need to supply
a third argument that should generally be zero (see first example).
This restriction is expected to go away in future releases.
} # sub: biop()

#simple binary functions
sub bifunc {
    my ($name,$func,$swap,$doc,%extra) = @_;
    my $funcov = ref $func eq 'ARRAY' ? $func->[1] : $func;
    my $isop=0; if ($funcov =~ s/^op//) { $isop = 1; }
    my $funcovp = protect_chars $funcov;
    $func = $func->[0] if ref $func eq 'ARRAY';
    if ($swap) {
	$extra{HdrCode} .= << 'EOH';
  pdl *tmp;
  if (swap) {
    tmp = a;
    a = b;
    b = tmp;
    my $ovcall;
    # is this one to be used as a function or operator ?
    if ($isop) { $ovcall = "\$c = \$a $funcov \$b;    # overloaded use"; }
    else       { $ovcall = "\$c = $funcov \$a, \$b;    # overloaded use"; }
	   HandleBad => 1,
	   NoBadifNaN => 1,
	   Pars => 'a(); b(); [o]c();',
	   OtherPars => 'int swap',
	   Inplace => [ 'a' ], # quick and dirty solution to get ->inplace do its job
	   Code => 
	   "\$c() = $func(\$a(),\$b());",
	   BadCode =>
	   'if ( $ISBAD(a()) || $ISBAD(b()) )
	    else' . "\n  \$c() = $func(\$a(),\$b());\n",
	   CopyBadStatusCode =>
	   'if ( $PRIV(bvalflag) ) {
               if ( a == c && $ISPDLSTATEGOOD(a) ) {
                  PDL->propogate_badflag( c, 1 ); /* have inplace op AND badflag has changed */
	   Doc => << "EOD");
=for ref


=for example

   \$c = \$a->$name(\$b,0); # explicit function call
   \$a->inplace->$name(\$b,0);     # modify \$a inplace

It can be made to work inplace with the C<\$a-E<gt>inplace> syntax.
This function is used to overload the binary C<$funcovp> function.
Note that when calling this function explicitly you need to supply
a third argument that should generally be zero (see first example).
This restriction is expected to go away in future releases.
} # sub: bifunc()

# simple unary functions and operators
sub ufunc {
    my ($name,$func,$doc,%extra) = @_;
    my $funcov = ref $func eq 'ARRAY' ? $func->[1] : $func;
    my $funcovp = protect_chars $funcov;
    $func = $func->[0] if ref $func eq 'ARRAY';

    # handle exceptions
    my $badcode = '$ISBAD(a())';
    if ( exists $extra{Exception} ) {
#	$badcode .= " || $extra{Exception}";
#	print "Warning: ignored exception for $name\n";
	delete $exists{Exception};

    # do not have to worry about propogation of the badflag when
    # inplace since only input piddle is a, hence its badflag
    # won't change
    # UNLESS an exception occurs...
	   Pars => 'a(); [o]b()',
	   HandleBad => 1,
	   NoBadifNaN => 1,
	   Inplace => 1,
	   Code => 
	   "\$b() = $func(\$a());",
	   BadCode =>
	   'if ( ' . $badcode . ' )
	   else' . "\n  \$b() = $func(\$a());\n",
	   Doc => << "EOD");
=for ref


=for example

   \$b = $funcov \$a;
   \$a->inplace->$name;  # modify \$a inplace

It can be made to work inplace with the C<\$a-E<gt>inplace> syntax.
This function is used to overload the unary C<$funcovp> operator/function.
} # sub: ufunc()


# we trap some illegal operations here -- see the Exception option
# note, for the ufunc()'s, the checks do not work too well
#    for unsigned integer types (ie < 0)
# XXX needs thinking about 
#    - have to integrate into Code section as well (so
#      12/pdl(2,4,0,3) is trapped and flagged bad)
#      --> complicated
#    - perhaps could use type %{ %} ?
# ==> currently have commented out the exception code, since
#     want to see if can use NaN/Inf for bad values
#     (would solve many problems for F,D types)
# there is an issue over how we handle comparison operators
# - see Primitive/primitive.pd/zcover() for more discussion

## arithmetic ops
# no swap
biop('plus','+',0,'add two piddles');
biop('mult','*',0,'multiply two piddles');

# all those need swapping
biop('minus','-',1,'subtract two piddles');
biop('divide','/',1,'divide two piddles', Exception => '$b() == 0' );

## note: divide should perhaps trap division by zero as well

## comparison ops
# need swapping
biop('gt','>',1,'the binary E<gt> (greater than) operation');
biop('lt','<',1,'the binary E<lt> (less than) operation');
biop('le','<=',1,'the binary E<lt>= (less equal) operation');
biop('ge','>=',1,'the binary E<gt>= (greater equal) operation');
# no swap required
biop('eq','==',0,'binary I<equal to> operation (C<==>)');
biop('ne','!=',0,'binary I<not equal to> operation (C<!=>)');

## bit ops
# those need to be limited to the right types
my $T = [B,U,S,L]; # the sensible types here
biop('shiftleft','<<',1,'leftshift C<a$> by C<$b>',GenericTypes => $T);
biop('shiftright','>>',1,'leftshift C<a$> by C<$b>',GenericTypes => $T);
biop('or2','|',0,'binary I<or> of two piddles',GenericTypes => $T);
biop('and2','&',0,'binary I<and> of two piddles',GenericTypes => $T);
biop('xor','^',0,'binary I<exclusive or> of two piddles',GenericTypes => $T);

# really an ufunc
ufunc('bitnot','~','unary bit negation',GenericTypes => $T);

# some standard binary functions
bifunc('power',['pow','op**'],1,'raise piddle C<$a> to the power C<b>',GenericTypes => [D]);
bifunc('atan2','atan2',1,'elementwise C<atan2> of two piddles',GenericTypes => [D]);
bifunc('modulo',['MOD','op%'],1,'elementwise C<modulo> operation');
bifunc('spaceship',['SPACE','op<=>'],1,'elementwise C<~> operation');

# some standard unary functions
ufunc('sqrt','sqrt','elementwise square root', Exception => '$a() < 0' );
ufunc('abs',['ABS','abs'],'elementwise absolute value',GenericTypes => [D,F,S,L]);
ufunc('sin','sin','the sin function');
ufunc('cos','cos','the cos function');
ufunc('not','!','the elementwise I<not> operation');
ufunc('exp','exp','the exponential function',GenericTypes => [D]);
ufunc('log','log','the natural logarithm',GenericTypes => [D], 
      Exception => '$a() <= 0' );


# make log10() work on scalars (returning scalars)
# as well as piddles
ufunc('log10','log10','the base 10 logarithm', GenericTypes => [D], 
      Exception => '$a() <= 0',
      PMCode => 
sub PDL::log10 { 
    my $x = shift; 
    if ( ! UNIVERSAL::isa($x,"PDL") ) { return log($x) / log(10); }
    my $y;
    if ( $x->is_inplace ) { $x->set_inplace(0); $y = $x; }
    elsif( ref($x) eq "PDL"){
    	#PDL Objects, use nullcreate:
	$y = PDL->nullcreate($x);
    	#PDL-Derived Object, use copy: (Consistent with
	#  Auto-creation docs in Objects.pod)
	$y = $x->copy;
    &PDL::_log10_int( $x, $y );
    return $y;

# note: the extra code that adding 'HandleBad => 1' creates is
# unneeded here. Things could be made clever enough to work this out,
# but it's very low priority.
# It does add doc information though, and lets people know it's been
# looked at for bad value support
# Can't this be handled in when '.=' is overloaded ?
#       HandleBad => 1,
       Pars => 'a(); [o]b();',
       Code =>
       '$b() = $a();',
#       BadCode =>
#       'if ( $ISBAD(a()) ) { $SETBAD(b()); } else { $b() = $a(); }',
       Doc =>
'Plain numerical assignment. This is used to implement the ".=" operator',
); # pp_def assgn

