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Test::Count - Module for keeping track of the number of tests in a test script.


    $ cat "t/mytest.t" | perl -MTest::Count::Filter -e 'filter()'


Test::Count is a set of perl modules for keeping track of the number of tests in a test file. It works by putting in comments of the form # TEST (one test), # TEST*$EXPR or # TEST+$EXPR (both are multiple tests). Test::Count count these tests throughout the fileand return all of their results.

One can put any mathematical expressions (using parentheses, +, -, *, / and % there). One can also assign variables using # TEST:$myvar=5+6;$second_var=$myvar+3 and later use them in the add to count expressions. A $var++ construct is also available.

One can find example test scripts under t/.

A simple Vim ( function to update the count of the tests in the file is:

    function! Perl_Tests_Count()
        %!perl -MTest::Count::Filter -e 'Test::Count::Filter->new({})->process()'


my $counter = Test::Count->new({'input_fh' => \*MYFILEHANDLE});

Creates a new Test::Count object that process the filehandle specified in 'input_fh'. Optional keys are:

  • 'assert_prefix_regex' => qr{; TEST}

    A regular expression for specifying the prefix for a "TEST" assertion that updates the grammar. Defaults to "# TEST".


Process the filehandle specified in 'input_fh' in ->new(), and return a hash ref with the following keys:

  • tests_count

    The count of the test.

  • lines

    The lines of the stream as is.


You can put any mathematical expressions (using parentheses, +, -, *, / and % there). You can also assign variables using # TEST:$myvar=5+6;$second_var=$myvar+3 and later use them in the add to count expressions. A $var++ construct is also available. Also available are +=, -= and *=.

You can also do # TEST:source "path-to-file-here.txt" where the filename comes in quotes, in order to include the filename and process it (similar to the C-shell or Bash "source" command) . You can use the special variable $^CURRENT_DIRNAME there for the dirname of the current file.

Finally, # TEST*EXPR() and # TEST+$EXPR() add tests to the count.



The first example is very trivial:


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Test::More tests => 2;

    # TEST
    ok (1, "True is true.");

        my $val = 'foobar';

        # TEST
        is ($val, 'foobar', 'The variable $val has the right value.');

As you can see, the # TEST comments are very close to the assertions where they are easily noticable and easy to maintain by the tests (if more tests are added or removed).


Now, let's suppose you have several files which you'd like to make sure validate according to the spec, and are processed well using the processor.


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Test::More tests => 18;
    use IO::All;
    use Test::Differences;

    use MyFormatProcessor;

    # TEST:$num_files=6;
    my @basenames =

    foreach my $basename (@basenames)
        my $processor = MyFormatProcessor->new(
                filename => "t/data/input/$basename.myformat",

        # TEST*$num_files
        ok ($processor,
            "Construction of a processor for '$basename' was successful."

        # TEST*$num_files
        ok (scalar($processor->is_valid()), "'$basename' is valid.");

        # TEST*$num_files
        eq_or_diff ($processor->convert_to_xhtml,
            "Converting '$basename' is successful."

As you can see, the number of files is kept in one central place, and each assertion inside the loop is multiplied by it. So if we add or remove files, we only need to add or remove them from their declarations.


Shlomi Fish, .


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-test-count at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Test::Count

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2006 Shlomi Fish.

This program is released under the following license: MIT X11.