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derived - run command periodically and calculate rate and check from network


  $ cat CmdsFile
  slowqueries: mysql -NB -e 'show global status like "Slow_queries%"'
  $ derived -p 12306 CmdsFile

  $ telnet localhost 12306
  get slowqueris
  VALUE slowqueris 0 3
  0.2  # slow queries/sec


derived runs command periodically and capture integer value. And calculate per-second rate. You can retrieve these values from integrated memcached-protocol server

You can monitoring the variation of metrics through this daemon.


-h, --help

Display help message


Interval seconds for running commands. Default 10.

--port: Required

Port number to bind


IP address to bind


A command file should contain both a name for the process and the command used to run it.

  slowquery: mysql -NB -e 'show global status like "Slow_queries%"'
  lines: wc -l /path/to/file


You can access to data via integrated memcached-protocol server.

  use Cache::Memcached::Fast;

  my $memcached = Cache::Memcached::Fast->new({
    servers => [qw/localhost:12306/],

  say $memcached->get('slowqueris'); # only per seconds value.
  say $memcached->get('slowqueris:full'); #JSON formated data include raw values


Masahiro Nagano <>


Copyright (C) Masahiro Nagano

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.