Changes for version 0.17 - 2015-01-28

  • Allow integer and floating point type default to 0 when not provided without warning
  • You can now take the sizeof a custom type (it will be the size of the native type that is actually passed on the C argument stack).
  • Sizeof should be faster now as it doesn't look up the other meta information or create a hash to contain it
  • Added record type see FFI::Platypus::Type#Records
  • Added bool as a primitive type.


Defining types for FFI::Platypus


Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries without C or XS
Platypus arguments and return value API for custom types
Convert scalars to C buffers
Declarative interface to FFI::Platypus
Memory functions for FFI
Convert string scalar to a buffer as a pointer / size_t combination
Convert a pointer to a string and back
Build Perl extensions in C with FFI


in lib/FFI/
in lib/FFI/
in lib/FFI/
in lib/FFI/