HTML::FormatTableCell - Format HTML Table


 require HTML::FormatTableCell;


The HTML::FormatTableCell is a base class used to record information about a table entry as part of FormatTable processing. It is necessary to record information for formatting into languages such as nroff tbl which require formatting information ahead of the table data.


$cell = new HTML::FormatTableCellNroff(%attr);

Since FormatTableCell is a base class, a derived class constructor such as FormatTableCellNroff should be called.

The following attributes are supported:

        header - is a header (default is '')
        nowrap - do not wrap if defined
        rowspan - number of rows cell spans (default is 1)
        colspan - number of columns cell spans (default is 1)
        align - alignment of cell contents (default is 'left')
        valign - vertical alignment of cell (default is 'middle')
        contents - contents of cell (default is '')


Add additional contents to cell.

$alignment = $cell->alignment();

Return cell alignment.

$colspan = $cell->colspan();

Return cell colspan.

$text = $cell->text();

Return cell text.

$width = $cell->width();

Return cell width in characters.


HTML::FormatNroff, HTML::FormatTableCellNroff, HTML::FormatTableRow, HTML::FormatTableRowNroff


Copyright (c) 1997 Frederick Hirsch. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Frederick Hirsch <>