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#   snaked: cool cron replacement.

  # unbuffered output
  $| = 1;

  use Cwd;
  use FindBin;

  # without this chroot abs_path (below)
  # returns empty string if daemon is called
  # from some shell script and current directory
  # is a home directory of a user (permissions?)

  $ENV{'MY_BIN'} = "$FindBin::Bin";
  $ENV{'MY_LIB'} = Cwd::abs_path("$ENV{'MY_BIN'}/../lib");
  if (! -d $ENV{'MY_LIB'}) {
    $ENV{'MY_LIB'} = Cwd::abs_path("$ENV{'MY_BIN'}/lib");

  $ENV{'MY_ETC'} = "/etc/snaked";
  $ENV{'MY_ROOT'} = Cwd::abs_path("$ENV{'MY_BIN'}/../../../..");

  if (!$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_LIB'}) {

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib "$ENV{'MY_LIB'}";
use lib "$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_LIB'}";
use snaked;
use Yandex::Tools;
use Yandex::Tools::ProcessList;

package snaked::Daemon;
use Schedule::Cron::Events;
use Time::Local;
use POSIX;
use IO::Handle; # autoflush
use Socket; # socketpair
use Fcntl;
use Time::HiRes;
use File::Path;

my $version = $snaked::VERSION;

my ($daemon_regexp_configured, $daemon_match_cfg, $daemon_match_cfg1, $daemon_match_nocfg, $watchdog_match, $watchdog_match1);

my $current_user = getpwuid($<);
my $current_host = `hostname -f` || "";
my $from_address;
if ($current_user && $current_host) {
  $current_host =~ s/[\r\n]//go;
  $from_address = $current_user . '@' . $current_host;

my $my_path;
my $my_command_line;
my $watchdogs2maintain = 1;

my $use_usleep;
my $have_sleep_external;

if ($^O eq 'linux') {
  $use_usleep = 1;
else {
  my $ret = system("sleep 0");
  if ($ret eq 0) {
    $have_sleep_external = 1;
  else {
    write_spool("external_sleep_error", "no external sleep: code [$?]; err: [$!]\n", {'mode' => "append"});

sub clock_adjusted {
  my ($clock, $opts) = @_;

  $opts->{'start'} = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'start_time'} unless $opts->{'start'};
  $opts->{'threshold_left'} = -2 unless $opts->{'threshold_left'};
  $opts->{'threshold_right'} = 2 unless $opts->{'threshold_right'};

  my $elapsed_time_real = $clock->{'real'} - $opts->{'start'}->{'real'};
  my $elapsed_time_mono = $clock->{'mono'} - $opts->{'start'}->{'mono'};
  my $real_mono_diff = $elapsed_time_mono - $elapsed_time_real;

  my $clock_out = localtime($clock->{'real'});

  # were there any adjustments (respecting threshold)
  if ($real_mono_diff < $opts->{'threshold_left'} ||
    $real_mono_diff > $opts->{'threshold_right'} ) {
    if ($opts->{'return_adjustment'}) {
      return $real_mono_diff;
    $clock_out .= " (adj. $real_mono_diff: " . localtime($clock->{'real'} + $real_mono_diff) . ")";

  if ($opts->{'return_adjustment'}) {
    return 0;

  return $clock_out;

sub my_usleep {
  my ($usec) = @_;

  $usec = 1 unless $usec;

  if ($usec > 60_000_000) {
    if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'master') {
      write_spool("my_usleep_master", "[$$] my_usleep got $usec to sleep\n", {'mode' => "append"});
    else {
      write_spool("my_usleep_watchdog", "[$$] my_usleep got $usec to sleep\n", {'mode' => "append"});

  my $before = snaked::my_clock();
  if ($use_usleep) {
#    Time::HiRes::setitimer($Time::HiRes::ITIMER_REAL, $usec / 1_000_000);
#    Time::HiRes::nanosleep($usec * 1000);
  else {
    my $sec = int(($usec / 1_000_000) + 0.5);
    if (!$sec) {
      $sec = 1;
    if ($have_sleep_external) {
      my $ret = system("sleep $sec");

      # Since SIGINT and SIGQUIT are ignored during the execution of system,
      # if you expect your program to terminate on receipt of these signals
      # you will need to arrange to do so yourself based on the return value.
      if ($ret == -1) {
        write_spool("external_sleep_error", "code [$?]; err: [$!]", {'mode' => "append"});
      elsif ($ret & 127) {
        my $sig = $ret & 127;
        # forward SIGINT and SIGQUIT to the main process
        if ($sig eq 2 || $sig eq 3) {
        else {
          write_spool("external_sleep_error", "child died with signal $sig",  {'mode' => "append"});
      else {
        my $exit_value = $ret >> 8;
        if ($exit_value ne 0) {
          write_spool("external_sleep_error", "child exited with value $exit_value",  {'mode' => "append"});
    else {
      sleep $sec;
    $usec = $sec * 1_000_000;
  my $after = snaked::my_clock();

  # log if slept X times longer than requested
  if (($after->{'mono'} - $before->{'mono'}) > (($usec / 1_000_000) * 20)) {
    my $spool_filename;
    if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'master') {
      $spool_filename = "my_usleep_master";
    else {
      $spool_filename = "my_usleep_watchdog";

    write_spool($spool_filename, "[$$] my_usleep slept from $before->{'mono'} ($before->{'real'}) " .
      "to $after->{'mono'} ($after->{'real'}); requested [$usec]\n", {'mode' => "append"});

  return $usec;

sub watchdog_check_timeout {
  my ($opts) = @_;
  my $average_number_of_processes = 50 * 2; # 50 is average

  $opts = {} unless $opts;
  $opts->{'watchdogs2maintain'} = 0
    unless $watchdogs2maintain;
  $opts->{'number_of_processes'} = $average_number_of_processes
    unless $opts->{'number_of_processes'};

  my $timeout_step = ($opts->{'watchdogs2maintain'} + 1) * 2 * 2000000; # 8 secs

  my $k =
    int($opts->{'number_of_processes'} / $average_number_of_processes) *
    2 *
    $opts->{'watchdogs2maintain'} *
    1000000; # microseconds

  return $timeout_step + $k;

sub sigTERM_handler {
#  Yandex::Tools::do_log("snaked $$ term: " . $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'});
  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'master') {
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'stop'} = 1;
  elsif ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'watchdog') {
sub sigHUP_handler {
  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'master') {
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'refresh_configuration'} = 1;
sub sigUSR1_handler {
  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'master') {
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'detailed_status'} = 1;
sub sigUSR2_handler {
  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'master') {
    # do not restart if alreadying being stopped
    if (!$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'stop'}) {
      $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'restart'} = 1;
sub sigALRM_handler {
  # empty SIGALRM handler so we don't croak
  # when getting setitimer signals but rather
  # wakeup from (potentially) indefinite nanosleep


$SIG{'TERM'} = \&sigTERM_handler;
$SIG{'HUP'} = \&sigHUP_handler;
$SIG{'USR1'} = \&sigUSR1_handler;
$SIG{'USR2'} = \&sigUSR2_handler;
$SIG{'ALRM'} = \&sigALRM_handler;
$SIG{'INT'} = \&sigTERM_handler; # ctrl-c

sub write_spool {
  my ($filename, $value, $opts) = @_;

  $opts = {} unless $opts;
  $opts->{'mode'} = "overwrite" unless $opts->{'mode'};

  my $spool_dir = config_value('spool_directory');

  # if spool directory is not available
  # continue silently
  return {} unless $spool_dir;

  my $spool_file = $spool_dir . "/" . $filename;

  $value = "" unless $value;

  my $fh = Yandex::Tools::safe_open($spool_file, $opts->{'mode'}, {'timeout' => 0});
  if ($fh) {
    print $fh $value;
    return {
      'ok' => 1,
      'full_pathname' => $spool_file,
  else {
    return {
      'errtext' => "unable to write to [$spool_file]",

sub debug_main_cycle {
  my ($label, $msg, $opts) = @_;
  return unless $label;

  my $debug_top_dir;
  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} eq 'master') {
    $debug_top_dir = config_value('debug_main_cycle');
  else {
    $debug_top_dir = config_value('debug_watchdog');

  return unless $debug_top_dir;

  $msg = "" unless $msg;
  $msg = clock_adjusted(snaked::my_clock()) . ": " . $msg;
  # trying to block as less as possible
  Yandex::Tools::write_file_option($debug_top_dir . "/" . $$ . "_" . $label, $msg, {'timeout' => 1});

sub help() {
  print '
    snaked -- cron as it should be (version ' . $version . ')

    command-line options:
      start-up type:
        --daemon    -- run in background
        --debug     -- run in foreground with debug output

      runtime control:
        --restart [--wait] -- schedule restart for currently running daemon
                              (valid only for backgrounded daemon)
        --configure        -- schedule reread of configuration
        --status           -- is there daemon running?
        --stop [--wait]    -- schedule stop for currently running daemon
        --detailed-status  -- save detailed status into spool directory

        --add-job JOB --param value    -- configure new job
        --modify-job JOB --param value -- modify job parameters
        --delete-jobs JOBS             -- delete listed jobs

        --disable-jobs [JOBS]          -- disable all (or listed) jobs
        --enable-jobs [JOBS]           -- enable all (or listed) jobs

        --show-config                  -- show configured daemon jobs
        --show-job JOB [--param]       -- shows either all parameters of the job
                                          or those specified by the --param
                                          (space separated)

        --version          -- show daemon version

  exit 0;

sub config_value {
  my ($option_name) = @_;

  my $config = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'};
  if ($config->{$option_name}) {
    return $config->{$option_name}->{'value'};
  return undef;

sub do_err_log {
  my ($msg) = @_;

  my $config = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'};

  if (config_value('log_errors')) {
    my $tmp_log = Yandex::Tools::get_log_filename();
    # just in case it fails
    my $res = eval {


sub run_task {
  my ($task_name, $parent_control_socket) = @_;
  my $config = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'};
  my $task = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$task_name};

  my $old_job_name;
  $old_job_name = $ENV{'JOB_NAME'} if defined($ENV{'JOB_NAME'});
  $ENV{'JOB_NAME'} = $task_name;

  my $start_time = snaked::my_clock();

  # do not forget to modify remove_child which reads this message
  print $parent_control_socket "started at mono [$start_time->{'mono'}] real [$start_time->{'real'}]\n";
  Yandex::Tools::debug("running task [$task_name] timeout [$task->{'execution_timeout'}] kill timeout [$task->{'kill_timeout'}]");
  my $o = Yandex::Tools::run_forked($task->{'cmd'}, {
    'timeout' => $task->{'execution_timeout'},
    'terminate_on_parent_sudden_death' => 1,
    'terminate_on_signal' => 'TERM',
    'terminate_wait_time' => $task->{'kill_timeout'},
    'clean_up_children' => 1,
  Yandex::Tools::debug("finished [$task_name]: " . Yandex::Tools::safe_string($o->{'exit_code'}));

  $ENV{'JOB_NAME'} = $old_job_name if $old_job_name;

  if ($o->{'parent_died'}) {
    do_err_log("[$$] my parent died, exiting");
    Yandex::Tools::do_log("[$$] my parent died, exiting");
    exit 1;
  elsif ($o->{'err_msg'}) {
    if (! defined($task->{'disable_notifications'})) {

      # save first failure time (this is only valid during
      # child life, parent will set this again in its
      # memory space after child returns $o->{'err_msg'})
      # (!) reading this exactly time from the child_control_socket
      $task->{'runtime'}->{'first_failure_time'} = $start_time->{'mono'}
        unless $task->{'runtime'}->{'first_failure_time'};

      my $end_time = snaked::my_clock();

      my $task_info =
        "\n\n" .
        "task summary\n" .
        "------------\n" .
        "pid: $$\n" .
        "cmdline: $task->{'cmd'}\n" .
        "start time: " . clock_adjusted($start_time) . "\n" .
        "end time: " . clock_adjusted($end_time) . "\n"

      # do not notify more often than once
      # each $task->{'notification_interval'} seconds
      # (notify after each failure if not defined)
      if ($task->{'notification_interval'}) {
        if ($task->{'runtime'}->{'first_failure_time'} + $task->{'notification_interval'} < $start_time->{'mono'}) {
            'from' => $from_address,
            'to' => ($task->{'admin_email'} ? $task->{'admin_email'} : $config->{'admin_email'}->{'value'}),
            'subject' => $0 . ": $task_name warning",
            'body' => $o->{'err_msg'} . $task_info,
            'no_cc_all' => 1,
          # pretend that everything went fine
          # (this will make parent reset first_failure_time)
          # old logic, when no child_control_socket was available,
          # could be rewritten to use it (!)
          return "";
      else {
          'from' => $from_address,
          'to' => ($task->{'admin_email'} ? $task->{'admin_email'} : $config->{'admin_email'}->{'value'}),
          'subject' => $0 . ": $task_name warning",
          'body' => $o->{'err_msg'} . $task_info,
          'no_cc_all' => 1,
        # if we have no notification interval
        # do not mask errors from parent --
        # so it can log them (!)

    # if notification was not sent --
    # let parent know that we had problem
    # and it should set first_failure_time
    # (if not set)
    return $o->{'err_msg'};

  return "";

sub add_child {
  my ($task_name, $opts) = @_;

  $opts = {} unless $opts;

  Yandex::Tools::die ("Programmer error: add_child expects at least child name")
    unless $task_name;

  my $child_socket;
  my $parent_socket;
  my $child_control_socket;
  my $parent_control_socket;

  socketpair($child_socket, $parent_socket, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) ||
    Yandex::Tools::die ("socketpair: $!");
  socketpair($child_control_socket, $parent_control_socket, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC) ||
    main::die ("socketpair: $!");


  my $pid;

  if ($pid = fork) {
    # we are a parent
    close $parent_socket;
    close $parent_control_socket;

    my $flags = 0;
    fcntl($child_socket, F_GETFL, $flags) || die "can't fnctl F_GETFL: $!";
    $flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
    fcntl($child_socket, F_SETFL, $flags) || die "can't fnctl F_SETFL: $!";

    $flags = 0;
    fcntl($child_control_socket, F_GETFL, $flags) || die "can't fnctl F_GETFL: $!";
    $flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
    fcntl($child_control_socket, F_SETFL, $flags) || die "can't fnctl F_SETFL: $!";

    my $child = {
      'pid' => $pid,
      'name' => $task_name,
      'borntime' => snaked::clock_mono(),
      'killtime' => 0,
      'child_socket' => $child_socket,
      'child_control_socket' => $child_control_socket,
      'output' => '',
      'control_output' => '',

    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}->{$pid} = $child;
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_name'}->{$task_name}->{$pid} = $child;

  else {
    # this is the parent code which is unable to fork (!);
    # logging the state, waiting for a while and retrying
    if (! defined($pid)) {
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("cannot fork: $!");
      $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2wait_before_fork'} = 30_000_000;

    # now finally here is the child code
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} = "child";

    close $child_socket;
    close $child_control_socket;

    my $r = run_task($task_name, $parent_control_socket);

    # output only first 1024 lines
    my $lines = 0;

    OUTPUT_BY_LINE: while ($r =~ /([^\r\n]+?)([\r\n]|$)/sg) {
      my $s = $1;
      my $e = $2;

      print $parent_socket "$s\n";

      if ($lines > 1024) {
        print $parent_socket "more than 1024 lines, output truncated\n";
        last OUTPUT_BY_LINE;


    exit 0;

sub find_child {
  my ($name) = @_;
  if (!$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_name'}->{$name}) {
    return undef;

  # future use: several children for one task (not implemented now)
  return scalar(keys %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_name'}->{$name}});

sub child_started {
  my ($name) = @_;
  my $task = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$name};
  $task->{'last_start'} = snaked::my_clock();
  if ($task->{'cron'}) {
    $task->{'next_run'} = Time::Local::timelocal($task->{'cron'}->nextEvent);

sub child_finished {
  my ($name, $output) = @_;
  my $task = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$name};
  $task->{'last_finish'} = snaked::my_clock();
  if ($output) {
    do_err_log("[$name]: $output");
    Yandex::Tools::do_log("[$name]: $output");

# reads output from child if any
# (so it can't overflow IPC buffer)
sub manage_child {
  my ($pid) = @_;

  my $child = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}->{$pid};

  my $child_socket = $child->{'child_socket'};
  my $child_output = "";
  while (my $l = <$child_socket>) {
    $child_output .= $l;
  $child->{'output'} .= $child_output;

  my $child_control_socket = $child->{'child_control_socket'};
  my $child_control_output = "";
  while (my $l = <$child_control_socket>) {
    $child_control_output .= $l;
  $child->{'control_output'} .= $child_control_output;

sub remove_child {
  my ($pid) = @_;

  Yandex::Tools::die("Programmer error: remove_child called on child which hasn't finished yet")
    if waitpid($pid,WNOHANG) ne -1;

  my $child = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}->{$pid};
  my $task = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$child->{'name'}};


  # exact start time of the child
  # as it was noticed in the child code
  # (read from child_control_socket)
  my $real_child_start_time;

  # process child control messages
  if ($child->{'control_output'}) {
    if ($child->{'control_output'} =~ /started at mono \[(.*)\] real \[(.*)\]/so) {
      $real_child_start_time = $1;

  # if child has output -- then it had some situation
  # which requires user invervention; save failure time
  # (unset when child returns nothing --
  # meaning intervention is no longer needed)
  if ($child->{'output'}) {
    # just in case, when child was brutally killed
    if (!$real_child_start_time) {
      $real_child_start_time = snaked::clock_mono();

    # set first_failure_time (duplicates child code
    # to be more understandable)
    $task->{'runtime'}->{'first_failure_time'} = $real_child_start_time
      unless $task->{'runtime'}->{'first_failure_time'};

    Yandex::Tools::debug("child output: " . $child->{'output'});

    if (! defined($task->{'disable_notifications'})) {
      # reset failure interval counter,
      # so we do not send notifications
      # more ofthen than notification_interval
      # notifications should have already been sent from child
      if ($task->{'runtime'}->{'first_failure_time'} + $task->{'notification_interval'} < $real_child_start_time) {
        $task->{'runtime'}->{'first_failure_time'} = $real_child_start_time;
  else {
    # delete first error time so next failure time will be saved

  child_finished($child->{'name'}, $child->{'output'});

  delete $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_name'}->{$child->{'name'}}->{$pid};
  delete $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}->{$pid};

sub have_children {
  my $have_children = 0;
  foreach my $k (keys %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}}) {
    $have_children = 1;
  return $have_children;

sub for_each_child {
  my ($opts) = @_;

  $opts = {} unless $opts;
  foreach my $k (keys %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}}) {
    if ($opts->{'stop_now'}) {
#      Yandex::Tools::do_log("killing $k");
      kill(15, $k); # TERM (default for run_forked)

sub reschedule_cron_tasks {
  # all configured tasks (by name)
  my $tasks = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'};

  # find cron tasks and recalculate next_run time
  foreach my $task_name (keys %{$tasks}) {
    my $task = $tasks->{$task_name};

    # totally skip disabled tasks
    next if defined($task->{'disabled'});

    # skip non-cron tasks
    next if ! $task->{'cron'};

    $task->{'next_run'} = Time::Local::timelocal($task->{'cron'}->nextEvent);

# spawn tasks which should and could be spawned
sub run_scheduling {

  # all configured tasks (by name)
  my $tasks = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'};

  # configured tasks which should be run (by name)
  my $should_be_run_tasks = {};

  # configured tasks which should and could be run now (by last_start time)
  my $could_be_run_tasks = {};

  # choose tasks which should be run
  foreach my $task_name (keys %{$tasks}) {
    my $task = $tasks->{$task_name};

    # totally skip disabled tasks
    next if defined($task->{'disabled'});
    my $now = snaked::my_clock();

    # postpone tasks which have start_random_sleep configured
    if ($task->{'start_random_sleep'} && !$task->{'startup_sleep_finished'}) {
      if (!$task->{'startup_sleep'}) {
        $task->{'startup_sleep'} = int(rand($task->{'start_random_sleep'}));
        $task->{'startup_sleep_started'} = $now;
        Yandex::Tools::debug("task [$task_name] random sleep [$task->{'startup_sleep'}]");

      if ($now->{'mono'} - $task->{'startup_sleep_started'}->{'mono'} > $task->{'startup_sleep'}) {
        $task->{'startup_sleep_finished'} = $now;
        Yandex::Tools::debug("task [$task_name] random sleep finished");
    else {
      # random startup sleep not configured for the task
      $task->{'startup_sleep_finished'} = $now;

    # skip tasks which are sleeping their random start-up time
    next unless $task->{'startup_sleep_finished'};

    # choose tasks which should be run
    # (for which the time has come)
    # decision about cron tasks can be made
    # just using cron schedule, but for the
    # execution_interval tasks we have to check
    # last_finish/last_start times
    if ($task->{'cron'}) {
      if ($task->{'next_run'} <= $now->{'real'}) {
        $should_be_run_tasks->{$task_name} = $task;
    elsif ($task->{'execution_interval'}) {
      if (!$task->{'last_finish'}) {
        $should_be_run_tasks->{$task_name} = $task;
      elsif ($task->{'last_start'}->{'mono'} + $task->{'execution_interval'} <= $now->{'mono'}) {
        $should_be_run_tasks->{$task_name} = $task;
    else {
      # configuration validation is done in refreshOptions

  # for each task which should be run check
  #   1) that it's not already running
  #   2) that it's possible to run it (dependencies)
  foreach my $task_name (keys %{$should_be_run_tasks}) {
    my $task = $should_be_run_tasks->{$task_name};

    # skips tasks which are already running
    next if find_child($task_name);
    # remove tasks which were marked to be removed
    # when the time comes to execute them knowing
    # that it does not run currently (see above)
    if ($task->{'TO_BE_REMOVED'}) {
      delete $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$task_name};

    # check that no conflicting tasks are running
    my $conflicting_tasks_are_running;
    CHECK_CONFLICTS: foreach my $ct_name (keys %{$task->{'conflicts_hash'}}) {
      if (find_child($ct_name)) {
        $conflicting_tasks_are_running = 1;
        last CHECK_CONFLICTS;

    next if $conflicting_tasks_are_running;

    my $last_start_label = $task->{'last_start'}->{'mono'} || -1;
    $could_be_run_tasks->{$last_start_label} = []
      unless $could_be_run_tasks->{$last_start_label};

    push (@{$could_be_run_tasks->{$last_start_label}}, $task_name);

  # choose random task from the tasks
  # with the oldest last_start time
  # (or even no last_start time at all)
  # start it and leave scheduling
  # (so the algorithm is run on the next cycle,
  # accounting for the currently spawned task)
  START_TASK: foreach my $last_start_label (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$could_be_run_tasks}) {
    my $tasks_to_be_started = $could_be_run_tasks->{$last_start_label};
    my $total_possible_tasks = scalar(@{$tasks_to_be_started});
    my $random_index = int(rand($total_possible_tasks));

    my $task_name_to_start = ${$tasks_to_be_started}[$random_index];

    Yandex::Tools::debug("starting [$task_name_to_start]");

    last START_TASK;

sub canonical_command_line {
  my ($cmdline, $path) = @_;

  return "" unless $cmdline && $path;

  # suppress space in the end of command on freebsd
  $cmdline =~ s/\ +$//go;

  # replace path to the executable with full path
  # notes:
  #   - regexp is not global so it replaces only 1st occurrence
  #   - .+? is not greedy so it will find the 1st occurrence of
  #   "(ps-)snaked" string which should be the name of executable
  $cmdline =~ s/.+?(ps-)?snaked(\s+|$)/${path}\/snaked /;
  $cmdline =~ s/\s+$//goi;

  return $cmdline;

sub exec_ps_snaked {
  my ($my_command_line, $my_path) = @_;

  # on ws1-569 in snaked.log got:
  # Mon Oct 19 17:59:17 2009 [/place/home/monitor/ps-snake/usr/local/ps-snake/bin/snaked] unable to exec  --cfg /place/home/monitor/ps-snake/etc/ps-farm/options/ps-snaked
  # which effectively means that $my_command_line was empty
  # after calling canonical_command_line() below
  # (" --cfg ..." was appended to it in the next step)
  # so trying to determine my command line if it's empty
  # (also added check on startup that we've got it)

  # as a workaround for empty command line or path (why?)
  # trying to determine them during exit process
  if (!$my_command_line || !$my_path) {
    ($my_path, $my_command_line) = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_my_path_commandline({'processes' =>

  $my_command_line = canonical_command_line($my_command_line, $my_path);

  # append --cfg parameter if it's not specified
  # (codepath is used only during first run
  # when path to configuration was specified
  # by environment variable)
  if ($my_command_line !~ /--cfg $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}/) {
    $my_command_line .= " --cfg $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}";

  # set environment variable to specify that we want to cleanup
  # already running snaked processes (this might be workaround
  # for some FreeBSD or Proc::ProcessTable on FreeBSD bug,
  # which caused the following:
  # Thu Jun 24 10:29:31 2010 [/opt/home/monitor/ps-snake/usr/local/ps-snake/bin/snaked] clock moved back from Thu Jun 24 10:29:25 2010 to Thu Jun 24 10:29:24 2010, restarting
  # Thu Jun 24 10:29:38 2010 [/opt/home/monitor/ps-snake/usr/local/ps-snake/bin/snaked] [24836] requested to restart
  # Thu Jun 24 10:29:38 2010 [/opt/home/monitor/ps-snake/usr/local/ps-snake/bin/snaked] [24836] stopped
  # Thu Jun 24 10:29:54 2010 [/opt/home/monitor/ps-snake/usr/local/ps-snake/bin/snaked] [WARN] [29246] snaked is already running: /usr/bin/perl /opt/home/monitor/ps-snake/usr/local/ps-snake/bin/snaked --daemon --cfg /opt/home/monitor/ps-snake/etc/ps-farm/options/ps-snaked  [24836]
  # [monitor@orange64 ~]$ uname -a
  # FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #0 r199991M: Mon Feb  8 12:50:25 MSK 2010  amd64
  # Proc::ProcessTable 0.54
  $ENV{'snaked_cleanup_already_running'} = 1;


# spawn additional watchdogs slowly,
# returns total number of running processes
sub manage_watchdogs {
  if (!$watchdogs2maintain || $watchdogs2maintain eq 0) {
    return 100; # some average number of processes (does not matter really)

  my $ptable = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_process_table();

  my $number_of_watchdogs = 0;
  # get the ps-snaked daemon process for which the watchdog is running
  my $my_process = undef;

  foreach my $p (@{$ptable}) {
    next unless $p->cmndline;
    next if !Yandex::Tools::matches_with_one_of_regexps($p->cmndline, [$watchdog_match, $watchdog_match1]);

    $number_of_watchdogs = $number_of_watchdogs + 1;

  if ($number_of_watchdogs < $watchdogs2maintain) {
    my $t_cmdline = $my_command_line;
    $t_cmdline = canonical_command_line($t_cmdline, $my_path);
    $t_cmdline =~ s/\-\-daemon/\-\-watchdog/;

  return scalar(@{$ptable});

sub stop_watchdogs {
  my $ptable = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_process_table();

  # get the ps-snaked daemon process for which the watchdog is running
  my $my_process = undef;
  foreach my $p (@$ptable) {
    next unless $p->cmndline;
    next if !Yandex::Tools::matches_with_one_of_regexps($p->cmndline, [$watchdog_match, $watchdog_match1]);
    kill (15, $p->pid);

# watchdog mode, starts ps-snaked daemon
# if finds that it's not running
sub run_watchdog {

  # set daemon type to change signal handling slightly
  $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'type'} = 'watchdog';

  my $unsuccessful_tries = 0;
  my $life_time = 3600 * (rand($watchdogs2maintain) + 1);

  while(1) {

    # stop watchdogs from time to time to toss
    # their pid numbers (which might affect oom killers),
    # but not in case they detect that main process
    # is not running (and waiting a bit to start it)
    # watchdogs are restarted by main daemon.
    if ((snaked::clock_mono() - $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'start_time'}->{'mono'}) > $life_time && !$unsuccessful_tries) {


    if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} < 1) {

      my $ptable = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_process_table();

      my $currently_running_watchdogs = 0;

      # get the ps-snaked daemon process for which the watchdog is running
      my $my_process = undef;

      foreach my $p (@$ptable) {
        my $p_cmndline;
        my $r = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::code_may_fail(sub {$p_cmndline = $p->cmndline});

        next unless $p_cmndline;

        if (Yandex::Tools::matches_with_one_of_regexps($p_cmndline, [$watchdog_match, $watchdog_match1])) {
          $currently_running_watchdogs = $currently_running_watchdogs + 1;
        elsif (Yandex::Tools::matches_with_one_of_regexps($p_cmndline, [$daemon_match_cfg, $daemon_match_cfg1])) {
          # at this point any snaked is selected
          # (even that which is starting
          # or running external command)

          my $p_pid;
          my $p_ppid;
          my $p_pgrp;
          $r = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::code_may_fail(sub {$p_pid = $p->pid});
          $r = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::code_may_fail(sub {$p_ppid = $p->ppid});
          $r = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::code_may_fail(sub {$p_pgrp = $p->pgrp});

          next unless $p_pid && $p_ppid && $p_pgrp;

          # real daemon is parented by init and is the process group leader,
          # if its not found -- start it, and it will clean up any
          # stuck child from previous daemon (shouldn't happen because
          # children are strongly attached to the main daemon
          # with use of terminate_on_sudden_parent_death flag of run_forked)
          if ($p_ppid eq 1 && $p_pid eq $p_pgrp) {
            $my_process = $p;


      if ($my_process) {
        $unsuccessful_tries = 0;
      else {
        $unsuccessful_tries = $unsuccessful_tries + 1;

      if ($unsuccessful_tries > 0) {
        if ($unsuccessful_tries < 2) {
          # 4 seconds should be enough to start daemon
          # (if it's not found and began to start -- is restarting),
          # randomize each watchdog so they do not try to start
          # all at the same time
          my_usleep((4 + 4 * int(rand($currently_running_watchdogs))) * 1_000_000);
        else {
          Yandex::Tools::do_log("watchdog [$$]: snaked not found (killed?), respawning");
          # replace --watchdog with --daemon
          my $t_cmdline = $my_command_line;
          $t_cmdline =~ s/\-\-watchdog/\-\-daemon/;

          # try to execute daemon instead of watchdog
          # if fork fails (wouldn't succeed probably,
          # but could we try at least?)
          if (defined(my $pid = fork)) {
            if ($pid) {
              my $waitpid;
              # exec_ps_snaked forks before actually execing snaked
              # and parent exits immediately (which makes it
              # totally detached from watchdog)
              while ($waitpid ne -1) {
                $waitpid = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
                my_usleep (1_000_000);

              # watchdog to continue
              $unsuccessful_tries = 0;
            else {
              # watchdog to become snaked
              # (detached from parent totally)
              exec_ps_snaked($t_cmdline, $my_path);
          else {
            exec_ps_snaked($t_cmdline, $my_path);


      $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} = watchdog_check_timeout({
        'watchdogs2maintain' => $watchdogs2maintain,
        'number_of_processes' => scalar(@{$ptable}),


    my $slept = my_usleep(500000);
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} - $slept;

  exit (255);

sub get_cfg_path {
  if (!$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}) {
    if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('cfg')) {
      $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('cfg');

      if (! -d "$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}") {
        die "Configuration does not exist: $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}\n";
    else {
      $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} = $ENV{'MY_ETC'};

      if (! -d $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}) {
        $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} = ($ENV{'MY_ROOT'} eq "/" ? "" : $ENV{'MY_ROOT'}) .
      if (! -d $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} && -d "/etc/ps-farm/options/ps-snaked") {
        $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} = "/etc/ps-farm/options/ps-snaked";

  if (! -d "$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}") {
    $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} = undef;
  else {
    if (!$daemon_regexp_configured) {
      $daemon_match_cfg = qr/^([^\s]+perl[^\s]*[\s]+|)[^\s]+(ps-)?snaked.+(daemon|debug).+cfg.+$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}/;
      $daemon_match_cfg1 = qr/^([^\s]+perl[^\s]*[\s]+|)[^\s]+(ps-)?snaked.+cfg.+$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}.+(daemon|debug)/;
      $daemon_match_nocfg = qr/^([^\s]+perl[^\s]*[\s]+|)[^\s]+(ps-)?snaked.+(daemon|debug)/;
      $watchdog_match = qr/^([^\s]+perl[^\s]*[\s]+|)[^\s]+(ps-)?snaked.+(watchdog).+cfg.+$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}/;
      $watchdog_match1 = qr/^([^\s]+perl[^\s]*[\s]+|)[^\s]+(ps-)?snaked.+cfg.+$ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}.+(watchdog)/;
      $daemon_regexp_configured = 1;

  return $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'};

  'daemon_match' => [$daemon_match_cfg, $daemon_match_cfg1],
  'daemon_match_startup' => [$daemon_match_nocfg],

# commands which might work without actually
# finding configuration on the disk -- what they need
# is the PID which they get from the process table
if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('sample-config')) {
    my $target_dir = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('sample-config') || "/etc/snaked";
    if (-e $target_dir) {
        Yandex::Tools::die("Directory [$target_dir] exists, not going to overwrite.", {'no_log' => 1});
    if ($> eq 0) {
        Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/log", "/var/log/snaked.log\n");
        Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/admin_email", "root\n");
    else {
        Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/log", "/tmp/snaked.log\n");
        Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/admin_email", getpwuid($>) . "\n");

    File::Path::mkpath($target_dir . "/jobs/every_hour");
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/jobs/every_hour/execution_schedule", "0 * * * *\n");
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/jobs/every_hour/cmd", "uptime >> /tmp/snaked_every_hour\n");
    chmod(0755, $target_dir . "/jobs/every_hour/cmd") || Yandex::Tools::die("Unable to set permissions on [" . $target_dir . "/jobs/every_hour/cmd" . "]", {'no_log' => 1});

    File::Path::mkpath($target_dir . "/jobs/every_ten_seconds");
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/jobs/every_ten_seconds/execution_interval", "10\n");
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/jobs/every_ten_seconds/cmd", "uptime >> /tmp/snaked_every_ten_seconds\nsleep 2\n");
    chmod(0755, $target_dir . "/jobs/every_ten_seconds/cmd") || Yandex::Tools::die("Unable to set permissions on [" . $target_dir . "/jobs/every_ten_seconds/cmd" . "]", {'no_log' => 1});

    File::Path::mkpath($target_dir . "/jobs/fast_job");
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/jobs/fast_job/execution_interval", "1\n");
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/jobs/fast_job/cmd", "uptime >> /tmp/snaked_fast_job\n");
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_scalar($target_dir . "/jobs/fast_job/conflicts", "every_ten_seconds\n");
    chmod(0755, $target_dir . "/jobs/fast_job/cmd") || Yandex::Tools::die("Unable to set permissions on [" . $target_dir . "/jobs/fast_job/cmd" . "]", {'no_log' => 1});

    print "written sample configuration to: $target_dir\n";
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('stop')) {
  my $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process();
  if ($d) {
    print "requesting " . $d->pid() . " [" . $d->cmndline . "] to stop\n";
    kill (15, $d->pid);

    if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('wait')) {
      while (Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process({'refresh_startup_processes' => 1})) {
        print ".";
      print "\n";
  else {
    print "no snaked daemon found for $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}\n";
  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('configure')) {
  my $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process();
  if ($d) {
    print "requesting " . $d->pid() . " [" . $d->cmndline . "] to refresh configuration\n";
    kill ("HUP", $d->pid)
  else {
    print "no snaked daemon found for $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}\n";
  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('restart')) {
  my $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process();
  if ($d) {
    if (!Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('only-errors')) {
      print "requesting " . $d->pid() . " [" . $d->cmndline . "] to restart\n";
    kill ("USR2", $d->pid);

    if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('wait')) {
      my $running_daemon = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process({'refresh_startup_processes' => 1});

      my $no_daemon_retries = 0;
      my $new_daemon_retries = 3;
      my $new_daemon_pid;

      while (!$new_daemon_pid # while previous daemon shuts down and new starts up
        $new_daemon_pid && # some new daemon started
        $new_daemon_retries > 0 # check that new
        ) {

        $running_daemon = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process({'refresh_startup_processes' => 1});

        if (!$running_daemon) {
          $no_daemon_retries = $no_daemon_retries + 1;
        else {
          $no_daemon_retries = 0;
        if ($no_daemon_retries > 5) {
          print "snaked won't start, still trying...";
          $no_daemon_retries = 0;

        if ($new_daemon_pid) {
          if ($new_daemon_pid eq $running_daemon->pid) {
            $new_daemon_retries = $new_daemon_retries - 1;
          else {
            $new_daemon_pid = $running_daemon->pid;
            $new_daemon_retries = 3;
        if (!$new_daemon_pid && $running_daemon && $d->pid ne $running_daemon->pid) {
          $new_daemon_pid = $running_daemon->pid;

        print ".";
      print "\n";
      print "snaked is running as pid " . $running_daemon->pid . ". command line [" . $running_daemon->cmndline . "]\n";
  else {
    print "no snaked daemon found for $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}\n";
  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('status')) {
  my $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process();
  if ($d) {
    print "snaked is running as pid " . $d->pid . ". command line [" . $d->cmndline . "]\n";
  else {
    print "no daemon running\n";
  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('detailed-status')) {
  my $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process();
  if ($d) {
    print "requesting " . $d->pid() . " [" . $d->cmndline . "] to save detailed status\n";
    kill ("USR1", $d->pid)
  else {
    print "no snaked daemon found for $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}\n";
  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('version')) {
  print "$version\n";
  exit 0;

my $i_am_watchdog = Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('watchdog');
if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('debug')) {
  $watchdogs2maintain = 0;

# if we've haven't got any process manipulation command,
# any start-up command or configuration manipulation command --
# bail out
if (
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('daemon') &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('debug') &&
  !$i_am_watchdog &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('show-jobs') &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('show-config') &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('show-job') &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('enable-jobs') &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('disable-jobs') &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('add-job') &&
  !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('delete-jobs') &&
  ) {

  exit 0;

# can't run configuration manipulation commands
# without having found snaked configuration to act upon
if (!get_cfg_path()) {
  die "no configuration found (try creating /etc/snaked)";
snaked::refreshOptions($ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}, {'no-jobs' => $i_am_watchdog});

if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('show-config') || Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('show-jobs')) {
  print "    global options\n";
  foreach my $k (sort keys %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'}}) {
    print "      $k: " . $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'}->{$k}->{'value'} . "\n";

  print "    configured jobs:\n";
  foreach my $job_name (sort keys %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}}) {
    print "      " . $job_name . "\n";
    my $job = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$job_name};
    foreach my $o (sort keys %{$job}) {
      print "        $o: ";
      if (ref($job->{$o}) eq 'ARRAY') {
        print join(",", @{$job->{$o}});
      else {
        print $job->{$o};
      print "\n";
  exit 0;
if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('show-job')) {
  my $job_name = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('show-job');
  my $params = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param();

  if (!$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$job_name}) {
    print "undefined job: $job_name\n";
    exit 0;

  my $job = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$job_name};
  foreach my $o (sort keys %{$job}) {
    # skip invalid params
    if (scalar(keys %{$params}) > 1 && !$params->{$o}) {

    print "$o: ";
    if (ref($job->{$o}) eq 'ARRAY') {
      print join(",", @{$job->{$o}});
    else {
      print $job->{$o};
    print "\n";
  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('disable-jobs') || Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('enable-jobs')) {
  my $action;
  my $job_list;
  if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('disable-jobs')) {
    $job_list = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('disable-jobs');
    $action = "disable";
  elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('enable-jobs')) {
    $job_list = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('enable-jobs');
    $action = "enable";
  $job_list = "" unless $job_list;

  my $modified_some;
  foreach my $job_name (sort keys %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}}) {
    if ($job_list) {
      next if $job_list !~ /^\s?$job_name\s?$/;
    my $task_def = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$job_name};
    if ($action eq 'disable') {
      next if $task_def->{'disabled'};

      Yandex::Tools::write_file_option($task_def->{'dirinfo'}->{'absolute_name'} . "/disabled");
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("disabled $job_name");
      print "disabled $job_name\n";
    elsif ($action eq 'enable') {
      next if !$task_def->{'disabled'};

      unlink ($task_def->{'dirinfo'}->{'absolute_name'} . "/disabled");
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("enabled $job_name");
      print "enabled $job_name\n";

    $modified_some = 1;

  if ($modified_some) {
    my $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process();
    if ($d) {
      print "requesting " . $d->pid() . " [" . $d->cmndline . "] to refresh configuration\n";
      kill ("HUP", $d->pid)
  else {
    print "no jobs modified\n";

  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('add-job')) {
  my $job_name = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('add-job');

  unless (defined($job_name) && $job_name) {
    print "job name is missing\n";
    exit 1;

  if (defined($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$job_name})) {
    print "job [$job_name] already defined\n";
    exit 1;

  my $param_values = {};

  my $mandatory_params = {
    'cmd' => 1,
  my $optional_params = {
    'execution_interval' => 1,
    'notification_interval' => 1,
    'execution_timeout' => 1,
    'admin_email' => 1,
    'conflicts' => 1,

  my @err = ();

  if (!Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('execution_interval') &&
    !Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('execution_schedule')) {
    push(@err, "either [execution_interval] or [execution_schedule] must be specified");

  foreach my $k (keys %{$mandatory_params}) {
    unless (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param($k)) {
      push(@err, "mandatory parameter [$k] is missing");
    my $v = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param($k);
    unless ($v) {
      push(@err, "missing value for mandatory parameter [$k]");
    $param_values->{$k} = $v;
  foreach my $k (keys %{$optional_params}) {
    my $v = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param($k);
    if ($v) {
      $param_values->{$k} = $v;

  if (@err) {
    foreach my $msg (@err) {
      print "$msg\n";
    exit 1;

  my $jobs_dir = $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} . '/jobs';

  unless (-d $jobs_dir) {
    print "[$jobs_dir] is not a directory or does not exist\n";
    exit 1;


  # Temporary disable job to be sure that
  # snaked would not read incomplete job definition

  foreach my $k (keys %{$param_values}) {
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_option("$jobs_dir/$job_name/$k", $param_values->{$k});

  chmod(0755, "$jobs_dir/$job_name/cmd");

  # Remove temporary option
  unless (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('disabled')) {

  print "added job [$job_name]\n";
  Yandex::Tools::do_log("added job [$job_name]");

  # TODO if --apply then restart snaked

  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('delete-jobs')) {
  my @jobs = split(/\s+/o, Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('delete-jobs'));

  unless (@jobs) {
    print "job name is missing\n";
    exit 1;

  my $jobs_dir = $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} . '/jobs';

  unless (-d $jobs_dir) {
    print "[$jobs_dir] is not a directory or does not exist\n";
    exit 1;

  foreach my $j (@jobs) {
    unless (-d "$jobs_dir/$j") {
      print "skipping non-existent job [$j]\n";

    print "deleted job [$j]\n";
    Yandex::Tools::do_log("deleted job [$j]");

  # TODO if --apply then restart snaked
  exit 0;
elsif (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('modify-job')) {
  my $job_name = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param('modify-job');

  unless (defined($job_name) && $job_name) {
    print "job name is missing\n";
    exit 1;

  unless (defined($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'tasks'}->{$job_name})) {
    print "job [$job_name] is not defined\n";
    exit 1;

  my $jobs_dir = $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'} . '/jobs';

  unless (-d $jobs_dir) {
    print "[$jobs_dir] is not a directory or does not exist\n";
    exit 1;

  my %params = (
    'admin_email' => 1,
    'cmd' => 1,
    'execution_interval' => 1,
    'execution_timeout' => 1,
    'notification_interval' => 1,
    'disabled' => 1,

  my %update = ();
  my @delete = ();
  my @err = ();

  foreach my $k (keys %params) {
    if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param($k)) {
      my $v = Yandex::Tools::get_cmdline_param($k);
      unless ($v) {
        push(@err, "missing value for parameter [$k]");
      $update{$k} = $v;
    else {
      push(@delete, $k);

  if (@err) {
    foreach my $msg (@err) {
      print "$msg\n";
    exit 1;

  my $disabled = (-f "$jobs_dir/$job_name/disabled") ? 1 : 0;
  if (defined($update{'disabled'})) {
    $disabled = $update{'disabled'};

  # Temporary disable job to be sure that
  # snaked would not read incomplete job definition
  if ($disabled == 0) {
  foreach my $k (keys %update) {
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_option("$jobs_dir/$job_name/$k", $update{$k});

# Delete job options if they were not redefined
#  foreach my $k (@delete) {
#    my $file = "$jobs_dir/$job_name/$k";
#    unlink($file) if (-f $file);
#  }

  # Remove temporary option
  if ($disabled == 0) {

  print "modified job [$job_name]\n";
  Yandex::Tools::do_log("modified job [$job_name]");

  # TODO if --apply then restart snaked

  exit 0;

if (config_value('log_errors')) {
  if (!Yandex::Tools::can_write(config_value('log_errors'))) {
    Yandex::Tools::warn("Can not write to log_errors file [" . config_value('log_errors') .
      "], check permissions.");

if (!$i_am_watchdog) {
  my $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process();
  if ($d) {
    if (!$ENV{'snaked_cleanup_already_running'}) {
      Yandex::Tools::warn("[$$] snaked is already running: " . $d->cmndline . " ["  . $d->pid . "]");
      exit 1;
    else {
      my $previous_snaked = $d;
      $ENV{'snaked_cleanup_already_running'} = undef;
      kill(-9, $d->pid);
      $d = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_other_daemon_process({'refresh_startup_processes' => 1});
      if ($d) {
        Yandex::Tools::warn("[$$] snaked is already running: " . $d->cmndline . " ["  . $d->pid . "] and doesn't stop on KILL signal");
        exit 1;
      else {
        Yandex::Tools::warn("[$$] killed previously running snaked: " . $previous_snaked->cmndline . " ["  . $previous_snaked->pid . "], continuing to start");

($my_path, $my_command_line) = Yandex::Tools::ProcessList::get_my_path_commandline();

Yandex::Tools::debug("my_path: $my_path");
Yandex::Tools::debug("my_command_line: $my_command_line");

print "starting snaked daemon for $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}\n"
  unless $i_am_watchdog;

if (Yandex::Tools::defined_cmdline_param('daemon') || $i_am_watchdog) {
  # restart daemon using its full pathname and config path
  # if it was not started like this (so we could distinguish
  # between daemons by their locations)
  if ($my_command_line !~ /$my_path/ || $my_command_line !~ /--cfg $ENV{'PS_SNAKED_CFG'}/) {


  # run watchdog (except for when snaked
  # would be restarted right after start)
  if ($i_am_watchdog && !$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'restart'}) {
elsif ($Yandex::Tools::debug) {
  # stay in foreground

Yandex::Tools::do_log("[$$] started");

if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'}->{'pidfile'} &&
  !$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'restart'} &&
  !$i_am_watchdog) {

  if (Yandex::Tools::can_write($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'}->{'pidfile'}->{'value'})) {
    Yandex::Tools::write_file_option($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'}->{'pidfile'}->{'value'}, $$);

my $max_job_time = config_value('max_job_time');
$max_job_time = 3600 * 2 unless $max_job_time;

my $previous_clock;
my $now_clock;

while (1) {
  $previous_clock = $now_clock;
  $now_clock = snaked::my_clock();

  if ($previous_clock && $now_clock) {
    my $adjustment = clock_adjusted($now_clock, {
      'start' => $previous_clock,
      'left_threshold' => -60,
      'right_threshold' => 60,
      'return_adjustment' => 1

    # clock adjusted for more than a minute,
    # need to reschedule cron tasks
    if ($adjustment) {
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("clock adjusted [$adjustment], rescheduling cron tasks");


  if (!$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'restart'}) {
    if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} < 1) {
      my $total_number_of_processes = 0;
      if ($watchdogs2maintain) {
        $total_number_of_processes = manage_watchdogs();
      $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} =
          'watchdogs2maintain' => $watchdogs2maintain,
          'number_of_processes' => $total_number_of_processes,


  my $have_active_children = values %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}};
  Yandex::Tools::debug("active children:") if $have_active_children;

  # check status of all children removing those which finished
  foreach my $v (values %{$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'children'}->{'by_pid'}}) {
    # minimize gettime calls a bit
    my $now_mono = snaked::clock_mono();

    # check for really long running processes
    # and kill them brutally (not very fast
    # if killing doesn't work; blocking io?)
    if (($now_mono - $v->{'borntime'}) > $max_job_time && ($now_mono - $v->{'killtime'}) > 5) {
      # kill first then log, because logging might fail
      # which leads to "die"

      # killing exactly child pid, which is only a "manager"
      # for the task; open3_run which is executed inside the child
      # checks whether manager is alive and terminates if not,
      # so killing manager notifies child that it should stop.
      kill(9, $v->{'pid'});
      $v->{'killtime'} = snaked::clock_mono();

      do_err_log("killed long running (". ($now_mono - $v->{'borntime'}) .
        " seconds) process [$v->{'pid'}] [$v->{'name'}]", {"stderr" => 1});
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("killed long running (". ($now_mono - $v->{'borntime'}) .
        " seconds) process [$v->{'pid'}] [$v->{'name'}]", {"stderr" => 1});

    my $waitpid = waitpid($v->{'pid'}, WNOHANG);
    Yandex::Tools::debug("\tchild [$v->{'pid'}] [$v->{'name'}] [" . ($v->{'id'} ? $v->{'id'} : "") . "]: $waitpid;".
      " running " . ($now_mono - $v->{'borntime'}) . " seconds");


    if ($waitpid eq -1) {


  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'refresh_configuration'} ||
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2refresh_configuration'} < 1) {
    if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'refresh_configuration'}) {
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("requested to reread configuration, rereading");
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'refresh_configuration'} = 0;
    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2refresh_configuration'} = 1000000 * 60;
  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'restart'}) {
    if ($Yandex::Tools::debug) {
      Yandex::Tools::warn("unable to restart attached daemon");
      $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'restart'} = 0;
    else {
      if (!$snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'stop'}) {
        Yandex::Tools::do_log("[$$] requested to restart");
        $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'stop'} = 1;
  if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'detailed_status'}) {
    my $res = write_spool($$ . "_" . snaked::clock_mono() . "_status", Data::Dumper::Dumper($snaked::Daemon::runtime));
    if ($res && $res->{'ok'}) {
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("[$$] saved detailed status to [$res->{'full_pathname'}]");
    elsif ($res && $res->{'errtext'}) {
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("[$$] error saving detailed status: " . $res->{'errtext'});

    $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'detailed_status'} = 0;


  # do processing if we were not requested to stop
  unless ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'stop'}) {

    # do not run scheduling (spawn new childs) before
    # the timeout expires. timeout is set in case
    # of failure during fork.
    if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2wait_before_fork'} < 1) {
  else {
    # wait for children to exit and exit then
    if (have_children()) {
      for_each_child ({'stop_now' => 1});
      Yandex::Tools::debug("waiting for children to exit");
    else {
        if $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'config'}->{'pidfile'};
      Yandex::Tools::do_log("[$$] stopped");

      # do not restart watchdogs on restart as they will try
      # to start snaked if restart fails (which should not happen
      # but happens in 0,02-0,03 % of cases)
      # we may want to send some signal to watchdogs here
      # to notify them about restart so they could extend
      # their waiting cycle a bit
      if ($snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'flags'}->{'restart'}) {
        exec_ps_snaked($my_command_line, $my_path);
      else {
        stop_watchdogs() if !$i_am_watchdog;
      exit 0;


  my $usec_to_sleep;
  if ($Yandex::Tools::debug) {
    $usec_to_sleep = 1_000_000;
  else {
    if ($have_active_children) {
      $usec_to_sleep = 500_000;
    else {
      $usec_to_sleep = 500_000;

  my $slept = my_usleep($usec_to_sleep);
  $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2check_watchdog'} - $slept;
  $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2refresh_configuration'} = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2refresh_configuration'} - $slept;
  $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2wait_before_fork'} = $snaked::Daemon::runtime->{'usec_2wait_before_fork'} - $slept;


# yes i know this is the way
# to the world of endless may