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Bigtop::Docs::QuickKeywords - Short descriptions of all Bigtop keywords


This document is generated from Bigtop::Docs::Keywords. It is designed to be compact. See Bigtop::Docs::FullKeywords for more details. See Bigtop::Docs::TOC for an annotated list of all doc files.

 config {}
    engine - mod_perl 1.3, mod_perl 2.0, CGI, etc.
    template_engine - Template Toolkit, Mason, etc.
    plugins - List of Plugins i.e. AuthCookie Static
    Example Backend Block:
        SQL SQLite {}
    See Bigtop::Docs::Backends for the backends whose blocks can go here.

 app name {}
    no_gen - Skip this app completely
    location - Base Location of the app [defaults to /]
               Do not use if you have a Base Controller.
    authors - Who to blame for the app
    contact_us - How to send complaints or join the project
    copyright_holder - Who owns the app [defaults to 1st author]
    license_text - Restrictions [defaults to Perl license]
    uses - List of modules used by base module
           Do not use if you have a Base Controller.
    label - Documentation label for app

    config {}
        any_keyword its_value;    - creates:
            (1) config variable value pair in Gantry::Conf (or moral equiv.)
            (2) a statement to retrieve the set var in the base init method,
            (3) an accessor in the base module
        key value => no_accessor; - just does #1 from above

    literal Conf `...`; - top level of Gantry::Conf file
    literal PerlTop `...`; - immediately after shebang line in httpd.conf
                             <Perl> block and in the CGI scripts
    literal PerlBlock `...`; - in the httpd.conf <Perl> block (in order
                               with controllers)
    literal HttpdConf `...`; - between location directives in httpd.conf
    literal Location `...`; - in the base Location directive for the app
    literal SQL `...`; - dumped directly into all schemas

  table name {}
    no_gen - Skip this table completely
    not_for - Tell Model and/or SQL to skip this table
    foreign_display - Pattern string for other tables: %last, %first
    refered_to_by - Table has many rows from this other table
    model_base_class - Models inherit from this [has good default]
    sequence - Which sequence to take default keys from
    label - Documentation label for table
    data - What to INSERT INTO table upon initial creation
    field name {}
      no_gen - Skip this field completely
      not_for - Tell Model and/or SQL to skip this field
      is - SQL type clause phrases, e.g.:int4, varchar, primary_key, auto
      accessor - DBIx::Class alternate accessor name for this column
      add_columns - DBIx::Class alternate column addition
      refers_to - Where this foreign key points
      quasi_refers_to - Where this column usually points
      on_delete - What to do when foreign key column's row dies
      on_update - What to do when foreign key column's row changes
      label - Default on-screen label for field
      searchable - Include this field in searches?
      html_form_type - form type: text, textarea, select
      html_form_optional - May user skip this field?
      html_form_constraint - Data::FormValidator constraint, e.g.: qr{^\d$}
      html_form_default_value - Form element value when no other is available
      html_form_cols - cols attribute of text area
      html_form_rows - rows attribute of text area
      html_form_display_size - width attribute if type is text
      html_form_class - class attribute for the form field
      html_form_hint - form field hint
      html_form_options - Choices for fields of type select 
                          [ignored for refers_to fields]
      html_form_foreign - Display field is a foreign key
      html_form_onchange - Name of Javascript function to call on change
      html_form_fieldset - Name of fieldset to group this field into
      date_select_text - link text for date popup window
      html_form_raw_html - appears before this field's table row
      non_essential - Tells modeler: retrieve only when accessed
      pseudo_value - This is the definition for a pseudo field. By defining it, you're declaring the field as a pseudo field
      unique_name - Declare this field as unique, and use the value for the constraint name

  join_table name {}
    joins - Which tables does this one join?
    names - What should I call each has many?
    data - What to INSERT INTO table upon initial creation
    fields as for regular tables

  controller name is [type] {}  type defaults to stub
    no_gen - Skip this controller completely
    location - Absolute Location of this controller [non-base controllers
               must have either a location or a rel_location.]
    rel_location - Location of this controller relative to app location
                   [non-base controllers must have location or rel_location.]
    controls_table - Table this controller manages
    gen_uses - List of modules used in gen module
               use list ex: qw( :default )
    stub_uses - List of modules used in stub module
    uses - List of modules used by gen and stub modules
    plugins - List of plugins used by gen module
    text_description - Required for Gantry's AutoCRUD
    page_link_label - Link text in navigation bar
                      [use only for navigable controllers]
    autocrud_helper - Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUDHelper for your ORM
    skip_test - Skip default page hit test of this controller
    soap_name - Base of all WSDL names
    namespace_base - Base URL of WSDL namespace including domain
    config [name] {} same as at app level, but overrides it for one controller
    literal Location `...`; - in Location block for this controller
    literal GantryLocation `...`; - in GantryLocation block for this controller

    There are three types with meaning (saying 'is stub' does nothing):
        AutoCRUD - adds Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD to your uses list
        CRUD     - adds Gantry::Plugins::CRUD to your uses list
                   generates various helper code for using CRUD in the stub
        base_controller - governs the app's main module (and its GEN partner)

    method name is type {}
        no_gen - Skip this method completely
      all but SOAP
        extra_args - Extra args for any method
      main listing
        order_by - Exact text of SQL order by
        rows - How many rows should appear per listing page?
        paged_conf - Take rows per page from this (conf var) accessor
        cols - Fields to include in main_listing
        col_labels - Labels for fields on main_listing
                     [optional default uses field labels]
        pseudo_cols - Pseudo Fields to include in main_listing
        livesearch - Places a search box on results page
        header_options - User actions affecting the table [like Add]
        header_option_perms - The table permission which controls options
                              Pick from create, retrieve, update, or delete
        row_options - User actions affecting rows [like Edit]
                      Locations should not end with / or 
                      include $id
        row_option_perms - The table permission which controls options
                           Pick from create, retrieve, update, or delete
        limit_by - If an arg is supplied, show only matching rows
        where_terms - Where clause will include these equality tests
      main listing and links
        title - Browser title bar title for main_listing
        html_template - Template to use for main_listing
                        [defaults to or]
        authed_methods - Controller methods that require auth
        permissions - Set table permissions e.g. crudcr--cr--
        literal - Supply a custom perl hashref
        all_fields_but - Fields to exclude from a form
                         [either all_fields_but or fields is REQUIRED]
        fields - Fields to include on a form
                 [either all_fields_but or fields is REQUIRED]
        extra_keys - Extra keys to put in the form method hash
        form_name - Form name [used with date selections]
        expects - Things your SOAP method receives
        returns - Things your SOAP method returns


The skip/keywords script generated this file Sat Jul 10 17:04:08 2010. The script was written by Phil Crow <>.


Copyright (C) 2007 by Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

But keep in mind that it was generated. Make modifications to the generting script.