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Synopsis 12: Objects


Larry Wall <>


  Maintainer: Larry Wall <>
  Date: 27 Oct 2004
  Last Modified: 2 Dec 2004
  Number: 12
  Version: 4


This synopsis summarizes Apocalypse 12, which discusses object-oriented programming.


A class is a module declared with the class keyword. There are two basic declaration syntaxes:

    class Foo;          # rest of file is class definition

    class Bar {...}     # block is class definition

In either case, the ... executes at compile time as the body of a method of the metaclass, which is responsible for interpreting the keywords of the class definition. (And since a class is also a module, it also handles any module-oriented keywords.)

Classes are primarily for instance management, not code reuse. Consider using roles when you simply want to factor out common code.

Perl 6 supports multiple inheritance, anonymous classes, and autoboxing.

All public method calls are "virtual" in the C++ sense. More surprisingly, any class name mentioned in an instance method is also considered virtual, that is, polymorphic on the actual type of the object.

You may derive from any built-in type, but the derivation of a low-level type like int may only add behaviors, not change the representation.

Since there are no barewords in Perl 6, class names must be predeclared, or use the sigil-like ::ClassName syntax. The :: prefix does not imply top-levelness as it does in Perl 5. (Use ::* for that.)

A bare class declarator declares a global class name in ::*. To declare a class in the current package (or module, or class), use our class. To declare a lexically scoped class, use my class. Class names are always searched for from innermost scopes to outermost. As with an initial ::, the presence of a :: within the name does not imply globalness (unlike in Perl 5).

Class traits are set using is:

    class MyStruct is rw {...}

An "isa" is just a trait that happens to be another class:

    class Dog is Mammal {...}

MI is specified with multiple is modifiers:

    class Dog is Mammal is Pet {...}

Roles use does instead of is:

    class Dog is Mammal does Pet {...}

You may put these inside as well:

    class Dog {
        is Mammal;
        does Pet;

Every class is an instance of its metaclass. You can get at the metaclass of any object via the .meta method.

Classes are open and non-final by default, but may easily be closed or finalized by an application if nobody issued an explicit compile-time request that the class stay open or non-final. (Or a site policy could close any applications that use the policy.) Platforms that do dynamic loading of sub-applications probably don't want to close or finalize classes wholesale, however.

A private classname begins with a single colon. Such methods are completely invisible to the ordinary classname mechanisms.


Methods are subroutines declared in a class with the method keyword:

    method doit ($a, $b, $c) { ... }
    method doit ($self: $a, $b, $c) { ... }
    method doit (MyClass $self: $a, $b, $c) { ... }
    method doit (::?CLASS $self: $a, $b, $c) { ... }

The invocant is optional. The class of the invocant is known in any event because methods must be declared in the class of the invocant, though it doesn't hurt to explicitly type the invocant. (The current class may always be named as ::?CLASS even in anonymous classes or roles.)

Private methods have a colon on the front of their name:

    method :think (Brain $self: $thought)

Such methods are completely invisible to the ordinary method dispatch system.

To call an ordinary method with ordinary single-dispatch semantics, use either the dot notation or indirect object notation:

    doit $obj: 1,2,3

Indirect object notation now requires a colon after the invocant if there are any arguments. If there are no arguments and you omit the colon, the notation is parsed either as a named unary operator or a list operator with one argument. In any case, all of these come out to the same thing:

    close $handle:
    close $handle

Dot notation can omit the invocant if it's in $_:


It can use a simple scalar variable for the method name:


You must use a special syntax to call a private method:


Parentheses are required on the dot notation if there are any arguments (not counting adverbial arguments). There may be no space between the method name and the left parenthesis unless you use the dot form of parentheses:

    .doit       # okay, no arguments
    .doit()     # okay, no arguments
    .doit ()    # ILLEGAL (two terms in a row)
    .doit.()    # okay, no arguments, same as .doit()
    .doit .()   # okay, no arguments, same as .doit()

Adverbs may modify any operator including a method call, so it's possible to pass a block to a method without putting it in parentheses:

    .doit :{ $^a <=> $^b }              # okay
    .doit() :{ $^a <=> $^b }            # okay
    .doit(1,2,3) :{ $^a <=> $^b }       # okay

Methods (and subs) may be declared as lvalues with is rw. You can use an argumentless rw method anywhere you can use a variable, including in temp and let statements.

Method calls on scalars go to the referenced object (autoboxing value types as necessary):

    $result = $object.doit();
    $length = "mystring".codes;

But method calls on containers go to the container:

    $elems = @array.elems;
    @keys  = %hash.keys;
    $sig   = &sub.signature;

Use variable to get at the container of a scalar variable.

    if variable($scalar).constant {...}

Class methods are just methods that can take a class as their invocant.


Submethods are for declaring infrastructural methods that shouldn't be inherited by subclasses, such as initializers:

    submethod BUILD ($arg) {
        $.attr = $arg;

Apart from the keyword, submethod declaration and call syntax is identical to method syntax. You may mix methods and submethods of the same name within the class hierarchy, but only the methods are visible to derived classes via inheritance. A submethod is called only when a method call is dispatched directly to the current class.


Attributes are stored an an opaque datatype, not in a hash. Not even the class has to care how they're stored, since they're declared much like ordinary variables. Instead of my, use has:

    class Dog is Mammal {
        has $.tail is rw;
        has @.legs;
        has $:brain;

Public attributes have a secondary sigil of "dot", indicating the automatic generation of an accessor method of the same name. Private attributes use a colon to indicate that no public accessor is generated. Some traits are copied to the accessor method. The rw trait causes the generated accessor to be declared rw, making it an lvalue method. The default is a read-only accessor.

If you declare the class as rw, then all the class's attributes default to rw.

You may write your own accessors to override any or all of the autogenerated ones.

The attribute variables may be used within instance methods to refer directly to the attribute values. Outside the instance methods, the only access to attributes is through the accessors.

Pseudo-assignment to an attribute declaration specifies the default value. The value on the right is evaluated at class composition time, that is, while the class is being compiled and the class object constructed. However, if the default value is a closure, that closure will be executed later at object initialization time.

Class attributes are declared with either my or our. The only difference from ordinary my or our variables is that an accessor is generated according to the secondary sigil:

    our $.count;        # generates a public read-only .count accessor
    our %:cache is rw;  # generates a private read-write .:cache accessor
    my  $.count;        # generates a public read-only .count accessor
    my  %:cache is rw;  # generates a private read-write .:cache accessor

Construction and Initialization

All classes inherit a default new constructor from Object. It expects all arguments to be named parameters initializing attributes of the same name. You may write your own new to override the default, or write constructors with any other name you like. As in Perl 5, a constructor is any routine that calls bless. Unlike in Perl 5, you call it as a method on the class, passing the candidate as the first argument. To bless a hash as in Perl 5, say:

    $object = $class.bless({k1 => $v1, k2 => $v2, ...});

If the candidate is omitted, an opaque object is created in the current class by calling CREATE:

    $object = $class.bless(k1 => $v1, k2 => $v2, ...)
    $object = $class.bless(:k1($v1), :k2($v2), ...)  # same

All arguments to this form of bless must be named arguments, not positional. (So you cannot bless a Pair into a different class.) Hence, the main purpose of custom constructors is to turn positional arguments into named arguments for bless. The bless method allows an object to be used for its class invocant. (Your constructor need not allow this). In any case, the object is not used as a prototype. Use .clone instead if that's what you mean.

Any named arguments to bless are automatically passed to the CREATE and BUILD routines. If you wish to pass special options to the CREATE routine (such as an alternate representation), pass them as part of a CREATE argument:

    $object = $class.bless(:CREATE[:repr<P6opaque>] :k1($v1) :k2($v2))

For the built-in default CREATE method, P6opaque is the default representation. Other possiblilities are P6hash, P5hash, P5array, PyDict, Cstruct, etc.

The bless function automatically calls all appropriate BUILD routines by calling the BUILDALL routine for the current class, which initializes the object in least-derived to most-derived order. DESTROY and DESTROYALL work the same way, only in reverse.

The default BUILD and BUILDALL are inherited from Object, so you need to write initialization routines only if you wish to modify the default behavior. If the name of a named argument begins with a :: and corresponds to a class or role being built, the list value of that argument is passed as a list of named arguments to that class or role's BUILD. Otherwise all the arguments to bless are passed to the BUILD.

You can clone an object, changing some of the attributes:

    $newdog = $olddog.clone(:trick<RollOver>);

You can write your own BUILD submethod to control initialization. If you name an attribute as a parameter, that attribute is initialized directly, so

    submethod BUILD ($.tail, $:legs) {}

is equivalent to

    submethod BUILD ($tail, $legs) {
        $.tail = $tail;
        $:legs = $legs;

Whether you write your own BUILD or not, at the end of the BUILD, any default attribute values are implicitly copied into any attributes that haven't otherwise been initialized.

Mutating methods

You can call an in-place mutator method like this:


If there is a self:sort operator defined, that will be used. Otherwise one will be autogenerated from the ordinary sort operator.

One handy place for an in-place mutator is to call a constructor on a variable of a known type:

    my Dog $spot .= new(:tail<LONG> :legs<SHORT>);

Calling sets of methods

For any method name, there may be some number of candidate methods that could handle the request: typically, inherited methods or multimethod variants. The ordinary "dot" operator dispatches to a method in the standard fashion. There are also "dot" variants that call some number of methods with the same name:

    $object.meth(@args)   # calls one method
    $object.?meth(@args)  # calls method if there is one
    $object.*meth(@args)  # calls all methods (0 or more)
    $object.+meth(@args)  # calls all methods (1 or more)

Any method can defer to the next candidate method in the list by saying next METHOD. Any method can stop the progression by saying last METHOD. The order and selection of the candidates may be specified by arguments to a pseudo-class known as WALK:


The WALK pseudo-class takes these arguments:

    :canonical      # canonical dispatch order
    :ascendant      # most-derived first, like destruction order
    :descendant     # least-derived first, like construction order
    :preorder       # like Perl 5 dispatch
    :breadth        # like multimethod dispatch

    :super              # only immediate parent classes
    :method<name>       # only classes containing method declaration
    :omit(Selector)     # only classes that don't match selector
    :include(Selector)  # only classes that match selector

Parallel dispatch

Any of the method call forms may be turned into a hyperoperator by treating the method call as a postfix:

    @object».meth(@args)   # calls one method on each
    @object».?meth(@args)  # calls method if there is one on each
    @object».*meth(@args)  # calls all methods (0 or more) on each
    @object».+meth(@args)  # calls all methods (1 or more) on each
    @object».=meth(@args)  # calls mutator method on each
    @object».:meth(@args)  # calls private method on each

Hyperoperators treat a junction as a scalar value, so saying:


is just like:


To hyperoperate over the values of a junction you have to explicitly pull out the values:


Multiple dispatch

The "long name" of a subroutine or method includes the type signature of its invocant arguments. The "short name" doesn't. If you put multi in front of any sub (or method) declaration, it allows multiple long names to share a short name, provided all of them are declared multi. A sub (or method) without a multi doesn't share. Only one such sub (or method) can inhabit a given namespace, and it hides any outer subs (or less-derived methods) of the same short name.

For subs or methods declared multi, only one instance of the long name can be in any namespace, and it hides any outer (or less-derived) routines with the same long name. It does not hide any routines with the same short name but a different long name. In other words, multis with the same short name can come from several different namespaces provided their long names differ and their short names aren't hidden by a non-multi declaration in some intermediate scope.

When you call a subroutine with a particular short name, if there are multiple visible long names, they are all considered candidates. They are sorted into an order according to how close the actual types of the arguments match up with the declared types of the parameters of each candidate. The best candidate is called, unless there's a tie, in which case only candidates marked with the default trait are considered, and the best matching default routine is used. If there are no default routines, or if the available defaults are also tied, an exception is thrown.

Ordinarily all the arguments of a multi sub are considered invocants. Here's a declaration for an integer range operator with two invocants:

    multi sub infix:<..>(Int $min, Int $max) {...}

Sometimes you want to have optional arguments that aren't counted as part of the long name. For instance, if you want to allow an optional "step" parameter to your range operator, but not count it as an invocant, put a colon instead of a comma at the end of the invocant list:

    multi sub infix:<..>(Int $min, Int $max: Int ?$by = 1) {...}

A multi method can be declared within a class, in which case it is visible to both the single-dispatcher and the multiple-dispatcher. Such a method's invocants may not be implicitly declared.

The caller indicates whether to use single dispatch or multiple dispatch by the call syntax. The "dot" form and the indirect object form default to single dispatch. Subroutine calls with multiple arguments and operators with multiple operands default to multiple dispatch. For functions or methods with only a single invocant, the dispatchers are defined to have the same semantics, which is why it doesn't matter which of these you say:


However, with additional arguments, there are differences. The single dispatch form:


preferentially considers only ordinary methods and multimethods from the class hierarchy of $handle, and fails over to the multiple dispatcher as a last resort only if no method can be found in the class hierarchy.

On the other hand, the multi dispatch form:

    seek($handle, $pos);

considers all visible multi subs and multi methods of that name equally. For this purpose ordinary methods are considered multi-methods of a single invocant, which, since they are less specific than the declarations with more invocants, are put at the end of the list. (So there's no need for an explicit failover from multiple to single dispatch.)

Multi submethods work just like multi methods except they are constrained to an exact type match on the first invocant.

Perl 6.0.0 is not required to support multiple dispatch on named parameters, only on positional parameters.

Within the multiple dispatcher, next METHOD means to try the next best match, or next best default in case of tie.

Attributes are never visible outside a class definition, so a multi method can only directly access the attributes of a class it's defined within. However, it may call the private attribute accessors from a different class if that other class has indicated that it trusts the class the multi method is defined in:

    class MyClass {
        trusts Yourclass;


Classes are primarily in charge of object management, and only secondarily in charge of software reuse. In Perl 6, roles take over the job of managing software reuse. Depending on how you care to look at it, a role is like a partial class, or an interface with default implementation, or a set of generic methods and their associated data.

Roles may be composed into a class at compile time, in which case you get automatic detection of conflicting methods. A role may also be mixed into a class or object at run time to produce an anonymous derived class with extra capabilities, but in this case conflicting methods are overridden by the new role silently. In either case, a class is necessary for instantiation--a role may not be directly instantiated.

A role is declared like a class, but with a role keyword:

    role Pet {
        method feed ($food) {

A role may not inherit from a class, but may be composed of other roles. A role doesn't know its own type until it is composed. Any mention of its main type (such as ::?CLASS) is generic, as is any reference to the type of the invocant. You can use a role name as a type, but only for constraints, not for declaring actual objects.

A role's main type is generic by default, but you can also parameterize other types explicitly:

    role Pet[Type $petfood = TableScraps] {
        method feed (::($petfood) $food) {...}

If a role merely declares methods without defining them, it degenerates to an interface:

    role Pet {
        method feed ($food) {...}
        method groom () {...}
        method scratch (+$where) {...}

If a role declares private accessors, those accessors are private to the class, not to the role.

Roles may have attributes:

    role Pet {
        has $.collar = { };
        method id () { return $.collar.tag }
        method lose_collar () { undef $.collar }

If you want to parameterize the initial value of a role attribute, be sure to put a colon if you don't want the parameter to be considered part of the long name:

    role Pet[IDholder $id: $tag] {
        has IDholder $.collar .= new($tag);

You can also have private attributes:

    has Nose $:sniffer .= new();

A role can abstract the decision to delegate:

    role Pet {
        has $:groomer handles <bathe groom trim> = hire_groomer();

A role is allowed to declare an additional inheritance for its class when that is considered an implementation detail:

    role Pet {
        is Friend;

A class incorporates a role with the verb "does", like this:

    class Dog is Mammal does Pet does Sentry {...}

or equivalently, within the body of the class closure:

    class Dog {
        is Mammal;
        does Pet;
        does Sentry;

There is no ordering dependency among the roles.

A class's explicit method definition hides any role definition of the same name. A role method in turn hides any methods inherited from other classes.

If there are no method name conflicts between roles (or with the class), then each role's methods can be installed in the class. If, however, two roles try to introduce a method of the same name the composition of the class fails.

There are several ways to solve method conflicts. The first is simply to write a class method that overrides the conflicting role methods, perhaps figuring out which role method to call.

Alternately, if the role's methods are declared multi, they can be disambiguated based on their long name. If the roles forget to declare them as multi, you can force a multi on the roles' methods by installing a multi stub in the class being constructed:

    multi method shake {...}

Conjectural: If the original invocant is in a variable that is constrained to be of one role or another, then that type could be used to dispatch to the correct role's method in cases where they can't be distinguished by differences in the actual argument types:

    class DogTree {
        does DogBark;
        does TreeBark;
        multi method bark {...}

    my DogBark $dog = new DogTree;
    my TreeBark $tree = new DogTree;

    $dog.bark();        # picks Dog role's bark method
    $tree.bark();       # picks Tree role's bark method

Run-time mixins are done with does and but. The does binary operator is a mutator that derives a new anonymous class (if necessary) and binds the object to it:

    $fido does Sentry

The does operator returns the object so you can nest mixins:

    $fido does Sentry does Tricks does TailChasing does Scratch;

Unlike the compile-time role composition, each of these layers on a new mixin with a new level of inheritance, creating a new anonymous class for dear old Fido, so that a .chase method from TailChasing hides a .chase method from Sentry.

A role applied with does may be parameterized with an initializer in parentheses, but only if the role supplies exactly one attribute to the mixin class:

    $fido does Wag($tail);

The but operator creates a copy and works on that. It also knows how to generalize a particular enumerated value to its role. So

    0 but true

is short for something like:

    0 but bool::true

A property is defined by a role like this:

    role SomeRole {
        has SomeType $.prop is rw = 1;

You can declare a property with

    my int property answer;

and that declares a role whose name is the same as the accessor:

    my role answer {
        has int $.answer is rw;

Then you can say

    $a = 0 but answer(42)

Note that the parenthesized form is not a subroutine or method call. It's just special initializing syntax for roles that contain a single property. The above really means something like:

    $a = ($anonymous = 0) does answer(42);

which really means:

    (($anonymous = 0) does answer).answer = 42;
    $a = $anonymous;

Which is why there's a but operator.


Traits are just properties (roles) applied to declared items like containers or classes. It's the declaration of the item itself that makes traits seem more permanent than ordinary properties. In addition to adding the property, a trait can also have side effects.

Traits are generally applied with the "is" keyword, though not always. To define a trait handler for an "is xxx" trait, define one or more multisubs into a property role like this:

    role xxx {
        has Int $.xxx;
        multi sub trait_auxiliary:is(xxx $trait, Class $container: ?$arg) {...}
        multi sub trait_auxiliary:is(xxx $trait, Any $container: ?$arg) {...}

Then it can function as a trait. A well-behaved trait handler will say

    $container does xxx($arg);

somewhere inside to set the metadata on the container correctly. Since a class can function as a role when it comes to parameter type matching, you can also say:

    class MyBase {
        multi sub trait_auxiliary:is(MyBase $base, Class $class: ?$arg) {...}
        multi sub trait_auxiliary:is(MyBase $tied, Any $container: ?$arg) {...}

These capture control if MyBase wants to capture control of how it gets used by any class or container. But usually you can just let it call the generic defaults:

    multi sub *trait_auxiliary:is(Class $base, Class $class: ?$arg) {...}

which adds $base to the "isa" list of $class, or

    multi sub *trait_auxiliary:is(Class $tied, Any $container: ?$arg) {...}

which sets the "tie" type of the container to the implementation type in $tied.

Most traits are introduced by use of a "helping verb", which could be something like "is", or "will", or "can", or "might", or "should", or "does". We call these helping verbs "trait auxiliaries". Here's "will", which (being syntactic sugar) merely delegates to back to "is":

    multi sub *trait_auxiliary:will($trait, $container: &arg) {
        trait_auxiliary:is($trait, $container, &arg);

Other traits are applied with a single word, and we call one of those a "trait verb". For instance, the "returns" trait is defined something like this:

    role returns {
        has ReturnType $.returns;
        multi sub trait_verb:returns($container: ReturnType $arg) {
            $container does returns($arg);

Unlike compile-time roles, which all flatten out in the same class, compile-time traits are applied one at a time, like mixin roles. You can, in fact, apply a trait to a container at run time, but if you do, it's just an ordinary mixin role. You have to call the appropriate trait_auxiliary:is() routine yourself if you want it to do any extra shenanigans. The compiler won't call it for you at run time like it would at compile time.


Delegation lets you pretend that some other object's methods are your own. Delegation is specified by a handles trait verb with an argument specifying one or more method names that the current object and the delegated object will have in common:

    has $:tail handles 'wag';

Since the method name (but nothing else) is known at class construction time, the following .wag method is autogenerated for you:

    method wag (*@args is context(Lazy)) { $:tail.wag(*@args) }

You can specify multiple method names:

    has $:legs handles <walk run lope shake pee>;

It's illegal to call the outer method unless the attribute has been initialized to an object of a type supporting the method, such as by:

    has Tail $:tail handles 'wag' = { .new(*%_) };

Note that putting a Tail type on the attribute does not necessarily mean that the method is always delegated to the Tail class. The dispatch is still based on the run-time type of the object, not the declared type.

Any other kind of argument to handles is considered to be a smartmatch selector for methods. So you can say:

    has $:fur handles /^get_/;

If you say

    has $:fur handles Groomable;

then you get only those methods available via the Groomable role or class.

Wildcard matches are evaluated only after it has been determined that there's no exact match to the method name anywhere. When you have multiple wildcard delegations to different objects, it's possible to have a conflict of method names. Wildcard method matches are evaluated in order, so the earliest one wins. (Non-wildcard method conflicts can be caught at class composition time.)

If, where you would ordinarily specify a string, you put a pair, then the pair maps the method name in this class to the method name in the other class. If you put a hash, each key/value pair is treated as such a mapping. Such mappings are not considered wildcards.

    has $:fur handles { :shakefur<shake> :scratch<get_fleas> };

You can do a wildcard renaming, but not with pairs. Instead do smartmatch with a substitution:

    has $:fur handles (s/^furget_/get_/);

Ordinarily delegation is based on an attribute holding an object reference, but it can also be based on the return value of a method:

    method select_tail handles <wag hang> {...}

If your delegation object happens to be an array:

    has @:handlers handles 'foo';

then Perl 6 assumes that your array contains a list of potential handlers, and you just want to call the first one that succeeds. This is not considered a wildcard match unless the "handles" argument forces it to be.

If your delegation object happens to be a hash:

    has %:objects handles 'foo';

then the hash provides a mapping from the string value of "self" to the object that should be delegated to:

    has %:barkers handles "bark" =
                (Chihauhau => $yip,
                    Beagle => $yap,
                   Terrier => $arf,
                 StBernard => $woof,
    method prefix:<~>( return "$.breed" )

If the string is not found in the hash, a "next METHOD" is automatically performed.

Types and Subtypes

The type system of Perl consists of roles, classes, and subtypes. You can declare a subtype like this:

    my subtype Str_not2b of Str where /^[isnt|arent|amnot|aint]$/;

or this:

    my Str subtype Str_not2b where /^[isnt|arent|amnot|aint]$/;

An anonymous subtype looks like this:

    Str where /^[isnt|arent|amnot|aint]$/;

A where clause implies future smartmatching of some kind: the as-yet unspecified object of the type on the left must match the selector on the right. Our example is roughly equivalent to this closure:

    { $_.does(Str) and $_ ~~ /^[isnt|arent|amnot|aint]$/; }

except that a subtype knows when to call itself.

A subtype is not a subclass. Subclasses add capabilities, whereas a subtype adds constraints (takes away capabiliites). A subtype is primarily a handy way of sneaking smartmatching into multiple dispatch. Just as a role allows you to specify something more general than a class, a subtype allows you to specify something more specific than a class.

While subtypes are primarily intended for restricting parameter types for multiple dispatch, they also let you impose preconditions on assignment. If you declare any container with a subtype, Perl will check the constraint against any value you might try to bind or assign to the container.

    subtype Str_not2b of Str where /^[isnt|arent|amnot|aint]$/;
    subtype EvenNum   of Num where { $^n % 2 == 0 }
    my Str_not2b $hamlet;
    $hamlet = 'isnt';   # Okay because 'isnt' ~~ /^[isnt|arent|amnot|aint]$/
    $hamlet = 'amnt';   # Bzzzzzzzt!   'amnt' !~ /^[isnt|arent|amnot|aint]$/
    my EvenNum $n;
    $n = 2;             # Okay
    $n = -2;            # Okay
    $n = 0;             # Okay
    $n = 3;             # Bzzzzzzzt

It's legal to base one subtype on another; it just adds an additional constraint.

You can use an anonymous subtype in a signature:

    sub check_even (Num where { $^n % 2 == 0 } $even) {...}

That's a bit unwieldy, but by the normal type declaration rules you can turn it around to get the variable out front:

    sub check_even ($even of Num where { $^n % 2 == 0 }) {...}

Subtype constraints are used as tiebreakers in multiple dispatch:

    use Rules::Common :profanity;

    multi sub mesg ($mesg of Str where /<profanity>/ is copy) {
        $mesg ~~ s:g/<profanity>/[expletive deleted]/;
        print $MESG_LOG: $mesg;
    multi sub mesg ($mesg of Str) {
        print $MESG_LOG: $mesg;

A multimethod with a matching constraint is preferred over an equivalent one with no constraint. So the first mesg above is preferred if the constraint matches, and otherwise the second is preferred.


An enum is a low-level class that can function as a role or property. A given enum value can function as a subtype, a method, or as an ordinary value (an argumentless sub). The values are specified as a list:

    my enum day ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'];
    my enum day <Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>;

The default return type is int or str depending on the type of the first value. The type can be specified:

    my bit enum maybe <no yes>;
    my int enum day ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'];
    my enum day of int <Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>;
    my enum day returns int <Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>;

An anonymous enum just makes sure each string turns into a pair with sequentially increasing values, so:

    %enum = enum < ook! ook. ook? >;

is equivalent to:

    %enum = ();
    %enum<ook!> = 0;
    %enum<ook.> = 1;
    %enum<ook?> = 2;

The enum installer inspects list values for pairs, where the value of the pair sets the next value explicitly. Non-pairs ++ the previous value. Since the «...» quoter automatically recognizes pair syntax along with interpolations, we can simply say:

    my enum DayOfWeek «:Sun(1) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat»;

    our str enum Phonetic «:Alpha<A> Bravo Charlie Delta
                            Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet
                            Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa
                            Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform
                            Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu»;

    enum roman [i => 1,   v => 5,
                x => 10,  l => 50,
                c => 100, d => 500,
                m => 1000];

    my Scalar hex «:zero(0) one two three four five six seven eight nine
                   :ten<a> eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen»;

You may import enum types; only non-colliding values are imported. Colliding enum values are hidden and must be disambiguated with the type name. Any attempt to use the ambiguous name will result in a fatal compilation error. (All colliding values are hidden, not just the new one, or the old one.) Any explicit sub or type definition hides all imported enum values of the same name but will produce a warning unless is redefined is included.

Unambiguous enum values may be used as a property on the right side of a but, and the enum type will be intuited from the value to make sure the object in question has the right semantics mixed in:

    $x = "Today" but Tue;

is the same as

    $x = "Today" but day::Tue;

or pseudo-hash form:

    $x = "Today" but day<Tue>;

which is short for something like:

    $x = "Today";
    $x does day;
    $ = &day::('Tue');

There's also a pseudo-functional form:

    $x = "Today" but day(Tue);

which lets you cheat:

    $x = "Today" but day(3);

After any of those


returns day::Tue (that is, 3), and

    $x ~~ day
    $x ~~ Tue
    $ == Tue
    day($x) == Tue

all return true, and

    $ == Wed
    8 ~~ day

all return false.

Two built-in enums are:

    our bit enum *bool <false true>;
    our bit enum *taint <untainted tainted>;

Note that bool and taint are really role names. You can call .bool on any built-in type, but the value returned is of type bit.

Open vs Closed Classes

By default, all classes in Perl are non-final, which means you can derive from them. They are also open, which means you can add more methods to them, though you have to be explicit that that is what you're doing:

    class Object is extended {
        method wow () { say "Wow, I'm an object." }

Otherwise you'll get a class redefinition error.

For optimization purposes, Perl 6 gives the top-level application the right to close and finalize classes.

    use optimize :classes<close finalize>;

This merely changes the application's default to closed and final, which means that at the end of the main compilation (CHECK time) the optimizer is allowed to look for candidate classes to close or finalize. But anyone (including the main application) can request that any class stay open or basal, and the class closer/finalizer must honor that.

    use class :open<Mammal Insect> :basal<Str>

These properties may also be specified on the class definition:

    class Mammal is open {...}
    class Insect is open {...}
    class Str is basal {...}

or by lexically scoped pragma around the class definition:

        use class :open;
        class Mammal {...}
        class Insect {...}
        use class :basal;
        class Str {...}

There is no syntax for declaring individual classes closed or final. The application may only request that the optimizer close and finalize unmarked classes.

Interface Consistency

By default, all methods and submethods that do not declare an explicit *% parameter will get an implicit *%_ parameter declared for them whether they like it or not. In other words, all methods allow unexpected named arguments, so that next METHOD semantics work consistently.

If you mark a class "is hidden", it hides the current class from "next METHOD" semantics, and incidentally suppresses the autogeneration of *%_ parameters. Hidden classes may be visited as SUPER::, but not via "next".

A similar effect can be achieved from the derived class by saying hides Base instead of is Base.


Every class object has a .meta method that lets you get at the class's metaclass object, which lets you get at all the metadata properties for the class:

    MyClass.getmethods()        # call MyClass's .getmethods method (error?)
    MyClass.meta.getmethods()   # get the method list of MyClass

Each object of the class also has a .meta method:


That's equivalent to


Class traits may include:

    identifier    Dog-1.2.1-
        name      Dog
        version   1.2.1
    author        Joe Random
    description   This class implements camera obscura.
    subject       optics, boxes
    language      ja_JP
    licensed      Artistic|GPL
    isa           list of parent classes
    roles         list of roles
    disambig      how to deal with ambiguous method names from roles
    layout        P6opaque, P6hash, P5hash, P5array, PyDict, Cstruct, etc.

The .meta.getmethods method returns method-descriptors containing:

    name                the name of the method
    signature           the parameters of the method
    returns             the return type of the method
    multi               whether duplicate names are allowed
    do                  the method body

The .getmethods method has a selector parameter that lets you specify whether you want to see a flattened or hierarchical view, whether you're interested in private methods, and so forth.

The .getattributes method returns a list of attribute descriptors that have traits like these:


Strictly speaking, metamethods like .isa(), .does(), and .can() should be called through the meta object:


But Object gives you shortcuts to those, if you don't override them.

The smartmatch:

    $obj ~~ Dog

actually calls:


which is true if $obj either "does" or "isa" Dog (or "isa" something that "does" Dog).

Unlike in Perl 5 where .can returns a single routine reference, Perl 6's version of .meta.can returns a "WALK" iterator for a set of routines that match the name, including all autoloaded and wildcarded possibilities. In particular, .can interrogates any class's AUTOMETH for names that are to be considered methods in the class, even if they haven't been declared yet.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 375:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '@object».meth(@args)'. Assuming UTF-8