The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
    for my $file ($dh->read) {
        next unless $file =~ /\.xs$/;
        push @xs_names, module_name_from_xs("$dir/$file");
        push @xs_files, $file;
        unless ($mani_src{"$dir/$file"}) {
            cp "$dir/$file", $d;
            print "Adding module `$xs_names[-1]' to httpd\n";
    #print "XS_NAMES=@xs_names\n";
    #print "XS_FILES=@xs_files\n";

    #XXX think about this some more
    iedit $mf, "s/^#STATIC_SRC.*/STATIC_SRC = @xs_files/";
    iedit $mf, "s/^#STATIC_EXTS.*/STATIC_EXTS = @xs_names/";


Apache::MyConfig - build options access


 use Apache::MyConfig;
 die unless \$Apache::MyConfig::Setup{PERL_FILE_API};


Apache::MyConfig module provides access to the various hooks and features set when mod_perl is built. This circumvents the need to set up a live server just to find out if a certain callback hook is available.

Itterate through \%Apache::MyConfig::Setup to get obtain build information then see Appendix B of the Eagle book for more detail on each key.

EOT close FH;


# obtain the Apache and mod_perl lib and include directories for Win32 sub win32_inc_and_lib {

    my $modperl_src = win32_fix_path(cwd) . '/src';
    $win32_path{MODPERL_INC} = $modperl_src . '/modules/perl';
    $win32_path{MODPERL_LIB} = ($win32_args{DEBUG} == 1) ? 
        $modperl_src . '/modules/win32/Debug' :
            $modperl_src . '/modules/win32/Release';

    unless ( -d $win32_args{APACHE_SRC}) {
        opendir(DIR, '../') or die "Cannot read parent directory: $!\n";
        my @dirs = map {"../$_"}
            grep {/apache/ and -d "../$_"} readdir DIR;
        closedir DIR or die "Cannot close parent directory: $!\n";
        die "Cannot find the apache sources\n" 
            unless ($win32_args{APACHE_SRC} = find_dir(\@dirs, 'apache source'));

    $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} = win32_fix_path($win32_args{APACHE_SRC});
    if (-d "$win32_args{APACHE_SRC}/libexec") {
        $win32_path{APACHE_LIB} = $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} . '/libexec';
        $win32_path{APACHE_INC} = $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} . '/include';
        $win32_args{APACHE_VERS} = httpd_version($win32_path{APACHE_INC}, 1);
    else {
        $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} .= '/src' unless $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} =~ /src$/;
        $win32_path{APACHE_INC} = $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} . '/include';
        $win32_args{APACHE_VERS} = httpd_version($win32_path{APACHE_INC}, 1);
        $win32_path{APACHE_LIB} = ($win32_args{DEBUG} == 1) ? 
            $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} . 
                ($win32_args{APACHE_VERS} < 1315 ? '/CoreD' : '/Debug') :
                    $win32_args{APACHE_SRC} . 
                        ($win32_args{APACHE_VERS} < 1315 ? '/CoreR' : '/Release');

    die "Cannot find ApacheCore.lib under $win32_path{APACHE_LIB}\n"
        unless -f "$win32_path{APACHE_LIB}/ApacheCore.lib";
    die "Cannot find httpd.h under $win32_path{APACHE_INC}\n"
        unless -f "$win32_path{APACHE_INC}/httpd.h";

    if ($win32_args{INSTALL_DLL} ) {
        $win32_args{INSTALL_DLL} =
        unless ( -d $win32_args{INSTALL_DLL}) {
            my @dirs = grep {-d}
                ('\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\modules',
                 '\Apache\modules', '\Program Files\Apache\modules');
            $win32_args{INSTALL_DLL} = find_dir(\@dirs, 'Apache/modules');
            if ($win32_args{INSTALL_DLL} and -d $win32_args{INSTALL_DLL}) {
                $win32_args{INSTALL_DLL} =
            else {
                print <<'END';

**** The Apache/modules directory was not found. ******* **** Please install manually. *******

END } } }

    if ($win32_args{INSTALL_LIB} ) {
        $win32_args{INSTALL_LIB} = 
        unless ( -d $win32_args{INSTALL_LIB}) {
            my @dirs = grep {-d}
                ('\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\libexec', 
                 '\Apache\libexec', '\Program Files\Apache\libexec');
            $win32_args{INSTALL_LIB} = find_dir(\@dirs, 'Apache/libexec');
            if ($win32_args{INSTALL_LIB} and -d $win32_args{INSTALL_LIB}) {
                $win32_args{INSTALL_LIB} = 
            else {
                print <<'END';

**** The Apache/libexec directory was not found. ******* **** Please install mod_perl.lib manually. *******

END } } } }

# fix mod_perl.dsp with the perl and apache inc and lib directories sub win32_fix_dsp {

    my $amp = 'src/modules/win32';
    my $dsp = 'mod_perl.dsp';
    unless ( -f "$amp/$dsp.orig") {
        rename("$amp/$dsp", "$amp/$dsp.orig")
            or die "Couldn't rename $amp/$dsp: $!\n";

    my $perl_inc = win32_fix_path_dsp("$Config{archlibexp}/CORE");

    open OLDDSP, "$amp/$dsp.orig"
        or die "Couldn't read $amp/$dsp.orig: $!\n";
    open NEWDSP, ">$amp/$dsp"
        or die "Couldn't create $amp/$dsp: $!\n";
    while (<OLDDSP>) {
        if (/^SOURCE=.*ApacheCore\.lib/) {
            printf NEWDSP "SOURCE=%s\n", 
        elsif (/^SOURCE=.*perl(56)?\.lib/) {
            print NEWDSP qq{SOURCE=$perl_inc\\$Config{libperl}\n};
        elsif (/ADD CPP/) {
            my $apache_inc = win32_fix_path_dsp($win32_path{APACHE_INC});
            s!/I "\\Perl\\lib\\CORE"!/I "$apache_inc" /I "$apache_inc/../os/win32" /I "$perl_inc"!;
            s!(/D "WIN32")!$1 /D "EAPI" ! if $win32_args{EAPI};
            if ($] < 5.008006) {
                s!(/D "_MSWSOCK_")!/D "_WINSOCK2API_" $1!;
            print NEWDSP $_;
        else {
            print NEWDSP $_;

    close OLDDSP;
    close NEWDSP;


# find a directory of type $type, given some possible $dirs sub find_dir { my ($dirs, $type) = @_;

        my $j = 0;
        my $src;
        while (1) {
            $src = @$dirs > 0 ? $dirs->[$j] : '';
            $src = prompt("\nWhere is your $type directory? (q to quit)", $src);
            return undef if $src eq 'q';
            return $src if -d $src;
            print qq{'$src': no such directory\n};
            $j = ($j == @$dirs-1) ? 0 : $j + 1;

# fix a path for Win32 Makefile sub win32_fix_path { my $path = shift;

    $path = File::Spec->rel2abs($path) if not File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path);
    $path = Win32::GetShortPathName($path) if $path =~ / /;
    $path =~ tr!\\!/!;
    $path =~ s!/$!!;
    return $path;

# fix a path for mod_perl.dsp sub win32_fix_path_dsp { local $_ = shift;


    return $_;

#in version 1.2505 of we could just import these instead of using ``, #but it might require lots of people to upgrade

sub ccopts {

    unless ($Embed::ccopts) {
        $Embed::ccopts = "$Config{ccflags} -I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE";
        if ($USE_THREADS) {
            $Embed::ccopts .= " -DPERL_THREADS";


sub ldopts {

    $Embed::ldopts ||= `$^X -MExtUtils::Embed -e ldopts`;
    if ($^O eq "aix") {
        $Embed::ldopts =~ s,(-bE:)(perl\.exp),$1$Config{archlibexp}/$2,;

sub perl_version {

    my $v = "$]";
    $v =~ s/\.//g;
    $v .= "0" while length($v) < 6;


#for linking third-party xs modules static built w/ MakeMaker's: 'make static' #must have when the xs module is compiled with profiling `-pg -a' flags sub add_static_ar {

    $PERL_STATIC_AR ||= "";
    my $cur = $APACHE_SRC =~ /^../ ? "$PWD/" : "";

    for (qw(blib/arch/auto arch/auto)) {
        last if -d ($ar_dir = "$APACHE_SRC/modules/perl/$_");
        $ar_dir = "";

    return unless -d $ar_dir;

              sub {
                  return unless /^[A-Z]\w+\.a$/;
                  (my $rel = $File::Find::dir) =~ s:$APACHE_SRC/?::;
                  (my $mod = $rel) =~ s:.*auto/::;
                  $mod =~ s,/,::,;
                  print "linking static $mod => $rel/$_\n";
                  $PERL_STATIC_AR .= $cur . "$File::Find::dir/$_ ";
                  $PERL_STATIC_EXTS .= "$mod ";
              }, $ar_dir

sub APACI::init {

    return undef if $Is_Win32;
    my $lib_cfg;
    if ($USE_APXS) {
        $lib_cfg = "apaci/mod_perl.config";
        chmod 0644, $lib_cfg;
    elsif ($USE_APACI) {
        $lib_cfg = "$APACHE_SRC/modules/perl/mod_perl.config";
    else {
        return undef;

    unless (File::Compare::compare($lib_cfg,"apaci/mod_perl.config") == 0) {
        #warn "mod_perl.config already edited\n";
        #return undef;

    my $apaci_cfg = FileHandle->new(">$lib_cfg") or
        die "can't open $lib_cfg $!";

    my @static_src = ();

    for (@xs_mod_snames) {
        push @static_src, "$_.c";


    my $static_targets = "";
    $static_targets = <<EOF unless $DYNAMIC;
PERL_STATIC_SRCS = @static_src

    $static_targets .= "PERL_STATIC_AR = $PERL_STATIC_AR\n" if $PERL_STATIC_AR;

    print $apaci_cfg <<EOF;
##  mod_perl.config -- mod_perl shared configuration file

# mod_perl version MOD_PERL_VERSION = $VERSION

# Perl interpreter to use PERL = $^X LIBPERL = $LIBPERL



    print $apaci_cfg <<EOF if defined $MOD_PERL_PREFIX;

# mod_perl installation prefix MOD_PERL_PREFIX = $MOD_PERL_PREFIX


        my $yes_no = $$_ ? "yes" : "no";
        print $apaci_cfg "$_ = $yes_no\n";

    $yes_no = 'no';
    $yes_no = 'yes' if $USE_THREADS;
    print $apaci_cfg "PERL_THREADS = $yes_no\n";

    return $apaci_cfg;

sub phat_warn { my ($msg, $abort) = @_;

    my $level = $abort ? "ERROR" : "WARNING";
    warn <<EOF;
************* $level *************


************* $level ************* EOF if ($abort) { exit 1; } else { sleep 5; } }

sub system_sanity_check {

    return if $Is_Win32;

    my $ccflags = $Config{'ccflags'};
    for (split /\s+/, $ccflags) {
        next unless s/^-I//;
        my $header = "$_/ap_mmn.h";
        if (-e $header) {
Apache headers found in unexpected location: ``$_'', suggestions:
   *) Remove via ``rpm -e apache''
   *) Remove by hand
   *) Complain to your os vendor about their poor layout choice
   *) Complain to your sysadmin about their poor layout choice

    my $ld = basename $Config{ld};

    if ($^O eq 'hpux' and ($USE_DSO or $USE_APXS) and $ld eq 'ld') {
        unless ($ccflags =~ /\+z/i) {
            my $switch = $] >= 5.006 ? 'A' : 'D';
mod_perl is unlikely to link with your libperl, suggestions:
    *) Rebuild Perl with Configure -${switch}ccflags=+Z ...
    *) Build mod_perl static rather than DSO


    if ($USE_APXS and $Config{libs} =~ /($thrlib)/) {
        my $lib = $1;
Your Perl is linked with $lib, make sure that your httpd is built with LIBS=$lib

sub gdbm_check {

    if ($Config{libs} =~ /gdbm/) {
        require DynaLoader;
        require AutoLoader; #eek
        my $found = 0;
        my @path = split /\s+/, $Config{libpth};

        for (@path) {
            last if $found = DynaLoader::dl_findfile($_, "-lgdbm");

        unless ($found) {
            my @maybe = ();
            for (@path) {
                push @maybe, grep { ! -l $_ } <$_/libgdbm.*>;

            my $suggest = @maybe ? 
                "You could just symlink it to $maybe[0]" :
                    "You might need to install Perl from source";
Your Perl is configured to link against libgdbm, 
  but was not found.

sub uselargefiles_check {

    return unless $] >= 5.006 and $Config{uselargefiles}

    local $Apache::src::APXS = $WITH_APXS;
    my $cflags = Apache::src->new->apxs('-q' => 'CFLAGS') || '';
    return if $cflags =~ /LARGEFILE/;

    $PERL_USELARGEFILES=0; #just do it since
    return; #nobody seems to listen to the warning below

Your Perl is uselargefiles enabled, but Apache is not, suggestions:
    *) Rebuild mod_perl with Makefile.PL PERL_USELARGEFILES=0
    *) Rebuild Apache with CFLAGS="-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64"
    *) Rebuild Perl with Configure -Uuselargefiles
    *) Let mod_perl build Apache (USE_DSO=1 instead of USE_APXS=1)

sub malloc_check { return unless $USE_DSO or $USE_APXS; return unless $Config{'usemymalloc'} eq 'y';

    my $abort = $^O eq 'solaris';

    my $bincompat = $Config{bincompat5005} and 
                    $Config{bincompat5005} eq 'define';

    if ($] < 5.006) {
        phat_warn(<<EOF, $abort);
Your current configuration will most likely trigger core dumps, suggestions:
   *) Do not configure mod_perl as a DSO
   *) Upgrade your Perl version to 5.6.0 or higher (w/ -Ubincompat5005)
   *) Configure Perl with -Uusemymalloc (not recommended for performance)
     elsif ($bincompat) {
             phat_warn(<<EOF, $abort);
Your current configuration will most likely trigger core dumps, suggestions:
   *) Do not configure mod_perl as a DSO
   *) Rebuild Perl without malloc pollution (Configure -Ubincompat5005)

sub dynaloader_check {

    return unless $^O eq 'aix' and $] <= 5.00503 and ($USE_DSO or $USE_APXS);
Please make sure that you apply the following patch to the perl
distribution before you install mod_perl, without this patch you will
not be able load any xs modules.

    warn <<EOF;
--- perl5.005_03/ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs.orig  Fri Mar  3 17:00:58 2000
+++ perl5.005_03/ext/DynaLoader/dl_aix.xs       Sun Apr  2 13:37:05 2000
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
 } Module, *ModulePtr;
- * We keep a list of all loaded modules to be able to call the fini
- * handlers at atexit() time.
+ * We keep a list of all loaded modules to be able to reference count
+ * duplicate dlopen's.
 static ModulePtr modList;

@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@

 static void caterr(char *);
 static int readExports(ModulePtr);
-static void terminate(void);
 static void *findMain(void);
 static char *strerror_failed   = "(strerror failed)";
@@ -165,7 +164,6 @@
        if (!mainModule) {
                if ((mainModule = findMain()) == NULL)
                        return NULL;
-               atexit(terminate);
         * Scan the list of modules if have the module already loaded.
@@ -222,7 +220,16 @@
        mp->refCnt = 1;
        mp->next = modList;
        modList = mp;
-       if (loadbind(0, mainModule, mp->entry) == -1) {
+       /*
+        * Assume anonymous exports come from the module this dlopen
+        * is linked into, that holds true as long as dlopen and all
+        * of the perl core are in the same shared object. Also bind
+        * against the main part, in the case a perl is not the main
+        * part, e.g mod_perl as DSO in Apache so perl modules can
+        * also reference Apache symbols.
+        */
+       if (loadbind(0, (void *)dlopen, mp->entry) == -1 ||
+           loadbind(0, mainModule, mp->entry) == -1) {
                strcpy(errbuf, "loadbind: ");
@@ -336,12 +343,6 @@
        return result;
-static void terminate(void)
-       while (modList)
-               dlclose(modList);
 /* Added by Wayne Scott 


sub shrplib_check {

    return unless $Config{'useshrplib'} and
        $Config{'useshrplib'} eq 'define';

    my $libperl = $Config{'libperl'} || '';

    for my $dir (qw(/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib)) {
        next unless -e "$dir/$libperl";

        my $coredir = "$Config{'archlibexp'}/CORE";
        my $corelib = "$coredir/$libperl";

$dir/$libperl might override

This may cause build or runtime errors with mod_perl. Consider removing $dir/$libperl, it should not be there.

If your vendor has installed $libperl there, complain to them and install Perl from source if needed.

$libperl should only exist in Perl version/arch directories, for example: $coredir EOF } }

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1807:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 5 lines of content