Changes for version 5.130840 - 2013-03-25

    • Can specify nsca_port to NSCA Store backend, in addition to the host


Fast SNMP data poller daemon, with storage and graphing
A simple YATG tutorial


RPC handler for YATG::Retrieve::Disk
RPC handler for YATG::Store::Disk
Configuration management for YATG
Retrieve a set of data stored by YATG::Store::Disk
Retrieve a set of polled data over the network
Back-end module to store polled data to disk
Back-end module to store polled data to a Memcached
Back-end module to send polled data to a Nagios service
Back-end module to store polled data over the network


in lib/YATG/
in lib/YATG/
in lib/YATG/Store/