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use Config;


pp_addpm({At => Top}, <<'EOD');

$VERSION = '0.10'; # these versions must match!
BEGIN { $VERSION = '0.10'; };  # put this is so it does not use version inherited from PDL::Graphics::PLplot!

=head1 NAME 

PDL::Graphics::PLplot::Map - Interface to the GMT coastline database for plotting maps

Perl/PDL interface to GMT's pscoast function to get binary coastline/river/boundary
info into a (big) PDL of latitude/longitude line segments.

NOTE:  This module *requires* bad value support! (Use a recent version of PDL.
       Set WITH_BADVAL => 1 in perldl.conf).


  use PDL;
  use PDL::Graphics::PLplot::Map;

  ## plot just the coastlines in a linear projection

  my $pl = PDL::Graphics::PLplot::Map->new (DEV => "png", FILE => "map.png");
  $pl->worldmap (MAPBOX => [-180, 180, -90, 90]);

  ## Plot coastlines, lat/lon grids and labels in an Azimuthal Equidistant projection

  $pl = PDL::Graphics::PLplot::Map->new (DEV => "png", FILE => "map1.png");
  $pl->worldmap (PROJECTION => 'AZEQDIST', # Azimuthal Equidistant projection
	         CENTER  => [-170, 70],    # map centered at 170 deg west lon, 70 deg north lat
                 RADIUS  => 3000,          # 3000 kilometer minimum radius
	         LONGRID => 10,            # longitude grid lines every 10 degrees
	         LATGRID => 10);          # latitude grid lines every 10 degrees

  ## Plot points on the map

  my ($lon, $lat) = getsomepoints();
  $pl->map_plot ($lon, $lat, PLOTTYPE => 'POINTS', SYMBOL => 1, PROJECTION => 'AZEQDIST', CENTER  => [-170, 70]);

  ## Plot lines on the map

  my ($lon, $lat) = getsomemorepoints();
  $pl->map_plot ($lon, $lat, PLOTTYPE => 'LINE', 
                             PROJECTION => 'AZEQDIST', 
                             CENTER  => [-170, 70]);
For more information on GMT, see 


This is the PDL/PLplot interface to the GMT map databases, allowing one to create
pleasing world maps in either of two projections:

1) linear (no projection)
2) Azimuthal Equidistant 

The design is modular to allow addition of other projections.

Routines are also supplied to allow plotting of points and lines (supplied in degrees lon/lat)
on the maps with the correct projection supplied.


=head2 worldmap

=for ref

Plot a world map using PLplot.

=for usage

Arguments: just a hash reference which can contain the following keywords:


For LINEAR projections:

  MAPBOX: An array ref containing [WEST, EAST, SOUTH, NORTH] in degrees
          -180 to 180, -90 to 90, ie: MAPBOX => [-180, 180, -90, 90]

For AZEQDIST projections:

  CENTER  : A list ref to the center point of the projection, in degrees, ie: [-170, 70]
  RADIUS  : A minimum radius in kilometers

For all projections:

  RESOLUTION : The size of the map database used:  "full", "high", "intermediate", "low" or "crude"

  RIVER_DETAIL : A list reference to which rivers to plot:
                    1 = Permanent major rivers
                    2 = Additional major rivers
                    3 = Additional rivers
                    4 = Minor rivers
                    5 = Intermittent rivers - major
                    6 = Intermittent rivers - additional
                    7 = Intermittent rivers - minor
                    8 = Major canals
                    9 = Minor canals
                   10 = Irrigation canals                
  BOUNDARIES : A list reference to which boundaries to plot:
                    1 = National boundaries
                    2 = State boundaries within the Americas
                    3 = Marine boundaries                                                           

  LONGRID  : The grid spacing for longitude lines in degrees (undef = no lon grids)
  LATGRID  : The grid spacing for latitude lines in degrees (undef = no lat grids)

=head2 map_plot

=for ref

Plots lon/lat points or lines on an existing map with projection.

=for usage

  map_plot ($lon, $lat, PROJECTION => ..., CENTER => [...,...]);

  PROJECTION defaults to LINEAR.  If AZEQDIST is specified, then the 
  CENTER lon/lat must be specified.

=head2 fetch

=for ref

Get lon and lat PDLs.

=for usage      	

  A hash reference with these options available:
  MAPBOX   : An array ref containing [minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat] in degrees -180 to 180, -90 to 90

  RESOLUTION : The size of the map database used:  "full", "high", "intermediate", "low" or "crude"

  RIVER_DETAIL : A list reference to which rivers to plot:
                    1 = Permanent major rivers
                    2 = Additional major rivers
                    3 = Additional rivers
                    4 = Minor rivers
                    5 = Intermittent rivers - major
                    6 = Intermittent rivers - additional
                    7 = Intermittent rivers - minor
                    8 = Major canals
                    9 = Minor canals
                   10 = Irrigation canals                
  BOUNDARIES : A list reference to which boundaries to plot:
                    1 = National boundaries
                    2 = State boundaries within the Americas
                    3 = Marine boundaries                                                           

Returns:  ($lon, $lat) large 1-D PDLs

=for example
  ($lon, $lat) = PDL::Graphics::Map::fetch (MAPBOX => [-180, 180, -90, 90],
                                            RESOLUTION => 'crude', 
                                            RIVER_DETAIL => [1,2,3,4]);

=head1 AUTHOR

Doug Hunt, dhunt\

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), PDL(1), pscoast(l).


# Perl portion of the interface (put by PP into the .pm file)

pp_addpm (<<'EOPM');

use PDL::Primitive;
use PDL::Math;
use PDL::Core;
use PDL::Basic;
use PDL::Types;
use PDL::Slices;
use PDL::Graphics::PLplot;

use vars qw (%projection);

sub fetch {
  my %parms = @_;

  my @box = exists($parms{MAPBOX}) ? @{$parms{MAPBOX}} : (-180, 180, -90, 90);
  die "bounding box must contain 4 edges:  WESN in degrees (-180 -> 180, -90 -> 90)"
    unless (@box == 4);

  my $res = exists($parms{RESOLUTION}) ? 
	substr($parms{RESOLUTION}, 0, 1) : 'c';  # defaults to crude resolution

  my @rivers = exists($parms{RIVER_DETAIL}) ? @{$parms{RIVER_DETAIL}} : ();
  push (@rivers, (0) x 10);  # note 10 river types

  my @borders = exists($parms{BOUNDARIES}) ? @{$parms{BOUNDARIES}} : ();
  push (@borders, (0) x 3);  # note 3 boundary types

  my $rlevels = pack ("i*", @rivers);     # defaults to no rivers and canals
  my $blevels = pack ("i*", @boundaries); # defaults to no national boundaries
  my $drawc   = 1;                        # defaults to 'draw coastlines'

  my $lat = '';
  my $lon = '';

  pscoast($box[0], $box[1], $box[2], $box[3], $res, $rlevels, $blevels, $drawc, $lon, $lat);

  my $size = length($lat)/8;

  # Make a PDL of these data
  my $latp = PDL->new;           # Create piddle
  $latp->set_datatype($PDL_D);   #   as a double array
  $latp->setdims([$size]);       # Set dimensions
  ${$latp->get_dataref} = $lat;  # Assign the data
  $latp->upd_data();             # Sync up everything - $cp is ready to be used.        

  my $lonp = PDL->new;           # Create piddle
  $lonp->set_datatype($PDL_D);   #   as a double array
  $lonp->setdims([$size]);       # Set dimensions
  ${$lonp->get_dataref} = $lon;  # Assign the data
  $lonp->upd_data();             # Sync up everything - $cp is ready to be used.        

  return ($lonp, $latp);


# Convert lat/lon (degrees, -90 to 90, -180 to 180) to XY positions
# according to an azimuthal eqidistant projection
# (see
sub lonlat2azequi {
  my $lon = shift;   # PDL of one or more lons
  my $lat = shift;   # "" ""              lats

  my $lon0 = shift;  # reference (center) longitude (scalar)
  my $lat0 = shift;  # reference (center) latitude

  my $pi   = 3.141592653589793238;
  my ($a, $b) = (6378.1363, 6356.7516);	# equatorial, polar Earth radii
  my $r       = ($a+$b)/2; # average Earth radius (use spherical approximate projections)

  my $del = 1e-6;
  my $m = ((abs($lat - $lat0) < $del) * (abs($lon - $lon0) < $del))->setbadtoval(0);

  # subtract modulo 360 (acck!)
  my $clon = $lon - $lon0;
  while (any $clon >  180) { $clon = ($clon >  180) * ($clon-360) + ($clon <=  180) * $clon; }  
  while (any $clon < -180) { $clon = ($clon < -180) * ($clon+360) + ($clon >= -180) * $clon; }  

  # convert lat/lons to radians
  $clon  = $clon * ($pi/180);
  $lat  = $lat * ($pi/180);  
  $lon0 = pdl ($lon0 * ($pi/180))->dummy(0,$clon->nelem);
  $lat0 = pdl ($lat0 * ($pi/180))->dummy(0,$clon->nelem);  

  my $c = acos ( sin($lat0)*sin($lat) + cos($lat0)*cos($lat)*cos($clon) );
  my $k = $r * $c/sin($c);

  my $x = $k * cos($lat)*sin($clon);
  my $y = $k * (cos($lat0)*sin($lat) - sin($lat0)*cos($lat)*cos($clon) );

  # set all points at origin to 0,0
  (my $t = $x->where($m)) .= 0;
  ($t = $y->where($m)) .= 0;

  # set any NaNs generated in the projection to the bad value

  return ($x, $y);

# Convert XY positions to lat/lon (degrees, -90 to 90, -180 to 180) 
# according to an azimuthal eqidistant projection
# (see
sub azequi2lonlat {
  my $x = shift;   # PDL of one or more x coordinates
  my $y = shift;   # "" ""              y "" 

  my $lon0 = shift;  # reference (center) longitude (scalar)
  my $lat0 = shift;  # reference (center) latitude

  my $pi   = 3.141592653589793238;
  my ($a, $b) = (6378.1363, 6356.7516);	# equatorial, polar Earth radii
  my $r       = ($a+$b)/2; # average Earth radius (use spherical approximate projections)

  my $case = 1;
  if ($lat0 == 90) { $case = 2; } elsif ($lat0 == -90) { $case = 3; }

  $lon0 = pdl ($lon0 * ($pi/180))->dummy(0,$x->nelem);
  $lat0 = pdl ($lat0 * ($pi/180))->dummy(0,$y->nelem);  

  $x /= $r;
  $y /= $r;

  my $c = sqrt($x**2 + $y**2);

  my $lat = asin (cos($c)*sin($lat0) + ($y*sin($c)*cos($lat0))/$c);

  my $lon;
  if ($case == 1) {
    $lon = $lon0 + atan2 ($x*sin($c), $c*cos($lat0)*cos($c) - $y*sin($lat0)*sin($c));
  } elsif ($case == 2) {
    $lon = $lon0 + atan2 ($x,-$y);
  } else {
    $lon = $lon0 + atan2 ($x, $y);

  # convert to degrees
  $lon  = $lon * (180/$pi);
  $lat  = $lat * (180/$pi);  

  return ($lon, $lat);

# map of projection names to projection subroutines
%projection = (LINEAR   => sub { return ($_[0], $_[1]); },  # lon/lat = x/y for LINEAR projection
               AZEQDIST => \&lonlat2azequi);

# Draw points with projection
sub map_plot {
  my $self = shift;
  my $lon = shift;
  my $lat = shift;
  my %parms = @_;

  my $proj = exists($parms{PROJECTION}) ? $parms{PROJECTION} : 'LINEAR';  # defaults to LINEAR
  delete $parms{PROJECTION};

  my @o    = (0,0);   # dummy projection center

  if ($proj eq 'AZEQDIST') {
    die "Must supply projection center point (CENTER = [lon, lat]) for AZEQDIST projection"
     unless (exists($parms{CENTER}) && ((@o = @{$parms{CENTER}}) == 2));
     delete $parms{CENTER};	

  # project lon/lat -> x/y
  my ($x, $y) = &{$projection{$proj}}($lon, $lat, @o);

  # plot 
  $self->xyplot ($x, $y, %parms);

# Draw a map of some section of the World in various projections and with various
# options.  See POD doc above for details.
sub worldmap {
  my $self = shift;
  my %parms = @_;

  # get rid of options not allowed in PLplot 
  my $proj = exists($parms{PROJECTION}) ? $parms{PROJECTION} : 'LINEAR';  #  defaults to LINEAR
  my @b    = exists($parms{MAPBOX}) ? @{$parms{MAPBOX}} : (-180, 180, -90, 90); #  bounding box in degrees
  my $longrid = $parms{LONGRID};
  my $latgrid = $parms{LATGRID};
  my $resolution = $parms{RESOLUTION} || 'crude';
  my $boundaries = exists ($parms{BOUNDARIES}) ? $parms{BOUNDARIES} : [1];
    delete $parms{$_};		

  my @bxy  = @b;      # assume linear projection for now #  bounding box in XY after projection
  my @o    = (0,0);   # dummy projection center

  my ($a, $b) = (6378.1363, 6356.7516); # equatorial and polar Earth radii
  my $pi      = 3.141592653589793238;         

  # compute map edges if only a center/radius is given (Azimuthal equidistant projections)
  if ($proj eq 'AZEQDIST') {

    die "Must supply projection center point (CENTER = [lon, lat]) for AZEQDIST projection"
     unless (exists($parms{CENTER}) && ((@o = @{$parms{CENTER}}) == 2));
     delete $parms{CENTER};		

    die "Must supply projection radius (RADIUS = val_in_km) for AZEQDIST projection"
     unless (exists($parms{RADIUS}) && ((my $r = pdl($parms{RADIUS})) > 0));
     delete $parms{RADIUS};

    # determine edge points from center and radius
    my ($lonb, $latb) = azequi2lonlat (append(-$r, $r), append(-$r, $r), @o);

    # if box goes over the pole, set max lat to 90
    if ($o[1]+($r/$a)*(180/$pi) > 80) {
      $b[0] = -180;
      $b[1] = 180;
      $b[2] = $latb->min;
      $b[3] = 90;
    } elsif ($o[1]-($r/$a)*(180/$pi) < -80) {  # set min lat to -90
      $b[0] = -180;
      $b[1] = 180;
      $b[2] = -90;
      $b[3] = $latb->max;
    } else {
      @b = ($lonb->list, $latb->list);

    @bxy = (-$r, $r, -$r, $r);

  } # end proj == AZEQDIST

  ## get coasts/rivers/borders from GMT database

  my $minlon = $b[0] - 20 < -180 ? -180 :  $b[0] - 20;
  my $maxlon = $b[1] + 20 >  180 ?  180 :  $b[1] + 20;
  my $minlat = $b[2] - 10 <  -90 ?  -90 :  $b[2] - 10;
  my $maxlat = $b[3] + 10 >   90 ?   90 :  $b[3] + 10;
  my $box = [$minlon, $maxlon, $minlat, $maxlat];
  my ($lonmap, $latmap) = fetch(%parms, BOUNDARIES => $boundaries, RESOLUTION => $resolution, MAPBOX => $box);

  $lonmap->where($lonmap > 180) -= 360; # normalize to -180 to 180 longitudes D. Hunt 7/24/2008
  delete $parms{RIVER_DETAIL}; # prevent error in xyplot later on. D. Hunt 7/24/2008

  # project map lon/lat -> x/y
  my ($xmap, $ymap) = &{$projection{$proj}}($lonmap, $latmap, @o);

  # plot map
  $self->xyplot ($xmap, $ymap, 
	         BOX => [@bxy], 
                 XBOX => 'BC', YBOX => 'BC', 
		 JUST => 1,
                 LINEWIDTH => 1, COLOR => 'BLUE',
                 PLOTTYPE => 'LINE', %parms);

  ## now deal with lon/lat lines

  my $n = 50;       # the number of points plotted along the lat/lon lines 

  # compute longitude lines for map
  if (defined($longrid)) {
    my $lonlines =  ((sequence(360/$longrid)*$longrid)-180);  
    my $nlonlines = $lonlines->nelem;
    $lonlines    = $lonlines->dummy(0,$n)->append(zeroes(1)/0)->clump(2);  # put NaNs in to separate lines

    # corresponding latitudes for longitude lines
    my $lonlineslats = sequence($n)*(180/$n)-90;
    $lonlineslats = $lonlineslats->dummy(0,$nlonlines)->xchg(0,1)->append(zeroes(1)/0)->clump(2);

    # project to map
    ($lonlines, $lonlineslats) = &{$projection{$proj}}($lonlines, $lonlineslats, @o);


    # get rid of lines off map
    my $d = $bxy[3] - $bxy[2];

    # mask of all lon values within box 
    my $m = ( 
      ($lonlineslats >= ($bxy[2] - 2*$d)) * 
      ($lonlineslats <= ($bxy[3] + 2*$d))
    $m->inplace->setbadtoval(1);  # include bad values

    $lonlines     = $lonlines->where($m);
    $lonlineslats = $lonlineslats->where($m);

    # Plot
    $self->xyplot ($lonlines, $lonlineslats, 
                   XBOX => '', YBOX => '', 
                   PLOTTYPE => 'LINE', 
	           LINEWIDTH => 1, COLOR => 'BLACK', %parms) if (defined($lonlines));

    ## lon line labels

    my $lablons  = ((sequence(360/$longrid)*$longrid)-180);
    my $lablats  = pdl(($b[2] + $b[3])/2)->dummy(0,$lablons->nelem);
    my $lablats1 = pdl(($b[2] + $b[3])/2.1)->dummy(0,$lablons->nelem);

    # map projection
    my ($x1, $y1) = &{$projection{$proj}}($lablons, $lablats, @o);
    my ($x2, $y2) = &{$projection{$proj}}($lablons, $lablats1, @o);
    my $dx = $x2-$x1;
    my $dy = $y2-$y1;

    # make sure the label is on the map
    $m = (($x1 > $bxy[0]) * ($x1 < $bxy[1]) * ($y1 > $bxy[2]) * ($y1 < $bxy[3]));

    # Plot longitude labels
    $self->setparm(CHARSIZE => 0.85);
    for (my $i=0;$i<$x1->nelem;$i++) {
      next unless ($m->at($i));
      $self->text (int($lablons->at($i)), 
                   TEXTPOSITION => [$x1->at($i), $y1->at($i), $dx->at($i), $dy->at($i), 0.5], %parms);


  # compute longitude lines for map
  if (defined($latgrid)) {

    # compute latitude lines for map
    my $latlines     =  ((sequence(180/$latgrid)*$latgrid)-90);
    $latlines = $latlines->where(abs($latlines) != 90); # get rid of poles
    my $nlatlines = $latlines->nelem;
    $latlines     = $latlines->dummy(0,$n+1)->append(zeroes(1)/0)->clump(2);  # put in NaNs in to separate lines

    # corresponding longitudes for latitude lines
    my $latlineslons = sequence($n+1)*(360/$n)-180;
    $latlineslons = $latlineslons->dummy(0,$nlatlines)->xchg(0,1)->append(zeroes(1)/0)->clump(2);

    # project to map
    ($latlineslons, $latlines) = &{$projection{$proj}}($latlineslons, $latlines, @o);


    # This seems bogus and gets rid of BAD values which delimit separate sections.
    # get rid of lines off map
    my $d = $bxy[1] - $bxy[0];
    my $m = ($latlineslons >= ($bxy[0] - 2*$d) * ($latlineslons <= ($bxy[1] + 2*$d))); # mask of all lon values within box
    $m->inplace->setbadtoval(1);  # include bad values
    $latlines     = $latlines->where($m);
    $latlineslons = $latlineslons->where($m);

    # Plot
    $self->xyplot ($latlineslons, $latlines,
                   XBOX => '', YBOX => '', 
                   PLOTTYPE => 'LINE', 
	           LINEWIDTH => 1, COLOR => 'BLACK', %parms) if (defined($latlines));

    ## lat line labels

    my $lablats  = ((sequence(180/$latgrid)*$latgrid)-90);
    my $lablons  = pdl(($b[0] + $b[1])/2)->dummy(0,$lablats->nelem);
    my $lablons1 = pdl(($b[0] + $b[1])/2.1)->dummy(0,$lablats->nelem);

    # map projection
    my ($x1, $y1) = &{$projection{$proj}}($lablons, $lablats, @o);
    my ($x2, $y2) = &{$projection{$proj}}($lablons1,$lablats, @o);
    my $dx = $x2-$x1;
    my $dy = $y2-$y1;

    # make sure the label is on the map
    $m = (($x1 > $bxy[0]) * ($x1 < $bxy[1]) * ($y1 > $bxy[2]) * ($y1 < $bxy[3]));

    # Plot latitude labels
    $self->setparm(CHARSIZE => 0.85);
    for (my $i=0;$i<$x1->nelem;$i++) {
      next unless ($m->at($i));
      $self->text (int($lablats->at($i)), 
                   TEXTPOSITION => [$x1->at($i), $y1->at($i), $dx->at($i), $dy->at($i), 0.5], %parms);




# XS code for pscoast
pp_addxs (<<'EOXS');
pscoast (west, east, south, north, res, rlevels, blevels, draw_coast, lon, lat)
  	double west
	double east
	double south
	double north
	char   res
	int *rlevels
	int *blevels
	int draw_coast
	SV *lon
	SV *lat
		pscoast (west, east, south, north, res, rlevels, blevels, draw_coast, lon, lat);
