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Catalyst::Plugin::Bread::Board - use Bread::Board to configure your Catalyst app


  # ... the Catalyst application

  package My::App;
  use Moose;

  use Catalyst qw[

      'Plugin::Bread::Board' => {
          container => My::App::Container->new(
              name     => 'My::App',
              app_root => __PACKAGE__->path_to('.')

  # ... now the container

  package My::App::Container;
  use Moose;
  use Bread::Board;

  extends 'Catalyst::Plugin::Bread::Board::Container';

  sub BUILD {
      my $self = shift;

      container $self => as {

          container 'Model' => as {
              container 'DBIC' => as {
                  service 'schema_class' => 'Test::App::Schema::DB';
                  service 'connect_info' => [

          container 'View' => as {
              container 'TT' => as {
                  service 'TEMPLATE_EXTENSION' => '.tt';
                  service 'INCLUDE_PATH'       => (
                      block => sub {
                          my $root = (shift)->param('app_root');
                          [ $root->subdir('root/templates')->stringify ]
                      dependencies => [ depends_on('/app_root') ]



This is a very early release of this module, so you have been warned!


This module allows you to use Bread::Board as a replacement for you standard Catalyst configuration. As you can see from the SYNOPSIS you subclass the Catalyst::Plugin::Bread::Board::Container class and create your own Bread::Board container to hold all the normal Catalyst configuration data.

At first glance this may look just like a more verbose way to write your Catalyst configuration. And on some level that is exactly what it is right now. (We do have plans to write something to read in those old Catalyst configurations and turn them into Bread::Board configs like above). But, there is more to this then just more typing, this module provides two features which are not present in your basic Catalyst configurations.

Config info is easily accessible outside of Catalyst

It is easy to instantiate the container completely outside of the Catalyst application and use it in your utility scripts or in other applications entirely. Here is an example of a parameterized container that would allow you to use the DBIx::Class::Schema outside of Catalyst.

  my $c = container 'DBIC' => [ 'SchemaInfo' ] => as {
      service 'schema' => (
          class => 'DBIx::Class::Schema',
          block => sub {
              my $s = shift;
                  @{ $s->param('connect_info') }
          dependencies => {
              schema_class => depends_on('SchemaInfo/schema_class'),
              connect_info => depends_on('SchemaInfo/connect_info'),

  my $schema = $c->create(
      SchemaInfo => $catalyst_container->fetch('Model/DBIC')

There are plans to provide a set of common utility containers such as this in the core module, look for future releases.

Configurations are easily subclassable

As discussed in Bread::Board::Manual::Concepts::Advanced it is possible to subclass these containers in such ways that it would be possible to essentially subclass and inherit your configurations. Here is an example of doing just that with the container from the SYNOPSIS.

  package My::App::Extended::Container;
  use Moose;
  use Bread::Board;

  extends 'My::App::Container';

  sub BUILD {
      my $self = shift;
          container 'KiokuDB' => (
              model_class => 'My::App::Kioku::Model',
              dsn         => 'bdb:dir=root/db',

This would give you all the same stuff as the original My::App::Container but would also add another model.


All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT.


Stevan Little <>


Copyright 2010 Infinity Interactive, Inc.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.