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#!btred -e TredMacro::print_trees_cmdline() --no-save --allow-switch-context
# -*- cperl -*-

#define TRED

package TredMacro;

sub GUI { $grp }
sub ToplevelFrame { $grp->{framegroup}{top} }
sub Redraw {}
sub Redraw_FSFile {}
sub Redraw_FSFile_Tree {}
sub Redraw_All {}
sub RedrawStatusLine {}

package TredMacro;
use Tk;
use File::Spec;
require TrEd::Utils;
require TrEd::TreeView;
require TrEd::Print;

my %opts =
    map {
      local $_=$_;
    } @ARGV;
my $output_dirname = delete $opts{'-out-dir'};

# fake GUI
  my $gui = {
    top => MainWindow->new,
    focusedWindow => $grp,
    StylesheetMenu => {},
    valueLine => {}
  bless $gui->{StylesheetMenu}, 'BTrEd::Fake::StylesheetMenu'; # fixing some calls
  bless $gui->{valueLine}, 'BTrEd::Fake::ValueLine';
  $grp->{framegroup} = $gui;
  $grp->{treeView} = { };
  bless $grp->{treeView}, 'BTrEd::Fake::TreeView'; # fake TreeView
  $TrEd::Config::noCheckLocks = 1; # prevents from asking whether to lock
  $main::insideEval = 1; # won't call stuff that isn't initialized
  if (ref($grp) eq 'HASH') {
    bless $grp, 'BTrEd::Print::Window';
  package main;
  import TrEd::Utils ':all';


  sub __run_hook {
    my $treeview = shift;
    my $win = shift;
    TredMacro::GotoTree(1 + $win->{treeNo}) if $win->{FSFile};
    local $win->{treeView} = $treeview;
    my $context = $win->{macroContext} || 'TredMacro';
    my $ret = TrEd::Macros::do_eval_hook($win,$context,@_);
    warn $@ if $@;
    return $ret;
  sub onGetNodeStyle {
    my ($treeview,$node,$styles,$win)=@_;
  sub onGetRootStyle {
    my ($treeview,$node,$styles,$opts,$win)=@_;
  sub onRedrawDone {
    my ($treeview,$win)=@_;
  sub grp_win {
    my ($gw)=@_;
    my ($gui,$win);
    if ($gw->{framegroup}) {
    } else {
    return ($gui,$win);
  sub cast_to_grp {
      my ($gw) = @_;
      return ( $gw->{framegroup} ) ? $gw->{framegroup} : $gw;
  sub switchStylesheet {
    my ($grp_win,$stylesheet)=@_;
    my ($gui,$win)=grp_win($grp_win);
    return unless ref($win);
    my $prevstylesheet=$win->{stylesheet};
    return if $prevstylesheet eq $stylesheet;
    return 0 if __run_hook(undef,$win,"pre_switch_stylesheet_hook",
                           $prevstylesheet,$stylesheet) eq 'stop';
    return 1;
  sub printGetNodesCallback { # passed to TrEd::Print::print_trees by Print
    my ($win,$treeview,$fsfile,$tree_no,$current)=@_;
    local $TrEd::TreeView::on_get_nodes = [\&onGetNodes,$win];
    return (($win->{Nodes},$win->{currentNode}) = $treeview->nodes($fsfile,
  sub redraw_stylesheet {
  sub onGetNodes {
    my ($treeview,$fsfile,$tree_no,$current,$win)=@_;
    my $l = __run_hook($treeview,
    return $l;
  sub DeclareMinorMode { }
  sub EnableMinorMode { }
  sub DisableMinorMode { }
  sub autosave_filename { }
  sub updatePostponed { }
  sub update_title_and_buttons { }
  sub unhide_current_node { }
  sub filePartOfADisplayedFile { 0 }
  sub fsfileDisplayingWindows { 0 }
  sub findToplevelFileFor { return $_[1]; }
  sub __debug { }

sub print_trees_cmdline {

sub print_trees {
  my ($opts)=@_;
  local $TrEd::Convert::support_unicode=1;
  local $TrEd::Print::QUIET = 1 if $opts->{-quiet};

  unless ($opts->{'-no-hooks'}) {
    TredMacro->file_opened_hook() if UNIVERSAL::can('TredMacro','file_opened_hook');
    TredMacro->guess_context_hook() if UNIVERSAL::can('TredMacro','guess_context_hook');
  SwitchContext($opts->{-context}) if defined $opts->{-context};
  delete $opts->{-context};
  SetCurrentStylesheet($opts->{-stylesheet}) if defined $opts->{-stylesheet};
  print STDERR "Context: ",CurrentContext(),"\n" unless $opts->{-quiet};
  print STDERR "Stylesheet: ", GetCurrentStylesheet(),"\n" unless $opts->{-quiet};
 if ($opts->{-sentenceInfo} and
        (UNIVERSAL::can(CurrentContext(),'get_value_line_hook') or
         UNIVERSAL::can('TredMacro','get_value_line_hook'))) {
   $opts->{-sentenceInfo} = sub {

  local $main::append_suffix = '.'.lc($opts->{-format}||'PDF') unless defined $main::append_suffix;
  my $range = $opts->{-range};
  if (!defined $range) {
    $range = '1-';
  } elsif ($range eq '.') {
    $range = CurrentTreeNumber()+1;
  my $out_file = main::save_transform_filename(FileName());
  if (defined $output_dirname) {
    use File::Spec;
    $out_file = File::Spec->catfile($output_dirname,FilePart($out_file));
    (exists($opts->{-toFile}) ? () : (-to => 'file')),
    -toplevel => undef,
    -canvas => ToplevelFrame()->Canvas(),
    -filename =>  $out_file,
    -format => 'PDF',
    -noRotate => 1,
    -colors => 1,
    -extraOptions => {
      use_svg_desc_and_title => (($opts->{-sentenceInfo} || $opts->{-fileInfo}) ? 1 : 0),
      $opts->{-extraOptions}->{compress} ? (compress => 1) : ()
    ($opts->{-psMedia} eq 'BBox') ?
      (-hMargin => 0, -vMargin => 0) : (),
    -range => $range,

package BTrEd::Print::Window;

sub is_focused { return 1 }
sub treeView { return $_[0]->{treeView} }
sub FSFile { return $_[0]->{FSFile} }
sub treeNo { return $_[0]->{treeNo} }
sub currentNode { return $_[0]->{currentNode} }
sub keepfiles { return $_[0]->{keepfiles} }
sub set_current_file {
    my ( $self, $fsfile ) = @_;
    $self->{FSFile} = $fsfile;
    if ( defined $fsfile ) {
        $self->{treeNo} = $fsfile->currentTreeNo() || 0;
        $self->{currentNode} = $fsfile->currentNode();
    else {
        $self->{treeNo}      = undef;
        $self->{currentNode} = undef;
sub get_nodes {

sub toplevel {
  my ($self)=@_;
  Carp::confess "No canvas" unless $self->canvas();

  return $self->canvas()->toplevel();
sub canvas {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return undef unless (ref($self) and ref($self->{treeView}));
  return $self->{treeView}->canvas();

package BTrEd::Fake::StylesheetMenu;

sub update { }

package BTrEd::Fake::TreeView;

sub clear_pinfo { }
sub rightToLeft { }

package BTrEd::Fake::ValueLine;

sub set_value { }


=head1 print.btred

Print trees according to given printing options.

=head2 USAGE

btred -qm print.btred -j '*' [<btred-options>] -o <print-options> -- <file(s)>


This script similar functionality as the Print dialog in TrEd.

By default the script creates an A4 PDF file consisting of all trees
of the current file.

The resulting files are named based on the input filename using the
usual btred file-renaming flags (-r, -s, -p, -a). Unless -a flag is
given to btred, the extension '.format' (where format is the lowercase
name of the output format) is used (e.g. '.pdf' or '.eps').

The default behavior can be changed by many options.


=over 3

=item *

The script uses Tk which on UNIX, requires that the DISPLAY
environment variable is set and points to a running X server.

=item *

All options must always be given in pairs of the form
B<--name value>.

=item *

On the btred command line, the print options go between -o and --.



=over 3

=item B<--out-dir> directory

Save all resulting files to a given directory.

=item B<--quiet> 1|0

Be more quiet.

=item B<--context> context

Context to use for drawing trees (node_style_hook, root_style_hook,
and possibly other hooks are called from this context).

=item B<--stylesheet> stylesheet

Name of the stylesheet to use.

=item B<--stylesheet-paths> path(s)

A colon- (semicolon- or Windows) separated list of paths to look for
stylesheet files.

=item B<--range> range

Lists trees to be printed (e.g. C<5,-3,9-12,15-> prints trees
5,1,2,3,9,10,11,12,15,16,...). Use C<.> (dot) as range to print only
the current tree from each file (i.e. the tree specified using
tree-number suffix of the file URL).

=item B<--command> command

System command to send the output to (e.g. C<lpr> to print on the
default printer on UNIX platform).

=item B<--toFile> 1|0

If set to 1, the output is saved to a file specified in B<--filename>.

=item B<--filename> filename

Output filename (only when printing to file). This option is useful
only when printing a single file.

If converting several files, it is recommended to use btred options
B<--strip-prefix>, B<--add-prefix>, B<--strip-suffix>, B<--add-suffix>
which this script obeys.

=item B<--format> PS|PDF|SVG|EPS|ImageMagick

Target format. Default is PDF.

=item B<--noRotate> 1|0

If 1, disables automatic landscape rotation of trees which are wider
than taller.

=item B<--sentenceInfo> 1|0

If set to 1, this command prints also the text associated with the

=item B<--fileInfo> 1|0

If set to 1, this command prints the filename and tree number
below each tree.

=item B<--imageMagickResolution> density

This value is passed to the command C<convert> of the ImageMagick
toolkit as B<--density>. It specifies the horizontal and vertical
resolution in pixels of the image.

=item B<--colors> 1|0

Set to 1 for colour output. Default is 1.

=item B<--hidden> 1|0

Set to 1 to print hidden nodes.

=item B<--psFontFile> font.pfa

Specifies the PostScript font file to be used instead of the default

=item B<---psFontAFMFile> font.afm

Specifies the PostScript ASCII metric font file to be used instead of
the default one.

=item B<--ttFont> font.ttf

Specifies the TrueType font file to be used when printing via PDF.

=item B<--fontSize> size

Font size.

=item B<--fmtWidth> width

Page width.

=item  B<--fmtHeight> height

Page height.

=item B<--hMargin> dimension

The size of the left and right horizontal margins.

=item B<--vMargin> dimension

The size of the top and bottom margins.

=item B<--maximize> 1|0

Expand small trees to fit the whole page size. (Shrinking is done

=item B<--psMedia> media

Specifies target given media size (used for PostScript, PDF, and SVG).
Possible values:

User (dimensions specified in B<--fmtHeight> and B<--fmtWidth>), BBox
(bounding box of the tree with only B<--hMargin> and B<--vMargin> added),
Letter, LetterSmall, Legal, Statement, Tabloid, Ledger, Folio, Quarto,
Executive, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A4Small, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, B0,
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, ISOB0, ISOB1, ISOB2, ISOB3,
ISOB4, ISOB5, ISOB6, ISOB7, ISOB8, ISOB9, ISOB10, C0, C1, C2, C3, C4,
C5, C6, C7, 7x9, 9x11, 9x12, 10x13, 10x14



The following options of C<btred> can be useful:

=over 3

=item B<--strip-prefix|-p> regexp

Remove strings matching a given regexp from the beginning of filenames
before saving.

=item B<--add-prefix|-r> prefix

Prepend output filenames with a given prefix.

=item B<--strip-suffix|-s> regexp

Strip strings matching a given regexp from the end of filenames.

=item B<--add-suffix|-a> suffix

Append a given suffix to the filenames.


=head1 LICENSE

This software is distributed under GPL - The General Public Licence.
Full text of the GPL can be found in the LICENSE file distributed with
this program and also on-line at

=head1 AUTHOR

Petr Pajas <>

Copyright 2007 Petr Pajas, All rights reserved.
