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package Types::PDL;

# ABSTRACT: PDL types using Type::Tiny

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

use Carp;

use Type::Library -base,
  -declare => qw[


use Types::Standard -types, 'is_Int';
use Type::Utils;
use Type::TinyX::Facets;
use String::Errf 'errf';
use B qw(perlstring);

# facet 'empty', sub {
#     my ( $o, $var ) = @_;
#     return unless exists $o->{empty};
#     errf '%{not}s%{var}s->isempty',
#       { var => $var, not => ( !!delete( $o->{empty} ) ? '' : '!' ) };
# };

# facet 'null', sub {
#     my ( $o, $var ) = @_;
#     return unless exists $o->{null};
#     errf '%{not}s%{var}s->isnull',
#       { var => $var, not => ( !!delete( $o->{null} ) ? '' : '!' ) };
# };

# facet ndims => sub {
#     my ( $o, $var ) = @_;

#     my %o = map { ( $_ => delete $o->{$_} ) }
#       grep { exists $o->{$_} } qw[ ndims ndims_min ndims_max ];

#     return unless keys %o;

#     croak( "'$_' must be an integer\n" )
#       for grep { !is_Int( $o{$_} ) } keys %o;

#     if ( exists $o{ndims_max} and exists $o{ndims_min} ) {

#         if ( $o{ndims_max} < $o{ndims_min} ) {
#             croak( "'ndims_min' must be <= 'ndims_max'\n" );
#         }

#         elsif ( $o{ndims_min} == $o{ndims_max} ) {

#             croak(
#                 "cannot mix 'ndims' facet with either 'ndims_min' or 'ndims_max'\n"
#             ) if exists $o{ndims};

#             $o{ndims} = delete $o{ndims_min};
#             delete $o{ndims_max};
#         }
#     }

#     my @code;

#     if ( exists $o{ndims_max} or exists $o{ndims_min} ) {

#         if ( exists $o{ndims_min} ) {

#             push @code, errf '%{var}s->ndims >= %{value}i',
#               {
#                 var   => $var,
#                 value => delete $o{ndims_min} };
#         }

#         if ( exists $o{ndims_max} ) {

#             push @code, errf '%{var}s->ndims <= %{value}i',
#               {
#                 var   => $var,
#                 value => delete $o{ndims_max} };
#         }
#     }

#     elsif ( exists $o{ndims} ) {

#         push @code, errf '%{var}s->ndims == %{value}i',
#           { var => $var, value => delete $o{ndims} };
#     }

#     else {
#         return;
#     }

#     croak( "cannot mix 'ndims' facet with either 'ndims_min' or 'ndims_max'\n" )
#       if keys %o;

#     return join( ' and ', @code );
# };

# facetize qw[ empty null ndims ], class_type Piddle, { class => 'PDL' };

# facetize qw[ empty null ],
#   declare Piddle1D,
#   as Piddle[ ndims => 1];

# facetize qw[ empty null ],
#   declare Piddle2D,
#   as Piddle[ ndims => 2];

# facetize qw[ empty null ],
#   declare Piddle3D,
#   as Piddle[ ndims => 3];

# declare_coercion PiddleFromAny,
#   to_type Piddle,
#   from Any,
#   q[ do { local $@;
#           require PDL::Core;
#           my $new = eval { PDL::Core::topdl( $_ )  };
#           $@ ? $_ : $new
#      }
#   ];





  use Types::PDL -types;
  use Type::Params qw[ validate ];
  use PDL;

  validate( [ pdl ], Piddle );


This module provides L<Type::Tiny> compatible types for L<PDL>.

=head2 Types

Types which accept parameters (see L</Parameters>) will list them.

=head3 C<Piddle>

Allows an object blessed into the class C<PDL>, e.g.

  validate( [pdl], Piddle );

It accepts the following parameters:


=head3 C<Piddle1D>

Allows an object blessed into the class C<PDL> with C<ndims> = 1.
It accepts the following parameters:


=head3 C<Piddle2D>

Allows an object blessed into the class C<PDL> with C<ndims> = 2.
It accepts the following parameters:


=head3 C<Piddle3D>

Allows an object blessed into the class C<PDL> with C<ndims> = 3.
It accepts the following parameters:


=head2 Coercions

The following coercions are provided, and may be applied via a type object's
L<Type::Tiny/plus_coercions> or L<Type::Tiny/plus_fallback_coercions> methods,

  Piddle->plus_coercions( PiddleFromAny );

=head3 C<PiddleFromAny>

Uses L<PDL::Core/topdl> to coerce the value into a piddle.

=head2 Parameters

Some types take optional parameters which add additional constraints on
the object.  For example, to indicate that only empty piddles are accepted:

  validate( [pdl], Piddle[ empty => 1 ] );

The available parameters are:

=head3  C<empty>

This accepts a boolean value; if true the piddle must be empty
(i.e. the C<isempty> method returns true), if false, it must not be

=head3  C<null>

This accepts a boolean value; if true the piddle must be a null piddle, if false, it must not be

=head3 C<ndims>

This specifies a fixed number of dimensions which the piddle must have. Don't mix use this
with C<ndims_min> or C<ndims_max>.

=head3 C<ndims_min>

The minimum number of dimensions the piddle may have. Don't specify this with C<ndims>.

=head3  C<ndims_max>

The maximum number of dimensions the piddle may have. Don't specify this with C<ndims>.

=head1 SEE ALSO