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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# $Id: quikwiki.cgi,v 1.5 2007/06/26 04:26:53 kiesling Exp $

use warnings;

my $httpheader =<<ENDHTTP;
Content-type: text/html


my $starthtml =<<ENDTITLE;
<style type="text/css">
BODY {font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 11 px; } 
</head><body bgcolor="white">

my $endhtml=<<ENDENDHTML;

# Paths to Wiki pages if the site must keep QuikWiki in
# another directory, like /cgi-bin.  
my @wikipath = split ':', $ENV{WIKIPATH} if defined ($ENV{WIKIPATH});
#  If you don't want to add SetEnv or PassEnv statements to 
#  httpd.conf, you can add paths here.
unshift @wikipath, qw(./);

my $rcs_path = `which rcs`;
#my $rcs_ok = ((-d 'RCS') && (length($rcs_path) && $rcs_path !~ /no rcs/))?1:0;
my $rcs_ok = ((w_d ('RCS')) && (length($rcs_path) && $rcs_path !~ /no rcs/))?1:0;

my $s = $ENV{SERVER_NAME};
my $scriptname = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
my $method = $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD};
my ($pboundary, $content, $content_length);
my $referer = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
if ($method =~ /POST/) {
    ($pboundary) = ($ENV{CONTENT_TYPE} =~ /boundary=(.*)/);
    $content_length = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH};
    binmode STDIN, ':crlf';
    read STDIN, $content, $content_length;
    w_save ($content);

my ($word, $action, $data) = split '&', $q, 3;
$word = 'HomePage' if ! $word;

# $action = ($action and -f $word) ? $action : ((! -f $word ) ? 'edit' : 'view');
$action = ($action and w_f ($word)) ? $action : ((! w_f ($word)) ? 'edit' : 'view');

# my $page =  (-f $word) ? w_read ($word) : "Describe $word here.";
my $page =  (w_f ($word)) ? w_read ($word) : "Describe $word here.";

my $editor = <<ENDEDIT;
<form method="post" action="?$word">
<input type="hidden" name="newname" value="$word">
<textarea name="text" cols="80" rows="30">$page</textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save">
<input type="submit" value="Save Page">

if ($word =~ /doc|pod/) {
    print $httpheader . $starthtml;
    w_eval (w_f ('WikiHeader')) if w_f ('WikiHeader');
    seek DATA, 0, 0;
    $d = join "", (<DATA>);
    $dir = `pwd`; chomp $dir;
    chdir '/tmp' or do { w_pre ("chdir /tmp: $!\n"); return; };
    open POD, "|pod2html" or do {w_pre ("doc: $!"); return; };
    print POD $d; 
    close POD;
    w_eval (w_f ('WikiFooter')) if w_f ('WikiFooter');
    print $endhtml;
    unlink qw /pod2htmi.tmp pod2htmd.tmp/;
    chdir $dir or do { w_pre ("chdir $dir: $!\n"); return;};
    exit 0;

if ($word =~ /self/) {
    seek DATA, 0, 0; 
    w_pre( join "", (<DATA>));
    exit 0;

if ($word =~ /words/) { 
    my $wordspage = undef;
    foreach my $d (@wikipath) {
	opendir DIR, $d or do {w_pre ("$d: $!");};
	my @files = grep {/^[A-Z]/ && ! -d $_} readdir DIR;
	closedir DIR;
	@sortedwords = sort @files;
	foreach (@sortedwords) {
	    if (filetype ("$d/$_") =~ /text/) {
		$wordspage .= qq{<a href="?$_">$_</a><br>};
	    } else {
		$wordspage .= qq{<a href="?image&$_">$_</a><br>};
    w_pre ($wordspage);
    exit 0;

if ($word =~ /image/) {
    no warnings;
    ($imword, $imname) = split /&/, $q;
    no warnings;
    $impage = qq{<p><img src="$imname" alt="$imname">};
    w_out ($impage);
    exit 0;

if ($action =~ /view/) {
    w_out ($page);
    exit 0;

if ($action =~ /edit/) {
    print $httpheader . $starthtml;
    print qq{<font size="3"><b>Edit "$word"</b></font><br><hr>};
    print $editor . $endhtml;
    exit 0;

sub w_save {
    my $content = $_[0];
    my ($newname) = ($content =~ /name=(.*?)&/);
    my ($text) = ($content =~ /.*?&text=(.*)&action=.*$/);
    $text =~ s/\+/ /g;
    $text =~ s/%(..)/pack ('c', hex ($1))/ge;
    w_write ($newname, $text);
    w_out ($text);
    exit 0;

sub w_read {
    my $n = $_[0];
    my $p;
    if (-f $n) {
	open WORD, $n or do {return "$n: $!"};
    } elsif ($p = w_f ($n)) {
	open WORD, $p or do {return "$p: $!"};
    } else {
	return "$p: $!";
    my $s = undef;
    while (defined ($l = <WORD>)) { $s .= $l }
    close WORD;
    return $s;

sub w_f {
    foreach my $path (@wikipath) {
	return "$path/$_[0]" if -f "$path/$_[0]";
    return undef;

sub  w_d {
    foreach my $path (@wikipath) {
	return "$path/$_[0]" if -d "$path/$_[0]";
    return undef;

sub w_write {
    my ($name, $text) = @_;
    my $rcspath = $filepath = $basepath = undef;
    $rcspath = w_d ('RCS') if w_d ('RCS');
    $filepath = w_f ($name) if w_f ($name);
    ($basepath) = ($filepath =~ m|(.*/)|);
    if ($rcs_ok and ((! $filepath) or (! w_f ("$basepath/RCS/$name,v")))) {
	print STDERR "***\n";
	`rcs -i -U -t-"Wiki Page $filepath." $filepath`;
    rename $filepath, "$filepath.bak" if (-f $filepath && ! $rcs_ok);
    open OUT, ">$filepath" or do {w_pre ("Save $name: $!\n"); return 1; };
    print OUT $text;
    print OUT "\n" if $text !~ /\n$/;
    close OUT;
    `ci -u -m'User revision.' $filepath` if $rcs_ok;

sub w_pre {
    my $page = $_[0];
    print $httpheader . $starthtml;
    w_eval (w_f ('WikiHeader')) if w_f ('WikiHeader');
    print qq{<pre>$page</pre>};
    w_eval (w_f ('WikiFooter')) if w_f ('WikiFooter');
    print $endhtml;

sub w_out {
    my $page = $_[0];
    $page = words($page);
    $page = lines($page);
    print $httpheader . $starthtml;
    w_eval (w_f ('WikiHeader')) if w_f ('WikiHeader');
    if ($page =~ /\<\%|\%\>/) {w_page_eval($page); } else {print qq|$page<p>|;}
    w_eval (w_f ('WikiFooter')) if w_f ('WikiFooter');
    print $endhtml;
    exit 0;

sub w_eval {
    my $script = w_read ($_[0]);
    while ($script =~ /\<\%.*?\%\>/s) {
	my ($text, $expr, $rest) = 
	    ($script =~ /^(.*?)\<\%(.*?)\%\>(.*)$/s);
	my $l = lines ($text); print $l;
	eval $expr;
	print ('<br>'. $@.'<br>') if $@;
	$script = $rest;
    print lines( $script);

sub w_page_eval {
    my $script = $_[0];
    while ($script =~ /\<\%.*?\%\>/s) {
	my ($text, $expr, $rest) = 
	    ($script =~ /^(.*?)\<\%(.*?)\%\>(.*)$/s);
	print $text;
	eval $expr;
	print ('<br>'. $@.'<br>') if $@;
	$script = $rest;
    print lines( $script);

sub words {
    $page = $_[0];
    foreach my $st (split /\s|\r?\n|\'|\\|\"|\?|\.|\:|,|\*/, $page) {
	next if $st !~ /^[A-Z]/ || ! w_f ($st);
	$page =~ s/([^\w"<\?])$st([^\w"])/$1<a href="?$st">$st<\/a>$2/g
	    if (filetype (w_f ($st)) =~ /text/);
	$page =~ s/([^\w"<\?])$st([^\w"])/$1<img src="$st" alt="$st">$2/g
	    if (filetype (w_f ($st)) =~ /png|jpeg/);
    return $page;

sub filetype {
    my $path = $_[0];
    return 0 if ! -f $path;
    my $c = w_read($path);
    return 'png' if (substr ($c, 1, 3) =~ /PNG/);
    return 'jpeg' if (substr ($c, 6, 4) =~ /JFIF/);
    return 'text';

sub lines {
    my $page = $_[0];
    my $expr = 0;
    # Replace blank lines with paragraph tags.
    # If line is indented, wrap in <tt> tags and <br>.
    $page =~ s/\n\s*?\n|\r\n\s*?\r\n/\n<p>\n/smg;
    # Bold and Italic
    # These are usually okay within expressions, because
    # they should be quoted in Perl.
    $page =~ s/\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/<b>$1<\/b>/smg;
    $page =~ s/\'\'(.*?)\'\'/<i>$1<\/i>/smg;
    my $newpage = '';
    # Other tags should be omitted within expressions.
    foreach my $l (split /(\n)/, $page) {
	$expr = 1 if ($l =~ /\<\%/);
	if ($expr) { $newpage .= $l; next; }
	$expr = 0 if ($l =~ /\%\>/);
	if ($l =~ /^(\t|        )\*/) {
	    $l =~ s/^(\t|        )\*/<li>/;
	    $newpage .= $l;
	} elsif (substr ($l, 0, 1) eq ' ') {
	    local $i = 0;
	    while ( substr($l, $i, 1) eq ' ') {
		substr($l, $i++, 1, '&nbsp;');
	    $newpage .= "<tt>$l</tt><br>\n";
	} elsif ($l =~ /^----/) {
	    $l =~ s/^----//;
	    $newpage .= ('<hr>' . $l);
	} else {
	    $newpage .= "$l";
    return $newpage;


=head1 NAME

quikwiki.cgi - Simple Perl/CGI Wiki.


  # View the page named, "HomePage."

  # Edit the page, "HomePage."

  # Create and edit page named, "NewPage."

  # View the QuikReference page.

  # If quickwiki.cgi is renamed or symlinked to index.cgi:


  # Edit the page named, "MyPage."  

  # Create and edit page named, "NewPage."


QuikWiki outputs HTML of text files ("pages") that contain Wiki markup
tags (see, "L<"Text Markup">") and references to other pages and
images ("words").  QuikWiki's words correspond to page and image
files.  When displayed, word references appear in HTML B<E<lt>a
hrefE<gt>> tags.

By convention Wiki words start with uppercase letters and contain
mixed-case alphanumeric characters.  These are valid words.


"L<"Documentation Words">" and "L<"Action Words">," tell QuikWiki
which action to take when displaying pages.

URL parameters provide page and action words. If the URL does not
contain arguments, B<HomePage> is the default page and B<view> is the
default action word.  Refer to "L<"SYNOPSIS">," above.

To display a list of the words that QuikWiki knows about, use the,
"L<"words">," word.

QuikWiki replaces JPEG and PNG words with the images and can display
images separately with the L<"image"> word. 

Optionally, Revision Control System, if installed, can store page
revisions. (See, "L<"Backups and Revisions">").

The template files, "WikiHeader," and, "WikiFooter," format page
headers and footers.  These files contain Perl code and are evaluated
instead of displayed.  (See, L<"Embedding Perl">.)

=head2 Documentation Words

These are the documentation words that QuikWiki recognizes.

=head3 self

Output the QuikWiki source code.  To save in a text file, use a 
shell command similar to the following.

  lynx -dump -width 100 http://<server>/?self >quikwiki.cgi

=head3 doc | pod

Print the POD documentation.

=head3 words

Display sorted list of words and links to pages.


=head2 Action Words

These are the action words that QuikWiki recognizes.

=head3 edit

Display the editor form and edit a page.

=head3 image

Display an image on a separate page. 


=head3 new

Create and edit a new page.

=head3 view 

Display the page - this is the default.

=head2 Text Markup

=head3 Paragraphs

Do not indent paragraphs.  Separate paragraphs with a blank line.

=head3 Character Emphasis

B<Bold> text begins and ends with three single quotes (''').
I<Emphasized> (italic) text begins and ends with two single quotes

=head3 Preformatted Text

Lines that begin with one or more spaces maintain their
formatting and are printed in monospaced <tt> font.

=head3 Horizontal Rules

Lines that begin with four or more hyphens are displayed as rules.

=head3 List Items

List items begin with a tab and an asterisk, or eight spaces and 
an asterisk.

=head2 Backups and Revisions

QuikWiki uses RCS for revisions if the system has the B<rcs> and B<ci>
programs, and the document directory contains a B<RCS> subdirectory.
Make sure that the Web server can write to the RCS subdirectory and

QuikWiki uses non-strict locking for RCS revisions.

Without RCS or a RCS subdirectory, QuikWiki renames previous versions
of the page with a B<.bak> extension.

=head2 Page Directories

If Web site security requires that the QuikWiki CGI script be
installed in a directory like cgi-bin, then you must tell
QuikWiki where to find its pages.  

The Web server environment variable, I<$WIKIPATH,> contains a list
of directories, separated by colons, that QuikWiki can search
for its pages.

Refer to the file, F<README,> for information about configuring,

=head2 Embedding Perl

Lines within, "<%," and, "%>," get evaluated by Perl and then displayed.
Pages that contain embedded Perl code can generate dynamic content.  Here is
a page that displays, "Hello, World!" and the date and time in bold type.

  Hello, world!  The date and time is:
    $t=localtime ();
    $a = qq{'''$t.'''};
    print lines ($a);

Values and operations are accessible via internal variables and
functions.  The variable B<$word,> for example, is the name of the
currently displayed page, and B<$s> is the name of the HTTP server.
The function B<lines(I<pagetext>)> performs markup formatting.  Variables
that you define within a template script are local to that template.

The templates, F<WikiHeader>, and, F<WikiFooter>, use embedded Perl to
format page Headers and Footers.

=head1 VERSION

$Id: quikwiki.cgi,v 1.5 2007/06/26 04:26:53 kiesling Exp $

=head1 CREDITS

The idea for QuikWiki, and a few of the coding tricks, came from Scott
Walter's tinywiki, although the code is (slightly) less obfuscated.  

The text markup conventions come from WikiWiki.

Written by Robert Kiesling,

Copyright © 2003-2007 by Robert Kiesling.  QuikWiki is licensed under
the same terms as Perl.  Refer to the file, "Artistic," for details.

